
Disney’s Club Penguin, the #1 virtual world for kids, is partnering for the first time with Disney Pixar to throw the Disney Pixar “Monsters University” Takeover event. Players can enroll in Monsters University on Club Penguin Island and pledge three different rival fraternities and one sorority to compete in the Scare Games.

Club Penguin members can earn care points for their fraternity or sorority, in the Scare Games with members being able to dress up as their favorite characters from the Disney Pixar film “Monsters University,” like Mike and Sulley.

During the Disney Pixar “Monsters University” Takeover event on Club Penguin Island:

Members can fill up their scare canister with scare points in an all-new mini-game where players practice their best scare tactics

All players can collect fraternity and sorority hats to show their pride when they join a team and can also earn monster accessories for their epic roars.

Members will receive the hats and accessories, plus the ability to purchase exclusive “Monsters University” costumes with their virtual coins

Players can scare now at ClubPenguin.com.

Disclosure: NYC Single Mom was not compensated for this post.

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