
The Simpson character Name List

•Michael Knight: Star of the TV Show Knightboat, “The crime solving boat!”

•Gerald: Monobrowed arch-nemesis of Maggie

•Ralph Wiggum: Paste-eating second-grader at Springfield Elementary

•Burns’ goon: One of Mr. Burns’ goons, seen in Homer’s Odyssey

•Springfield Gorge ranger: Park ranger at the gorge, briefly seen in Bart the Daredevil

•Antoine Tex O’Hara: Manager of The Isotopes baseball team in Dancing Homer

•McBain girl: McBain’s bit-on-the-side in ‘You Have the Right to Remain Dead’

•Stampy: Elephant that was Bart’s pet for a brief time

•John Swartzwelder: Writer for Itchy & Scratchy and lifelong friend of Krusty the Clown

•Deli guy: Delivered the 25ft sub that Bart ordered in My Sister, My Sister

•Luann Van Houten: Milhouse’s mom who was born in Shelbyville

•Frank Grimes: Temporary employee at the nuclear plant; tragically killed by his dislike of Homer Simpson

•Evelyn: Marge’s old high school acquaintance whom she meets in Scenes From the Class Struggle in Springfield

•Cosine: One of the ‘Superfriends’ from Bart’s Comet

•Judge Roy Snyder: Presides over cases at Springfield Courthouse; hates Lionel Hutz, who repeatedly ran over his son

•Robert Palmer Twin: Parody of the women from Palmer’s ‘Addicted to Love’ music video; seen in Homer’s Night Out, inexplicably on a double date with Mr. Burns and Smithers

•Robert Palmer Twin: Parody of the women from Palmer’s ‘Addicted to Love’ music video; seen in Homer’s Night Out, inexplicably on a double date with Mr. Burns and Smithers

•Trainee Cop: Forget about the badge! When do we get the freakin’ guns?!

•Professor Werner von Brawn: Wrestler from Bart the Daredevil

•Belle: Entrepreneuse and proprietoress of ‘La Maison Derriere’

•Mr. Jericho: Leader of the counterfeir jeans ring uncovered in The Springfield Connection

•Luigi: Italian chef, proprietor of Luigi’s restaurant

•E-mail: One of the ‘Superfriends’ from Bart’s Comet

•Ham: One of the ‘Superfriends’ from Bart’s Comet; Enjoys ham radio

•Helen Lovejoy: Gossipy wife of the Reverend

•Mayor Diamond Joe Quimby: The tax-cheating, wife-swapping, pot-smoking, spendocrat mayor of Springfield

•Princess Cashmere: Exotic dancer who was photographed dancing with Homer; Has also dated Apu

•John: Gay owner of Cockamamie’s Collectibles Shop; befriended the Simpson family in Homer’s Phobia

•Malloy: Cat burglar from Homer the Vigilante

•Sherri: One of Bart’s classmates and twin of Terri

•Ned Flanders: The Simpsons’ evangelical neighbour

•Bernice Hibbert: Dr. Hibbert’s wife

•Corporal Punishment: One of Krusty’s sideshows

•McGarnagle: The policeman who solves crimes in his spare time

•Kermit the Frog: Not quite a mop, not quite a puppet (appeared in Bart the Fink)

•Second Cousin Stanley Simpson: Shoots birds at the airport

•Dr. Nick Riviera: Not-entirely-competent doctor

•Simpson relative: Regional sales coordinator for the third largest distributor of bunk AND trundle beds

•Buddy ‘Fallout Boy’ Hodges: Played Radioactive Man’s sidekick in the original TV series

•Simpson relative: His legs hurt

•Lurleen Lumpkin: Country singer that Homer managed in Colonel Homer

•Great Uncle Chet: Runs an unsuccessful shrimp company

•Wendell: School kid who’s always ill

•Simpson relative: Environmental Lawyer

•Rod Flanders: The older Flanders child

•Lou the cop: Partner of Eddie

•Kearney: One of the bullies at school

•Dr. Simpson: Chief of complicated surgery at the Invasive Care Clinic

•Moldy: The ‘elder’ in The Happy Little Elves, a show Lisa used to love

•Actress: Hired by Mr. Burns to portray Marge

•Estonian Actor: Hired by Mr. Burns to portray Lisa

•Moroccan market stall owner: Sold Homer the Monkey’s Paw

•British Actor: Michael Caine-esque actor hired by Mr. Burns to portray Homer

•Maude Flanders: Wife of Ned; died in Season 11

•Roy: Brief guest in the Simpson home

•Hollis Hurlbut: President of the Springfield Historial Society

•Nelson Muntz: Local bully

•Chester Lampwick: Original creator of Itchy

•Frank Ormand: Pretzel vendor who sold a franchise to Marge

•Jebediah Obediah Zachariah Jedediah Springfield: Springfield founder and cultural icon

•Inanimate Carbon Rod: Worker of the Week

•Very Tall Man: Drives a very small car

•Amber Dempsey: Winner of the Little Miss Springfield competition

•Colonel Leslie Hap Hapablap: Will tear you up like a Kleenex at a snot party; appears twice on this poster

•Aristotle Amadopolis: Owner of Shelbyville Nuclear Power Plant (the other SNPP)

•Jaques: Marge’s bowling teacher; Surname is not Strap

•Australian Judge: Decided Bart needed ‘a little kick in the bum’

•Tobias Drundridge: Australian boy who accepted Bart’s collect call

•Bea Simmons: Grampa’s girlfriend until she died of a burst ventricle

•Kang: Sister of Kodos, aliens from the Treehouse of Horror episodes

•Ballet teacher: Taught Bart to dance in Homer vs. Patty and Selma

•Groundskeeper Willie: Keeper of the grounds, at Springfield Elementary

•Mrs. Glick: Simpsons’ neighbour on the other side to the Flandereses. Sold the house to run out the clock in Florida

•Fallout Boy: Jiminy Jillikers! It’s Radioactive Man’s sidekick!

•Bubbles: One of the Happy Little Elves, Lisa’s favorite show in the early years

•Leon Kompowski: Thought he was Michael Jackson

•Bear: Briefly adopted Maggie in Call of the Simpsons

•Mathemagician: Entertainer at Martin’s birthday party; Can conjure up magic sevens

•House of Evil proprietor: Sells forbidden objects from places men fear to tread…also froghurt

•Ugolin: Evil French guy from The Crepes of Wrath

•Cesar: Evil French guy from The Crepes of Wrath

•Grandma Van Houten: Lives in New York-esque suburb somewhere

•Eddie the cop: Partner of Lou; Normally yellow, but he obviously just got back from a holiday in the Caribbean

•Flying Hellfish: Logo for Grampa Simpson’s unit in the Second World War II

•Dizzy: One of the Seven Duffs

•Captain Horatio McCallister: Yarr, he’s not attractive

•Quimby bodyguard: One of Mayor Quimby’s burly protectors

•Tattoo removal guy: Lasered off Bart’s tattoo in Simpsons Roasting On An Open Fire

•German Scientist: Studied Homer, the ‘brilliant beast’, in Call of the Simpsons

•Ice Cream lady: Proprietor of Phineas Q. Butterfat’s; Manages to keep a trim figure

•Millicent: Stable owner from whom Homer bought a pony for Lisa in the episode Lisa’s Pony

•Rasputin the friendly Russian: Wrestler from Bart the Daredevil

•Sideshow Raheem: One of Krusty’s many sidekicks over the years, as seen in I Love Lisa

•Captain Horatio McCallister: Yarr, he’s not attractive

•Beer-N-Brawl Manager: Introduces Lurleen at the out-of-town redneck bar

•Shoshana: Snake’s girlfriend in a few episodes

•Nick Callahan: Estate agent at Red Blazer Realty

•Happy Sumo greeter: Employee at the Japanese restaurant in One Fish, Two Fish, Blue Fish, Blowfish; Though she had pink hair in said episode

•Snowball II: A weird fat version of the Simpsons’ cat

•Flaming Moe’s waitress: Worked at Moe’s for a short time before leaving to pursue a movie career

•The Chief: Patient at New Bedlam mental asylum in Stark Raving Dad; He’s a lot paler here

•Hannibal Lecter: Seen in New Bedlam mental asylum in Stark Raving Dad

•Jeff Albertson: More commonly known as ‘Comic Book Guy’, he is the proprietor of Android’s Dungeon, the comic book store

•Brandine Spuckler: Wife (and possibly sister) of Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel

•Mr. Teeny: Krusty’s rollerskating monkey

•Moe Szyslak: Local bartender and proprietor of Moe’s Tavern; subject to repeated prank calls

•Principal Seymour Skinner: Principal at Springfield Elementary school

•Melvin Van Horne: More commonly known as Sideshow Mel, he replaced Sideshow Bob on the ‘Krusty the Clown Show’

•Hank Scorpio: Evil supervillain and President of Globex Corporation

•Arnie Pye: Channel 6 News’ traffic reporter

•Salesman rom Ex-Con Security: Tried to convince Homer to seal off the doors and windows with bulletproof lucite

•Shelby: Bart’s doppelganger rival from Shelbyville

•Lunchlady Doris: Dinner lady at Springfield Elementary school cafeteria

•Agnes Skinner: Principal Skinner’s mother

•Band member: Drummer from ‘The Larry Davis Experience’ and ‘Krusty and the Krums’

•Band member: Keyboardist from ‘The Larry Davis Experience’ and ‘Krusty and the Krums’

•Band member: Tubist from ‘The Larry Davis Experience’ and ‘Krusty and the Krums’; Oddly, he was yellow in the former

•Captain Kook: One of the characters in The Happy Little Elves

•Stonecutter Alien: Kept under wraps by the Stonecutters

•Pahusacheta Nahaspeemapetilon: Niece of Apu and daughter of Sanjay

•Homer Simpson: Some guy

•Clancy Wiggum: Chief of Springfield Police

•Miss Elizabeth Hoover: Second grade teacher at Springfield Elementary

•Robert Underdunk Terwilliger: Known as ‘Sideshow Bob’ to friends and enemies alike; Krusty’s former sideshow who framed Krusty for armed robbery and tried to kill Bart on numerous occasions

•Jamshed Nahasapeemapetilon: Head of security at the Kwik-E-Mart

•Cowboy Bob: Proprietor of Bob’s RV Round-Up

•Barney Gumble: Homer’s best friend and stalwart of Moe’s Tavern

•I’m just hair!: Your head ended 18 inches ago

•Marge Simpson: Housewife and mother of the Simpson household

•Patty Bouvier: Marge’s sister and twin of Selma; She is openly gay

•Pet Store clerk: Worker at Springfield Pet Shop who believes he can communicate with dogs through a canine-human mind-meld

•Rex Banner: Cop who replaced Chief Wiggum during Springfield’s Prohibition period

•Gary: One of the three physics nerds at Springfield University

•Cecil Terwilliger: Brother of Sideshow Bob who tried to blow up Springfield Dam

•Recycling Hippie: Employee at Springfield Recycling Plant

•Evan Conover: Undersecretary for International Protocol, Brat and Punk Division; from Bart vs. Australia

•Handsome Pete: Dances for nickels down at Springfield Docks

•Tipsy: One of the Seven Duffs

•Jessica Lovejoy: Disobedient daughter of the Reverend, who was Bart’s love interest briefly

•The Leader: Chief of the Movementarians, who promised to whisk everyone off to the planet Blisstonia

•Dr. Marvin Monroe: Psychologist with a gravely voice

•Clown Doctor: One of Krusty’s many sideshows; appeared in Like Father, Like Clown

•Ethan Foley: Student at The Enriched Learning Center for Gifted Children; Often speaks in palindromes

•Park Ranger McFadden: Employee at Mount Useful from Mountain of Madness

•Pepi: Homer’s temporarily-adopted ‘Little Brother’

•Legs: Member of the ‘Legitimate Businessmen’s Social Club’; he’s the one with the raspy, low-pitched voice

•Coyote: Homer’s spirit guide after he ate Guatemalan insanity peppers

•Happy Sumo Master Chef: His skilled hands are always busy

•Simpson relative: Jug band manager

•Simpson relative: Begs celebrities for money

•Simpson relative: Steps in front of cars and sues the drivers

•Simpson relative: Plays a millionaire at parties… or at least, he’d like to…

•Selma Bouvier: Marge’s sister and twin of Patty. She’s the one who’s been married several times and has a baby, Ling

•Cooder: Carny who squatted in the Simpson home

•Mona Simpson: Homer’s mother, on the run from the law

•Mr. Bergstrom: Substitute teacher and hero of Lisa

•Gerald: Monobrowed arch-nemesis of Maggie

•Scott Christian: Newsreader at Channel 6. Used in lieu of Kent Brockman when he’s off or doing live reporting

•Stampy: Elephant that was Bart’s pet for a brief time

•French Policeman: Basically, the one nice French person; Appeared in The Crepes of Wrath

•Sam: Barfly at Moe’s Tavern. Spoke in Lisa the Greek

•Female judge: Sometimes used instead of Judge Snyder. It’s nice to see some chicks on the bench!

•Principal Dondelinger: Headteacher at Springfield High School

•Bullfighter: No way a bull’s gonna miss a target that big, man!; Appeared in Bart the Genius

•Lisa: Replacement for the real Lisa Simpson in The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase

•Veterinarian: Flunked out of dental school

•Number One: Head of The Stonecutters (now named ‘No Homers’)

•Snowball II: The Simpsons’ second cat; Somewhat ironically named since its black, not white like Snowball I

•Commandant at Rommelwood Military Academy: Appeared in The Secret War of Lisa Simpson

•Poochie: Short-lived Itchy and Scratchy character; Died on the way back to his home planet

•Crazy Old Man: Old grey mare she ain’t what she used to be…

•Karl: Homer’s temporary assistant when he had hair

•Bruno Drundridge: Australian guy billed nine hundred dollary-doos for Bart’s collect call

•Gil Gunderson: Terrible at everything, and thus changes jobs regularly

•Jimmy the Scumbag: Frankly, I would have expected better from him

•Emily Winthrop: Dog trainer from Bart’s Dog Gets An F

•Mary Bailey: Governor of Springfield

•Space Mutant: The star of the ‘Space Mutants’ franchise from the shorts and early series

•Sanjay Nahasapeemapetilon: Apu’s brother and Kwik-E-Mart clerk

•Sarah Wiggum: Wife of Chief Clancy, mother of Ralph

•Remorseful: One of the Seven Duffs

•Edgy: One of the Seven Duffs

•Louie: Member of the ‘Legitimate Businessmen’s Social Club’; he’s the one with the high-pitched voice

•Adil Hoxha: Albanian exchange-student-come-spy

•Radioactive Man: Comic Book hero

•Waylon Smithers: Sycophantic assistant to Mr. Burns

•Jebediah Obediah Zachariah Jedediah Springfield: Springfield founder and cultural icon

•Apu Nahasapeemapetilon: Proprietor of the Kwik-E-Mart convenience store; has been shot eight times this year and as a consequence, almost missed work

•Fritz: German businessman that bought the nuclear plant in Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk

•Mobster: Member of the ‘Legitimate Businessmen’s Social Club’

•Bob Arnold: Congressman for whatever state Springfield is in

•Marty: One half of ‘Bill and Marty’, DJs on KBBL radio

•Pedro the Bumblebee Man: Originally on Channel Ocho but was poached by Krusty for his show

•Brittany Brockman: Kent Brockman’s daughter; was right about the Berlin Wall

•Mother of Sherri/Terri: Seen in Bart Sells His Soul

•Otto Mann: School bus driver and pothead

•Surly Joe: The only foundation repair guy in town

•Ruth Power: The Simpsons’ next door neighbour (on the other side to the Flandereses) ever since the Winfields moved away to Florida

•Database: Regular nerd and member of the ‘Superfriends’ from Bart’s Comet

•Blue-Haired Lawyer: Unnamed attorney with a nasally voice; often seen at the head of Burns’ team of lawyers

•The Devil: Appeared when Bart visits Hell in Bart Gets Hit By a Car

•Lewis: One of Bart’s schoolfriends

•Frank Grimes: Temporary employee at the nuclear plant; tragically killed by his dislike of Homer Simpson

•Luann Van Houten: Milhouse’s mom who was born in Shelbyville

•Dr. Foster: Child psychologist who mentored Ned Flanders as a child, and again when he went crazy after a hurricane tore down his house

•Dolph: The quieter of the school bullies

•Jimbo Jones: School bully whose real name is ‘Corky’

•Roger Meyers, Jr.: CEO of Itchy & Scratchy Studios, founded by his father

•Bleeding Gums Murphy: Jazz musician and idol to Lisa Simpson

•Martin Prince: Fourth grade class brain at Springfield Elementary with an IQ of 216

•McBain: Clichéd action hero

•Hans Moleman: 31-year-old recovering alcoholic; gets injured a lot

•Üter: Foreign exchange student; don’t make him run, he’s full of chocolate!

•Professor Lombardo: Art teacher at Springfield Community College from Brush With Greatness

•Todd Flanders: The younger Flanders child; has a pet woodpecker

•Llewellyn Sinclair: Director of ‘Oh Streetcar!’ in A Streetcar Named Marge

•Mr. Largo: Music teacher as Springfield Elementary

•Mr. Prince: Martin Prince’s father

•Education Center employee: Interviews Homer at the Adult Education Center

•Leopold: Alright you little punks, pick up your freakin’ ears ’cause I’m only gonna say this once… this is Superintendent Chalmers’ assistant!

•Janey: One of Lisa’s (few) schoolfriends

•Birch Barlow: Ultra-Conservative and author of the bestselling book ‘Only Turkeys Have Left Wings’

•Erin: Lisa’s holiday friend from Little Pwagmattasquarmesettport (Summer of 4 Ft. 2)

•Tattoo Annie: Currently incarcerated at Springfield Women’s Prison

•Terri: One of Bart’s classmates and twin of Sherri

•Dooley: One of Bart’s classmates, seen in Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily

•Anthony ‘Fat Tony’ D’Amico: Chairman of the Legitimate Businessmen’s Social Club

•Troy McClure: Actor and television presenter – you may remember him from such productions as ‘Gladys The Groovy Mule’ and ‘Lead Paint, Delicious But Deadly’

•Reverend Lovejoy: Minister at the First Church of Springfield

•Bearded Lady: One of Krusty the Clown’s many sideshows

•Shary Bobbins: British nanny that briefly took care of the Simpson kids; unfortunately died on her departure

•Ned Flanders: The Simpsons’ evangelical neighbour

•Ralph Wiggum: Paste-eating second-grader at Springfield Elementary

•Matt Groening: Right-wing nutjob

•Larry: One of the barflies at Moe’s Tavern

•Kodos: Sister of Kang, aliens from the Treehouse of Horror episodes

•Akira: Japanese waiter and chef

•Don Vittorio DiMaggio: Elderly mafia member from Homie the Clown

•Jimmy: Child actor appearing alongside Troy McClure in many informational films

•Sir Oinks-A-Lot: Beloved mascot of Springfield A&M; one of Richard Nixon’s best friends

•Human Fly: Come on! I stayed up all night dying my underwear!

•Blinky: Three-eyed fish, mutated by toxic waste from Springfield Nuclear Power Plant; and with a taste that can’t be beat!

•Bobo: Mr. Burns’ cherished teddy bear

•Samantha Stanky: Briefly a student at Springfield Elementary where she fell in love with Milhouse

•Laddie: Intelligent and well-behaved dog the Simpsons owned for a while; now a police dog

•Stewart: Lazy duck who works at the power plant

•Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon: Apu’s wife through an arranged marriage

•Freddy Quimby: It’s pronounced Chow-dah!

•Smooth Jimmy Apollo: Football pundit from Lisa the Greek; declares teams his ‘Lock of the Week’

•Nigel: Be Sharps manager; Stars discovered, fortunes made, hats blocked

•Dr. Zweig: Marge’s psychologist in Fear of Flying

•Dr. Colossus: Was in jail in Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part One)

•Mrs. Prince: Martin’s mother

•Smilin’ Joe Fission: Mascot of Springfield Nuclear Power Plant

•Hugh Parkfield: Lisa’s future fiancé

•Simpson relative: Architect

•Simpson relative: Prison snitch

•Bob Arnold: Congressman for whatever state Springfield is in

•Snake: He’s totally a jailbird, dude

•Artie Ziff: Dated Marge in high school but was scuppered by his ‘busy hands’

•Mr. Teeny: Krusty’s rollerskating monkey

•Colonel Leslie Hap Hapablap: Will tear you up like a Kleenex at a snot party; appears twice on this poster

•Tattoo Guy: Tattooist at ‘The Happy Sailor Tattoo Parlor’

•The Devil: Appeared when Bart visits Hell in Bart Gets Hit By a Car

•Pedro the Bumblebee Man: Originally on Channel Ocho but was poached by Krusty for his show

•Samantha Stanky: Briefly a student at Springfield Elementary where she fell in love with Milhouse

•Squeaky-Voiced Teen: Awkward teenager often seen at Krusty Burger

•Robot Burns: Still not dead in 1,000,000 A.D.

•Robot Smithers: Still a lapdog in 1,000,000 A.D.

•Dave Shutton: Writer/reporter for the Springfield Shopper

•Surly: One of the Seven Duffs; only looks out for one guy – Surly

•Lisa Simpson: Overlooked middle child

•Bart Simpson: Underachiever and proud of it

•Dr. Julius Hibbert: Family physician; the only competent doctor in town

•Edna Krabappel: Bart’s fourth-grade teacher at Springfield Elementary

•Abraham ‘Grampa’ Simpson: Homer’s father, sporting Napoleon’s hat that he wore for a week in April 1796

•Kent Brockman: Local news anchor and recipient of four Golden Quaff awards

•Jasper Beardley: Friend and fellow retiree of Grampa Simpson; often gets his beard caught in pencil sharpeners

•Mrs. Bouvier: Marge’s mother

•Santa’s Little Helper: The Simpson family dog

•Maggie Simpson: One-year-old baby genius

•Superintendent Chalmers: Administrator for Springfield’s schools and boss of Principal Skinner

•Herbert Powell: Homer’s half-brother, ruined by the car he asked Homer to design

•Mindy Simmons: Temporary SNPP employee who Homer fell for

•Cletus Spuckler: Slack-jawed yokel

•Charles Montgomery Burns: Twisted, loveless billionaire; owner and CEO of Springfield Nuclear Power Plant

•Milhouse Van Houten: Bart’s best friend; has a crush on Lisa

•Disco Stu: Doesn’t advertise

•Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilon: Apu’s mother who organised his arranged marriage

•Professor John Frink: Inventor and uber-nerd

•Lyle Lanley: Charismatic businessman who sold Springfield a dodgy monorail

•Carl Carlson: SNPP employee (was Homer’s supervisor at one point) and regular barfly at Moe’s; best friends with Lenny Leonard

•Lenny Leonard: SNPP employee and regular barfly at Moe’s; best friends with Carl Carlson

•Gunter: Vegas-style entertainer and half of act ‘The Flamboyant Magic of Gunter and Ernst’

•Ernst: Vegas-style entertainer and half of act ‘The Flamboyant Magic of Gunter and Ernst’

•Johnny D: Prisoner at Springfield Penitentiary; his gates were sold at the police auction in Realty Bites

•Charlie: Employee at Springfield Nuclear Power Plant; gets injured quite often

•Capitol City Goofball: Mascot for the Capitol City baseball team

•Larry Burns: Witty and charismatic son of Mr. Burns

•Report Card: One of the ‘Superfriends’ from Bart’s Comet

•Freak show manager: Manages the ‘pageant of the transmundane’ at Hullabalooza

•Scratchy: Half of everyone’s favourite cat and mouse team, ‘Itchy & Scratchy’

•Itchy: Half of everyone’s favourite cat and mouse team, ‘Itchy & Scratchy’

•Don Brodka: That’s right, Don Brodka, uh-huh; he’s the security guard at the Try N Save

•Kirk Van Houten: Milhouse’s father; divorced from Luann and now sleeps in a racecar bed

•Moe Szyslak: Local bartender and proprietor of Moe’s Tavern; subject to repeated prank calls

•Queasy: One of the Seven Duffs

•Benjamin: One of the three physics nerds at Springfield University

•Doug: One of the three physics nerds at Springfield University

•Shotgun Pete: Minister at a small chapel across the state line, who married Homer and Marge

•Lionel Hutz: Incompetent lawyer

•Allison Taylor: Extremely smart 7-year-old, skipped ahead to Lisa’s second grade class

•Laura Powers: The girl next door that Bart had a crush on

•Captain Lance Murdoch: Daredevil stunt motorcyclist

•Brad Goodman: Self-help guru who told Springfieldianites to behave like Bart

•Herman: Proprietor of Herman’s Military Antiques; lost his right arm sticking it out of a bus window

•Ms. Botz: Rogue babysitter caught by Bart & Lisa but unwittingly let free by Homer

•Rabbi Hyman Krustofski: Father of Krusty the Clown

•Ashley Grant: Grad student who accused Homer of sexual harassment in Homer Badman

•Robert Underdunk Terwilliger: Known as ‘Sideshow Bob’ to friends and enemies alike; Krusty’s former sideshow who framed Krusty for armed robbery and tried to kill Bart on numerous occasions

•Mr. Muntz: Nelson’s father

•Sleazy: One of the Seven Duffs

•Krusty the Clown: Children’s entertainer; real name Herschel Shmoikel Krustofski

•Stacey Lovell: Original creator of the Malibu Stacey doll

•Sgt. Seymour Skinner: Revealed Principal Skinner to be an imposter

•Gabbo: Entertaining puppet who nearly killed Krusty’s career

•Arthur Crandall: That’s easy for you to say, you don’t have a hand up your tuckus!

•Spud: Carny son of Cooder; they both squatted in the Simpson home

•Richard: One of Bart’s schoolfriends

•Sunday School Teacher: Handles the kids at the First Church of Springfield

•Bill: One half of ‘Bill and Marty’, DJs on KBBL radio

•Smiley: One of the Happy Little Elves

•The Curious Bear Cub: A character from The Happy Little Elves

•Happy Little Elf: Another one of those green creatures

•Giggly the Elf: One of the Happy Little Elves; appeared in Some Enchanted Evening and Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder

•Dr. J. Loren Pryor: School psychiatrist at Springfield Elementary

The post The Simpson character Name List appeared first on nydob.com.

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