
Publications Gateway Number: 01086

First results of the Friends and Family Test (FFT) for maternity services to be published this month

(Publications Gateway Reference:01074)

On 30 January NHS England will publish the first results of the Friends and Family Test (FFT) for maternity services. The FFT question, which was rolled out to women using all NHS-funded maternity services last October gives women the opportunity to have their say on their experience of maternity services.

Quality Accounts reporting arrangements for 2013/14

(Publications GatewayReference 00931)

NHS England has provided details of reporting requirements for Quality Accounts 2013/14. This letter provides guidance on the information and indicators to be included, who Quality Accounts should be shared with, how organisations’ Quality Accounts should be published and how to access the indicator data. Quality Accounts are reports about the quality of services by an NHS healthcare provider, made available to the public.

Pharmacy Call to Action gets professional endorsement

(Publications Gateway Reference:01082)

NHS England’s Deputy Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, Clare Howard, is calling for independent community pharmacists to participate in NHS England’s Call to Action. A Call to Action provides an opportunity to comment, influence and stimulate debate to shape local strategies and to inform NHS England’s strategic framework for commissioning community pharmacy. Pharmacists can find out more and feedback on the Call to Action through the online survey.

Campaign launched to encourage people to seek treatment earlier

(Publications Gateway Reference:01080)

NHS England has launched ‘The earlier, the better’ to encourage people to seek help early on from their local pharmacist if they’re feeling under the weather.

The campaign will run from 20 January to 31 March 2014 and feature national press and radio adverts.

Liaison and diversion trial sites announced

A new £25 million fund will help ensure that those with mental health illnesses, substance misuse problems and learning disabilities who are suspected of committing an offence get the right treatment as soon as possible. The funding of liaison and diversion services, aimed at helping reduce re-offending,.will also ensure decisions made about charging and sentencing take into consideration an individual’s health needs.

Better Care Fund webinars launched

NHS England are running a number of webinars over the next couple of weeks to support local areas with their Better Care Fund plans. The Better Care Fund is a single pooled budget to support health and social care services to work more closely together in local areas.

Campaigning doctor to speak at Health and Care Innovation Expo 2014

A terminally ill doctor will speak at Expo to explain how her patient experience led to a campaign aimed at raising levels of compassion among NHS staff. Dr Kate Granger will join other highly influential health and social care speakers at Expo on March 3 and 4, Manchester Central. Inspiring and interactive, Expo will feature a series of talks and high quality courses in a newly themed ‘pop up university’ focusing on transformational change and innovation. Register now to take advantage of our early bird rate and join the conversation on twitter #Expo2014NHS

Board meeting 24 January 2014

The next Board meeting will take place at 10am Friday 24 January, NHS Southside, London. View the agenda and register to attend.

NHS England pledge to help patients with serious mental illness

NHS England has pledged to tackle the issue of early death in patients with serious mental illness, a group who have the life expectancy of people living in the 1950s. As the Department of Health launches its Mental Health Action Plan, NHS England is setting out how it will tackle a number of mental health issues.

Closing the gap: priorities for essential change in mental health

(Publications Gateway Reference :01025)

The Deputy Prime Minister has launched ’Closing the gap: priorities for essential change in mental health’ a challenge to services to move further and faster to transform support and care for people with mental health problems. The publication sets out 25 areas where fastest change is expected and how changes in local service planning and delivery will make a difference to people with mental health problems.

Suicide prevention report

(Publications Gateway Reference 01045)

The Department of Health has issued the first annual report on the suicide prevention strategy for England. The report identifies key research findings, and is accompanied by a statistical update on suicides. It highlights the importance of responsive and high quality care for people who self-harm.

Join the discussion on better use of health information

The Informatics Services Commissioning Group is inviting people to join its discussions to influence the commissioning of all health and social care information and technology services.

6Cs Live! story of the month

The 6Cs Live! story of the month competition, in association with Nursing Times, is seeking the best examples of compassionate nursing practice. If you have an example of great work that you or your team are doing, get your submission in by Friday 31 January 2014.

Industry Reference Group to develop strategy for specialised services

NHS England is establishing an Industry Reference Group to help support its work in developing a five-year strategy for specialised services. It is currently seeking representative bodies from the medical technology, pharmaceutical, bioscience and diagnostic industries to join the group.


Tim Kelsey invites you to join the discussion on using health information better to improve patient care.

Dr Geraint Lewis responds to the recent Guardian story “NHS patient data to be made available for sale”.

Dr Mike Durkin reflects on NHS England kicking off a year of action for patient safety.

Colin Royle talks about his experiences of looking after his dad, Malcolm, who has suffered with dementia since 2005



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