April 29, 2016 at Grace & St. Paul’s Church in New York.
Ren Gyo Soh 2nd year anniversary event: UNFIX NYC
–Creating an Awareness of Ecology through Performing Arts–
In 3 days…
WORKSHOP(Transformation; Be the change)
PERFORMANCES (Butoh, Physical Theatre)
YOGA (with Live Music & Meditation)
UNFIX NYC is a new festival of Performance and Ecology taking place at Grace & St. Paul Church on April 29-May 1 2016, presented by Ren Gyo Soh. UNFIX Festival started in Glasgow (Scotland) in 2015, created by performance artist and Butoh dancer Paul Michael Henry (www.unfixfestival.com), and Ren Gyo Soh is excited to bring it to New York as their 2nd anniversary celebration and fundraising event.
UNFIX is a multi-art form event fusing live performance, dance, installation, workshops and debate in a bid to unravel the knots in how we’re living. Ecological crisis and renewal addressed through our bodies and physical sense of being alive.
This New York City version is the first collaboration between UNFIX and Ren Gyo Soh, which the two groups hope to make an annual event. We want to simultaneously celebrate and question our relationship to each other, to the planet on which we live, to our own imaginations and the structures that mould us in this time of ecological crisis.
This year Ren Gyo Soh, a Butoh-based theatre company in NYC celebrates its 2nd anniversary, and is using the opportunity to present UNFIX as a bridge between performance and ecology (or artists and the Earth on which they work). Our program will include live performances, installations, workshops, and yoga with live music.
*UNFIX NYC is presented by Ren Gyo Soh, sponsored by The Ume Group and Grace & St. Paul Church.
Our Programme…
Day 1 – Friday, April 29th 6-9pm: Ren Gyo Soh Spring Workshop: Transformation; be the change
Day 2 – Saturday, April 30th 7-10pm: Performance / Installation / Discussion
Performed by…
The Ume Group
Kevin Augustin
Leah Marie Beltran
Bob Lyness
Jonathan Kopp
Paul Michael Henry
Ren Gyo Soh (Jordan Rosin, Jorge Luna, Laura Aristovulos, Tatiana Galliher Jackson and Yokko)
Installation work collaboration by Ren Gyo Soh & Vanessa Teran
Art work on the wall by Vanessa Teran
Discussion on Butoh & Ecology
guest speakers:
George Tsouris (a professor of Japanese literature and philosophy at City University of New York),
Jordan Rosin (The Producing Artistic Director of The Ume Group), Paul Michael Henry (The Artistic Director and founder of Unfix Festival in Scotland)
Day 3 – Sunday, May 1st, 2pm – 3:30pm: Yoga with Live music, meditation – sending a prayer to the planet
guest musician: Timothy Rusterholz (cellist)
More About UNFIX
-from Unfix Festival, Glasgow Scotland by Paul Michael Henry-
Why have a festival of Performance and Ecology?
The festival theme aims to identify an untapped resource for artists: Ecology is perhaps the grand theme of our times, uniting issues of climate change, sustainability, political independence / interdependence, and the various flows of ageing and death, economics, culture and emotion.
Rather than restricting ourselves to ‘environmental art’, UNFIX takes a broad definition of the term and includes ecologies of Imagination (the connections between the ideas, myths, dreams and archetypes we live by), Politics, Environment, Soul and Mental Health (the ecology of the individual psyche and questions of balance and happiness; ecologies of emotion and the forces of love, conflict, anger, shame).
This wide net is intended as an offer to artists to find methods of rethinking human inter-relationships and environmental approaches through our bodies and physical sense of living, both in daily life and the concentrated forums of performance and culture.
UNFIX is conceived as an act of love, a bear hug to the world, a prayer of sorts. As humans we don’t have to ‘work hard’ and ‘earn a living’; we already have one by virtue of being alive. The question is how to engage with it. How we can love each other more, and stop killing the planet?
We can no longer pretend to be separate from one another.
– From Ren Gyo Soh by Yokko, The Artistic Director –
I share deeply the point of view Unfix Festival is pushing. I believe we can do something about the direction our species is traveling in through arts. The world we see is a reflection of our mind. A long time ago, Nature and Human beings coexisted. We lived together on this planet, the earth. However, looking around, and back over recent history, its clear we have forgotten something. If we can start taking care of Nature, Mother nature will start taking care of itself. I believe we can stoke an awareness in ourselves as individuals and small communities, through our bodies and psyches. It might be a small step, but it can also become a ripple, and then a big wave. It is time for each one of us to think, feel and transform from our insides out, in resonance with the world. the oneness.
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
– Mahatma Gandhi
“Butoh is a dance of life”
– Kazuo Ono
“My dance is expansion of human concept- letting a human body metamorphosis into anything including an animal, a plant, even an object which does not have a life, and the fundamental ideology of my butoh is finding the possibility.”
-Tatsumi Hijikata
Price Rages:
Special discount Festival Passes!
3 days Pass: $45-50
2 days Pass: $20-40
if you are ONLY interested in workshop: $20-30
If you are ONLY interested in seeing performances: $15-20
If you are ONLY interested in Yoga: $10-15
For registring & Perchasing the tickets–
please visit:www.rengyosoh.com
any questions? contact with rengyosoh@gmail.com
See Unfix Festival NYC: creating an awareness of ecolo… on Evensi
Address: 123 W 71st St, New York
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