
Over the years, I have made so many different cinnamon roll recipes, it’s really quite shocking that I never found that fool proof amazing cinnamon roll.  I’ve adapted my own bread recipes and others “must try” recipes and again and again, I’ve not been impressed.  They were good, but not great.

Then as I was looking for yet ANOTHER cinnamon roll recipe, I stumbled onto a forum type group and everyone kept recommending this recipe by the Pioneer Woman.  It was person after person saying, that it is their go to recipe and never fails to turn out perfect.  So I said, why not.

The first time I made it, was somewhat of a joke.  I had had a crazy day full of go-go-go and yet still needed to make cinnamon rolls for a church breakfast.  UGH.  So late at night after the kids go to bed, I start making them.  Things are going great until I realize just after midnight that I am almost out of cinnamon.

It was a cold, Minnesota night and there was just no way I was going to the store.  So I SPARINGLY used my cinnamon and hoped the frosting would compensate for the lack of cinnamon and that everyone liked sweet rolls more than cinnamon rolls.  I baked them up and finally went to bed somewhere around 2 am after some cleaning.

The next day, I finally had my first bite.  And in all honesty I thought, no bad.  Not fantastic, but I suspected it was due to the lack of cinnamon.  But a recipe that was in my top 3 for sure when it came to homemade cinnamon rolls.

So a few weeks later, I decided that I wanted to make them again.  This time with cinnamon and really put them to the test.  It was then, while making these the second time, that I realized in my previous attempt to make them, while in a comatose state at 1 am, that no only did my “cinnamon rolls” lack cinnamon but I completely forgot to add sugar.  They were literally butter rolls with a hint of cinnamon and a lot of frosting that I served to the group at church.

Well, for missing 90% of the needed cinnamon and 100% of the filling sugar, they were DANG good.  So when I made them the second time I added PLENTY of sugar and PLENTY of cinnamon and they turned out delicious.  As in now my go to cinnamon roll recipe.  As in I have now adapted this recipe into several other amazing treats that I will eventually share with you.

This batch does make a lot.  For me it made 3 baking pans worth.  Plenty for cinnamon roll lovers who want to enjoy them for a few days, a work or church event or even a brunch or party.  This really is the best cinnamon roll (and so easy) recipe I’ve found.


Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

Prep Time: 1 minute

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 3 hours, 20 minutes

Yield: 40 - 50 cinnamon rolls


4 cups of whole milk

1 cup vegetable oil

3 cups white sugar, divided

2 packages active dry yeast or 4 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast.

9 cups all-purpose flour, divided

1 teaspoon baking powder (heaping - over flowing)

1 teaspoon baking soda (scant - not quite 1 teaspoon)

1 Tablespoon Salt (heaping - over flowing)

2 1/2 cups of melted butter (or more) I use salted.

LOTS of cinnamon. You want to be generous.


In a large pot or dutch oven, over medium heat, add milk, vegetable oil, and 1 cup of sugar.

Heat mixture and stir until it begins to simmer.

Remove from hot burner and let mixture sit and cool until warm but not hot. This should take between 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Sprinkle yeast on top of milk mixture and allow to sit for 1 minute. Do not stir in.

Slowly add 8 cups of the flour (1 at a time) mixing just until combined after each addition. Dough will be very sticky. That is good!

Cover mixture with a clean flour sack kitchen towel. If you do not have one, saran wrap sprayed with cooking spray will work as well.

Sit mixture in a relatively warm and draft free spot for 1 hour, allowing mixture to rise.

After 1 hour, remove the towel and add the baking powder, baking soda, salt, and the remaining 1 cup flour.

Mix thoroughly until combined.

This dough will rise rapidly if left out, so use immediately. You can keep it in the fridge but it will still continue to double/triple/quadruple in size and will require CONSTANT punching down.

The author of the recipe suggests placing the dough in the fridge for 1 hour to make it easier (less sticky) to work with. I though did not have to do this. I liked the sticky elastic dough.

Preheat oven to 350*F - 375*F. This is when you should know your oven. If your oven cooks hot, cook them at 350* if your oven cooks low, cook at 375*F. I cook mine at 350*F

Prepare baking sheets by lining them with a baking mat, non-stick foil or parchment paper.

Melt 1/4 cup of butter and drizzle it on top of mat or sheet. smear around to ensure entire bottom of pan is covered.

Remove 1/2 the dough from pan and place it on a well floured work surface like a large counter or island. I like to sprinkle the top of my dough with a little flour as well when I initially start rolling so it does not stick to my rolling pin.

Roll out dough into a rectangle to the best of your ability. Should be approximately 10 inches high and 30 inches across.

Roll the dough fairly thin as it will double or triple in size when baking.

Melt 1 cup of butter and pour over the dough. Be generous.

Use your fingers or a spatula to spread butter evenly over dough.

Sprinkle 1 cup (or more) of sugar over butter on rolls.

Sprinkle a generous amount of cinnamon on rolls over sugar.

Starting with the WIDE end furthest from you, gently and tightly roll dough towards yourself making the cinnamon roll shape. Continue rolling until all rolled up.

Pinch seams together if dough will allow you too.

Using a sharp knife or dental floss, cut cinnamon rolls approximately 1/2 inch in width.

Each log will do between 20 - 25 cinnamon rolls.

Place cinnamon rolls on pan. Do no over crowd. You want room between each roll as they will expand while cooking.

Cover with kitchen towel and let rest for 20 minutes.

Bake for 15 - 18 minutes or until just golden.


Recipe By: Pioneer Woman

One Year Ago, 2014

Cherry Dark Chocolate Chip Scones

The post Homemade Cinnamon Rolls appeared first on NumsTheWord.

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