
toprob wrote:
It is inevitable that most simmers want scenery for areas they know, or can relate to, so although New Zealand appears -- to us -- to be a popular choice, just about anywhere else is guaranteed to sell at least twice the number of units, and more.

I've heard this argument several times, including from ORBX, but continually disagree. ORBX themselves provides the counterevidence. Their PNG series seems to be a bestseller and is ever more expanded. Which percentage of the flight simmers would you think have ever been in New Guinea? Maybe 0.01 %, but probably less. Did you ever meet a simmer from PNG???

And, btw., I think there's not even so much difference in landscape (bear with me, I say this as an European), PNG has stunning mountains (net even as high as NZ), difficult approaches, beautifiul beaches, which all New Zealand sports as well. Moreover, NZ has a hand full of fascinating cities/towns and a number of beautiful larger airports which PNG lacks.

There must be something beyond that argument which I unfortunately couldn't reveal yet.

However, Robin, you can be sure I'll get Dunedin at day one.

Kind regards, Michael

Statistics: Posted by MichaelBasler — Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:46 pm

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