
The 50 Superfoods You Should Eat Every Day

There are the real 50 Superfoods, those that have been considered the most beneficial over time, and to this day as well.

The top 50 Superfoods are the buzz word. Kale, or Kale, goji berries, spirulina… The gurus of this new religion ensure we include these foods in our diet, irreparably, by the innumerable advantages that are to our health. For this reason, in Nutritious-food.com, you can search the 50 Superfoods healthiest foods of history, those that are part of our diet since time immemorial and which are repeated in all the scientific research. Are those that we could consider the 50 Superfoods stars, real superfoods.

To do this, we have relied on the advice of the President of the Mediterranean diet Foundation, Serra-Majem, and Lourdes Samaniego Vaesken, of the Universidad San Pablo CEU. In fact, this expert warns: “there is no food good or bad, but diets or more or less healthy eating patterns. Fashion attribute beneficial properties to foods, as of today, can serve to educate the consumer as for foods that should not miss in your diet, but always in the context of the variety, balance, and moderation. Until the olive oil, whose composition is very beneficial, should be taken in moderation”.

The List Of 50 Superfoods To Eat

1. Turkey

The process of domestication of this bird occurred in Mexico in the first millennium of our era, wherein addition of its feathers used for eating, as an ornamental method.

It’s the meat with a lower concentration of fat and cooking it loses also carbohydrates. It is an important source of minerals, folic acid, and vitamins of the Group B.

2. Lean beef

The veal was domesticated 10,000 years ago in the Middle East. It’s meat, as well as proteins, provides minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus, and vitamins of the Group B.

3. Pork

DNA studies indicate that there were Neolithic Europe pigs, although domestication did not start until about 13,000 years ago in the Middle East and, at the same time, current China.

Despite its bad reputation, the more lean portion of pork contains more unsaturated fats (that of olive oil and fish) than veal. Also a good source of minerals from plant origin.

4. Soybeans

Its origins are the far East, where more than 5,000 years is documented its use as food. They include the biggest contribution of minerals of vegetables and contain isoflavones, a potent antioxidant that prevents osteoporosis and breast cancer. They are very useful to counteract excess estrogen and derived diseases.

5. Mushrooms

In Chile species of mushrooms have been found in human sites from 13,000 years ago. They contain a lot of water and little fat, which makes them suitable in slimming diets. They are a source of vitamin A, riboflavin and niacin, and minerals such as potassium and phosphorus. It is worth highlighting its anti-tumor properties and its ability to reduce cholesterol.

6. Beans

Are native to America (Peru and Mexico), although they are cultivated around the world. They are used as food for more than 2000 years, and there are references to them in the Bible.

They are legumes with higher iron content, which, together with its vitamin B content, becomes a great preventive anemia. Also, contain fiber, which helps to reduce cholesterol levels and fight constipation.

7. Lentils

Come from South-West Asia, from which spread to the Mediterranean basin. The oldest remains of this culture date back to 6600 BC

In addition to the famous iron, they provide calcium, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. And according to recent studies, improve blood sugar control and its high content of folic acid prevents breast cancer.

8. Chickpea

Original of Turkey spread to Europe and then to the other continents. They are a source of protein of plant origin, and starch, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. Although they have a reputation of indigestible, its high fiber content helps intestinal transit and helps fight constipation. Also, provide tannins and phytates, with an important anti-cancer effect.

9. Oatmeal

Found evidence of its cultivation in Central Europe during the bronze age. It is one of the whole grains since it contributes energy, vitamins E, B6, and B5, as well as minerals such as iron, selenium, magnesium and copper.

Is also rich in fiber, essential amino acids, and omega-6. Prevent hypothyroidism and helps to reduce bad cholesterol.

10. Wholegrain

Already in the Neolithic age, about 6,000 years ago, grew barley, wheat, and millet. Spelled, was added in the bronze age and in the iron rye. Its multiple benefits include its high content of fiber and vitamins of the Group B. Also there with extra contributions from iron, calcium, and even magnesium.

11. Cheese

There is evidence of manufacturer of dairy products in cultures that existed to 4,500 years ago.

Its qualities depend on the composition and its process of development and maturation. It is a source of vitamin B12, niacin, and vitamin a.

12. Yogurt

The THRACIANS, who lived in the present Bulgaria in 6000 a. C already made yogurts.

It is rich in calcium, phosphorus, vitamins of the Group B and it is known that bacteria living in it contribute to balancing the bacterial flora of the intestine and to boost the immune system to fight infections.

13. Parsley

Originally from Sardinia, is known since ancient times, although in the beginning it was only used as an ornament to honor the deceased. It was not until the middle ages when it began to be used in the kitchen. In fact, became popular so much that it gave rise to the expression “be everywhere, like parsley”.

Although it seems superfluous, this condiment has a high content in vitamin C, flavonoids antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and diuretic and vasodilator and unifying essential oil. It is also a fundamental source of vitamin K, useful to promote blood clotting, prevent and even treat osteoporosis, and protect us from possible heart attacks. All these properties are present in fresh parsley, but most are lost in the dry. It has finally, apigenin, a substance used in natural medicine for asthma, insomnia, and neuralgias.

14. Basil

of Indian origin, Greek Orthodox Christians use it to prepare holy water. It is an excellent source of iron, essential oils with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, vitamins and beneficial qualities antispasmodic.

15. Oregano

Although it is possible that it was used in prehistoric times, the earliest references to their culinary and medicinal use go back to the Greece classical. do their properties? It is antioxidant, antimicrobial and, according to some studies, antitumor, and antiseptic. Also, it is tonic and digestive.

16. Granada

Originating in South Asia, Persia and Afghanistan. Low in calories, with astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, is ideal for cleansing and slimming diets. In addition, it is rich in potassium and recent studies claim that the pomegranate seed extract produces a decrease in blood glucose levels, which makes it ideal for diabetics.

17. Kiwi

For thousands of years, this fruit, they called Tao, was growing in the wild in China. At the beginning of 1900, the seed of this fruit was brought to New Zealand, where began to produce as we know it.

Among its benefits: a high percentage of vitamin C and other bioactive substances that prevent damage to DNA, which helps prevent some diseases as cancer.

18. Grapes

From the Caucasus and Western Asia, there seems to be evidence of that were already collected in the Paleolithic. Although viticulture, as such, was developed by the Romans.

Some studies show that phytonutrients present in the fruit and wine have a preventive effect against cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer and even falls. Although it seems that black grapes and red wine are which possess better properties. A recent study by the University of Texas says even that red grapes and red wine consumption prevents the age-associated memory impairment.

19. Apple

Is believed that already existed in prehistory, as evidenced some Neolithic archeological remains. What there is evidence is that the Egyptians cultivated it in the valleys of the Nile, and throughout history have been attributed almost sacred powers. In fact, the Bible is cited as the forbidden fruit that caused the expulsion of man from paradise.

Among its most healthful components: pectin, a soluble fiber that keeps at Bay the cholesterol; the catechins, a flavonoid that has proven to be very useful to combat lung cancer, as well as antioxidant and the dihidroxichalconas, another flavonoid that lies primarily in its skin, which is a powerful antidiabetic agent. Finally, this fruit contributes important amounts of Procyanidins, compounds with potent antioxidant activity that enhance the immune system and Blood platelet activity.

20. Orange

Is native to southeastern China and Northern Burma, although it is known in the Mediterranean for 3,000 years. Present in its pulp pectin reduces cholesterol and develops the intestinal flora. In addition to its high content of carotenoids, that prevent various types of cancer and protect against cardiovascular disease. Finally, it also provides fiber, whenever we take the whole fruit.

21. Banana

Comes from Southeast Asia, from the India, where extended to the Mediterranean after the conquest of the Arabs in 650. It came to the Canary Islands in the 15th century and from there to America, in 1516. It highlights its high content of inulin which reduces the risk of degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, obesity, and cancer. It is rich in magnesium, so it prevents cramps and is the fruit of ideal to recover after doing sports.

22. Papaya

Comes from Mexico or from the Peruvian Andes. From there spread to other tropical countries and from there to Europe. Its main component, papain, is an enzyme which breaks the food proteins, making it ideal for those with digestive problems such as gastritis, hiatal hernia, and heartburn.

23. BlackBerry

Are the fruit of the mulberry tree, a tree native of ancient Persia, and is also the source of the silk. In fact, in ancient China only royalty could cut its leaves, which were also used to create delicious infusions.

Nutritionally speaking, berries contain a substance, pterostilbene, which helps reduce cholesterol and diabetes. But the most valuable of this fruit are its natural pigments (carotenoids and anthocyanosis des) that strengthen the human immune system and delay aging.

24. Strawberries

A native of Europe, in the region of the Alps, it seems that he began to be cultivated in France in the 10th century, and they were Spaniards, Portuguese, and English who took them to America.

They have more vitamin C than the orange, a large amount of fiber and potassium. In addition, contain various organic acids, among which is the Salicylic, and flavonoids, cause its color, which is also powerful antioxidants.

25. Blueberry

But don’t know what its origin, it is known which formed part of the diet of Arctic peoples since antiquity. In North America, the Amerindians also used it for their meals.

Become rich in polyphenols and antioxidants content in an ally against cardiovascular diseases. It is also the powerful flu, strengthens the immune system and is very effective against urinary tract infections.

26. Avocado

Originally from Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela, the ancient Aztecs called it Nahuatl (testicle) as an aphrodisiac.

Despite its high caloric value, its consumption reduces total cholesterol levels and some of its compounds have antioxidant properties. Topical use has also been used in the treatment of psoriasis with good results. In addition, part of the food for happiness is rich in tryptophan, which increases serotonin levels of those who consume it.

27. Chard

Asia Orinda, consuming since ancient times. The Assyrians already grew them in 800 BC.

It is a complete food, with a high calcium content, which should be of consumption in the diet of pregnant women, elderly people, children, and athletes. In addition, lutein containing prevents heart attacks and strokes.

28. Celery

Already the Egyptians and Greeks used it at their tables. The Romans ate at funeral feasts and put bunches of celery in the tombs as a tribute to the dead.

Their contributions among its flavonoids of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and vasodilator. Is also a source of xanthotoxin and bergapten, key in the treatment of dermatological diseases.

29. Cauliflower

Comes from the Middle East, and in Asian countries is cultivated for more than 1,500 years. Europe arrived in the 16th century through Turkey. Its high content in water and low in carbohydrates, proteins and fats make it a great ally of the diets. In addition, thiamine, vitamin whose deficiency causes certain neurological disorders, such as loss of concentration and depression brings.

30. Carrot

Originally from Eurasia and North Africa, contains a lot of fiber. But his main contribution is the vitamin A, which is important for the functioning of the retina and the condition of the skin. It also highlights their b-carotene, which prevents certain types of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

31. Beet

His most direct ancestor, the wild beet, grew already in prehistoric times, and its roots were part of the diet of the first communities in North Africa. The substance that stains it red, the betacyanin, is a potent anti-cancer drug highly effective against colon cancer.

32. Turmeric

Known as turmeric, was used for the first time in India, in 610 BC Initially it was used as a colorant for wool, and even some parts of the body.

His main contribution is polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that have antimicrobials, hepatoprotective properties, and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

33. Tomato

The fruit of the tomato is of American origin, exactly from Peru, where its Aztec name (tomato) comes from. Its introduction into Europe occurred through Mexico, though it was not popularized until the 18th century.

The presence of carotene makes it an important antioxidant. It also favors iron absorption and increases resistance to infections and other diseases. Finally, its contribution of lutein and zeaxanthin is associated with the prevention of cataracts and degeneration macular.

34. Spinach

Wild of this vegetable origin is not known although there are authors who ensure that it comes from Southeast Asia.

Its properties include vitamins A and E, and fiber. It is known that they benefit the view, that help promotes energy and vitality, and recently has been discovered to contain natural inorganic nitrate which helps develop stronger muscles.

35. Onion

Its origin is not known with accuracy. Although Yes is evidence of its cultivation in Central Asia in

3200 b.c.

Stands out as a source of potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. According to some studies, its sulfur compounds protect even against cancer of esophagus and stomach. Finally, it is important to highlight its wealth in quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that prevents the risk of cardiovascular disease.

36. Garlic

This food was included in the diet of the workers who built the pyramids of Egypt, to give them energy. And believed much-needed it that in the year 3500 b.c. garlic stock-outs resulted in the first strike that is known in history.

It contains iodine, phosphorus, potassium, and a variety of vitamins such as B6 and C. So it has antiseptic, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiviral and antiparasitic virtues.

37. Pumpkin

Its remains have been found in pre-Columbian Inca tombs and we know, thanks to the old testament, who was a food of great use among Jews of the time of Moses.

In terms of its nutritional value, it is often recommended in weight loss diets by their high content of fiber and its low intake of calories and fat. In addition, its high potassium content is beneficial for cases of high blood pressure.

38. Artichoke

Its origin lies in the ancient Egypt, and it was later used by Greeks and Romans, who considered her aphrodisiac.

Besides water, fiber, and vitamins B6 and C, true power is in sterols, substances that limit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, and cynarine, a powerful diuretic which makes it particularly suitable for diets for weight loss.

39. Pistachios

The first fossils of the genus Pistacia were found on the island of Madeira and dating from the tertiary era. Although the first crops of the pistachio tree, plant that this fruit is extracted, were made in the Middle East. In fact, the pistachios caviar comes from the Iranian region of Khorasan, where it is grown from the 2nd century BC as a delicacy reserved for royalty. After its cultivation spread throughout Europe, and us in 1930, which has now become the leading producer.

Your daily consumption contributes a lot of fiber and energy, due to its high caloric content. Also highlights its contribution in vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, and its contribution of zinc and vitamin E contributes to the health of the reproductive system. There are studies that claim to prevent diabetes and even stress.

40. Chia seed

Is of the Mint family and native to Mexico and Guatemala, where it was cultivated by the Aztecs.

Although it was forgotten for centuries, a couple of years it became fashionable for its beneficial effects on health and its lack of gluten. And it is that this seed contains a high concentration of acids omega-3 and minerals such as iron, selenium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Not in vain, the Aztec warriors claimed that they were able to fight all day fed with a single tablespoon of chia.

41. Quinoa

Began the cultivation of the quinoa, the plant from which it comes to this cereal, between 3,000 and 5,000 b.c. in the surroundings of Lake Titicaca between Bolivia and Peru. The FAO said 2013 the international year of rice, healthy potential, since, according to this organization, it cures more than twenty-two ailments and human conditions. Their stems and leaves have a high power of healing and soothing, and its consumption controls internal bleeding and fights vomiting.

42. Almond

The origin of its cultivation is located in Asia and in the Middle East, from the Aegean Sea to the plateau of Pamir (between Mesopotamia and Kurdistan). From these areas it arrived at the East of Europe, and from there to Greece and Rome. Highlights its high content of beneficial for cardiovascular health, and vegetable protein, unsaturated fats. They also provide lots of fiber and are rich in minerals like phosphorus and magnesium, which makes them highly recommended to strengthen the bones and prevent osteoporosis.

43. Nuts

The fruit of the walnut is part of the power of human beings since prehistory. Although it is not known exactly, believed that he was born in the Caucasus and Persia (Iran). The Greeks called it karma (head), because of its similarity to our brain. Its benefits are many, but highlights its balance in essential fatty acids, which makes it a great ally to fight bad cholesterol and diabetes. Its high omega-6 content makes them recommended for alleviating PMS and menopausal disorders, and it prevents colon cancer. Nuts are top 50 Superfoods that we should use more in our diet.

44. Bonito

The IV century of our era in Northern Europe dates back to the first news of his capture for human consumption. It is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals. They include vitamin D, which promotes the absorption of calcium and regulates their blood levels. In terms of minerals, contains a large amount of selenium, fos foto, potassium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. This Bonito fish it is the best fish in the list of 50 Superfoods that we need to eat.

45. Hake

Hake was part of the diet of the Romans, although they consumed it in salting, as it was the only way to preserve the fish at the time. And according to a recent study by the center of biomedical research of obesity and nutrition (CIBERobn): “the frequent consumption of hake improves blood pressure, lowers cholesterol and reduces the waist circumference”. In addition, it has a great contribution of omega-3, which, nowadays, is related to the decrease of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Hake one of the best 50 Superfoods that we need to use in our regimes.

46. Salmon

Although there are no dating fossils, it appears in the writings of Celtic mythology, which speak of the existence of this species. Salmon one of the best 50 Superfoods on the planet.

In terms of its properties, is a great source of protein, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), phosphorus, selenium and vitamins B12 and D.

47. Tuna

Fishing is documented from ancient Greece, and Aristotle reflected in his writings how was caught by the Phoenicians, who traded in the Mediterranean.

Among its benefits are their high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (AGP), omega-3, which lowers the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, and a great contribution of vitamin D (which promotes the absorption of calcium and the production of enzymes in the liver) and B. This amazing fish it is the best 50 Superfoods on the list that you nead to eat.

48. Butter

Its origin lies in Mesopotamia, between 8,000 and 9,000 BC. The first was elaborated with sheep or goat milk and was very much appreciated by Vikings and Celts. Pliny referred to it as “the most delicate food among barbarous Nations”. And it is that, although for years it was considered an enemy of healthy diet for its high fat content and its relation to cholesterol, now its moderate consumption is considered an excellent antioxidant; a reduction of fat in the abdominal area by its high content of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and an excellent digestive.

49. Extra virgin olive oil

The beginning of its production and consumption as food is calculated in the copper age (4000 b.c.) between Palestine and Egypt. Its high content of polyphenols and vitamin E makes it indispensable in any balanced diet. It is a powerful antioxidant that prevents cell death and enhances cognitive functions; It improves blood sugar levels; reduces bad cholesterol and improved blood flow. Extra virgin olive oil it is the top 50 Superfoods on the plannet to use evrery day.

50. Eggs

Eggs are part of our food since prehistory, although the first recipes involving it come from ancient Rome. In terms of its nutritional value, is balanced fats a high biological value, phosphorus, protein, vitamins A, D, and B12. In the 1970s, a bad reputation unfairly won when some scientific studies accused him of being responsible for the high levels of bad cholesterol. That time comes from the belief that healthy is to take three eggs as maximum a week in 1999, a study by Harvard University’s pardoned him and pointed out that even you could take one a day without running any risk. Eggs are the best top 50 Superfoods you should eat on your foods list.

The post 50 Superfoods appeared first on Nutritious Food.

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