
Weird fruit zaps depression in 6 short weeks!

You’re tired all the time… you’ve lost interest in activities you once loved and instead of attacking each day like a tiger, you’re limping through them like a sloth. It doesn’t take Muddy Waters to see you’ve come down with a bad case of the blues.

And you’re not alone — about 25 million Americans a year deal with bouts of depression, and Big Pharma’s toxic tonics can leave you feeling gloomier than ever. Choke down enough of those antidepressants, and you could be left exhausted, sexless — and even suicidal!

But thanks to some amazing new research, in just six short weeks your days of prescription pill popping could be behind you FOREVER! And it’s all because of one of the weirdest fruits that ever sprouted from our Creator’s green earth!

Here’s the scoop. Researchers from the University of Otago in New Zealand asked 35 young men suffering from depression to spend six weeks participating in what might be the easiest and tastiest medical study ever! All they had to do was eat kiwi!

Sure, with its odd, “hairy” exterior, the kiwi isn’t much to look at — but, trust me, when it comes to your health it’s one of the hardest working fruits around. Within just weeks, research volunteers noticed they were ditching their despair one delicious bite at a time!

In fact, a daily dose of kiwi was enough to ease some depression symptoms by one-third! You see kiwis are crammed full of vitamin C, which is known to help battle depression and anxiety.

The secret, of course, is to get enough of it — the men who ate two full kiwis a day experienced the most depression relief, while those who ate just half a kiwi daily didn’t notice much difference.

If you’re battling with stubborn depression, why not try munching your mood away? Grab a healthy bunch of organic kiwis and you may be able to beat back those blues for good!

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Mood improvement in young adult males following supplementation with gold kiwifruit: (journals.cambridge.org)

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