Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar announced two dedicated cells for non-resident Indians (NRI) for quick grievance redressal and facilitate investment.
The grievance redressal cell will be headed by an officer of the rank of Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG).
Mr. Khattar was speaking at the inaugural session of the “Pravasi Haryana Divas-2017” organised by Haryana Government with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) as the national partner in Gurugram.
The Chief Minister said that the setting up of the cell would streamline enquiry and action-taking process, besides ensuring quick redressal of grievances of NRIs. He said that this cell would have a dedicated mobile phone number and e-mail ID for the NRIs to reach the government through text messages, e-mail, fax or voice call. Haryana NRI Cell has been launched for a focused facilitation of “pravasis”. The NRIs may contact NRI Cell for business queries, investment interest and any other suggestion.