
There may finally be an answer as to why George R.R. Martin hasn’t finished the latests Game of Thrones book —he’s a New York Jets fan.

#GOT Author George R.R. Martin Teases 'Winds Of Winter' Release Date And Major Plot Twist http://t.co/ussCtYydrh pic.twitter.com/WXfntvP04c

— PicShows&Petticoats (@PSPetticoats) August 5, 2015

According to Rich Cimini from ESPN New York, the Game of Thrones author not only roots for the Jets but is such a die hard that he is currently attending training camp and watching his team up close and personal.

George R.R. Martin, the "Game of Thrones" author, watching practice from the Jets' sideline. A rabid Jets fan. #nyj

— Rich Cimini (@RichCimini) August 5, 2015

In fact, Martin blogs about the Jets on his LiveJournal blog. Back in November of last year he posted about the Jets beating the Steelers in the most GoT way possible.

Truth be told, though the Jets played much better than usual, the Steelers really beat themselves, with turnovers. And it is kind of a Pyrrhic victory, since it is way too late to make a playoff run. It is certainly more fun to watch the Jets win than to watch them lose, but if they start racking up victories now, all it will do is ruin their chances of getting a real franchise QB in the draft. So that’s probably just what they will do, watch and see.

He has even shared his opinion on such topics as the return of Derrelle Revis and other NFL teams like the Giants and Eagles.

“Of course, he should never have left. See my Not A Blog post of April 21, 2013,” Martin wrote. “I said it all then: trading away the Jets best cause was sufficient cause for dumping our then-new GM, John Idzik. Time has proved me right. Now Idzik is gone and Darelle is back.”

“It only cost us two years, two lost seasons, and a great coach, Rex Ryan.”

“Elsewhere in the NFL… well, the Giants are looking better and better as well,” wrote Martin. “Not because of anything they have done, but because of what’s happening down in Philadelphia, where Chip Kelly seems to be systemically dismantling the Eagles. Hey, keep at it, Chip.”

According to Five Thirty Eight, Martin even lost a bet and wrote a coded reference to the New York Giants beating the Dallas Cowboys into his fifth book in the series, as an Easter egg.

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