Xanthone health benefits the strongest natural antioxidants to strengthen immune system
Thanks to scientific research, today we can say for sure: Mangosteen – is a unique fruit in biological composition. It has active ingredients such as 40 types of different xanthones, catechins, proanthocyanidins and a few other health ingredients. At first glance, these terms are complex or unspeakable. But behind them lies miraculous power that not only prevents a large number of diseases but also to save lives. Find out more about the xanthone health benefits below.
Among all the phytonutrients contained in the skin of mangosteen fruit, xanthones especially distinguished in general background because of its advantages. Scientifically proven that xanthones improve our health, detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system. Until now, scientists have recognized dozens of biological active xanthones contained in mangosteen fruit. But science is now just getting started to study the effects of xanthones on the human body.
Due to the fact that awareness on the mangosteen consumption has greatly increased throughout the world, we need a more clear understanding of the inherent advantages in the fruit – phytonutrients and xanthones.
What are xanthones?
Xanthone health benefits – are unique substances of the biologically active components with bioactive properties. In the wild, there are more than 200 types of xanthones, 40 of them are in mangosteen fruit. By the way, the nature of the largest concentration of xanthones in mangosteen is exactly! For comparison, in the Aloe contains only one xanthone.
Xanthones – natural elements that have antifungal and antibacterial properties, and prevent mutagenic DNA damage. In one study of cancer in the U.S. – found that xanthones are also induced cancer cells to self-destruction process. They found also that substratum inhibits various bacteria, such as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Salmonella, Helicobacter pylori, and enterococci.
Other scientists in their laboratory study found that mangosteen has potent antioxidant properties and reduces cellular oxidation in the body from 57% to 9% in just two months. In addition, many studies have shown that xanthones are most effective in breaking biochemical processes that cause inflammation. In short, mangosteen, – xanthones – is a small first aid kit in a compact natural packaging!. Mangosteen is recommended for use as a dietary management for people of all ages, including children.
benefits-of-xanthonesAlpha-mangosteen is absorbed by the body naturally in very small doses. At very high levels of xanthones consumption, absorption capacity by the body is reduced, so that increased production of xanthones in some products do not add value. On this basis, we need only in small quantities: 30 -50 ml, two to three times a day.
The grace juice – a tool for weight loss
This is the designation of mangosteen beverage for those who are health conscious. Numerous studies have shown that in addition to having healing properties, the fruit has very high potential in the fight against excess weight. The fact is, mangosteen juice helps burn fat. Due to this fact, many of the fair sex have entered it in their diet. Like, for example, supermodel Kate Moss. Calorie content per 100 grams of fruit only 57 units.
Other active substances in the mangosteen
Mangosteen rind contains catechins up to 14%. They are polyphenolic compounds and the powerful antioxidants. Catechins regulate capillary permeability and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and contributing to a more efficient use of ascorbic acid. Therefore, catechins are substances that have a P-vitamin activity and are used in the treatment of diseases associated with impaired function of capillaries, edema originating from blood vessels, etc. Catechins have antimicrobial properties and are used in the treatment of dysentery. We also found evidence that catechin is useful to strengthen the immune system and treat tumors.
Proanthocyanidins. More powerful antioxidant than vitamin E about 50 times and selenium was 20 times more powerful than vitamin C. They neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals and other oxidation products of the body, prevent and reduce damage to cells, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor effect, helps eliminate toxins, protects cell membranes and prevents cell aging.
Oligomeric proanthocyanidins. Improve blood flow and rheological properties of blood, prevent joint inflammation (arthritis), increase resistance to stress, improve memory, slow down the aging process of the skin, prevent tooth decay, strengthen the immune system.
Polysaccharides. The polysaccharide is essential for life, they are the main source of energy generated during metabolism. Vegetable Polysaccharides – it is also a powerful natural antibiotic that have antiviral and anti-cancer properties, they play an important role in normalizing cholesterol levels, maintaining blood vessel elasticity and purity.
More than 1,700 scientific research, as well as the thousand-year-old tradition of folk medicine in South-East Asia (China, Thailand, India, Philippines), confirm the beneficial properties of the mangosteen and antioxidants are contained in this fruit – xanthones.
Results of the xanthone health benefits research can be found on site of the U.S. Government – “The National Library of Medicine,” and “The National Institute of Health”
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