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Commissioning Assembly News:
Commissioning Assembly members: Have you registered for the 2013 event?
Commissioning Assembly Working Group Integrated Care webinar
Strategic issues:
Choosing and buying commissioning support – extension of CSU SLAs
A call to action for general practice
NHS services, seven days a week
Operational issues:
2013/14 CQUIN scheme – clarification of the Friends and Family Test indicator
NICE publishes proposed new CCG Outcomes Indicator Set
Primary Medical Services – National Webcast – helping the NHS to provide better care and to improve health services + workshops
Update Business Case Approvals Process for Capital Investment, Property, Equipment and ICT
Other news:
Joint Health and Social Care Learning Disability Self-Assessment Framework
Physiotherapists and podiatrists to be able to independently prescribe from 2014
Equality Delivery System for the NHS
Changes to NHSmail generic/shared mailboxes
Events and campaigns:
Vulnerable older people engagement events – a few places left
BILD Event – What do you need to know about your patients with learning disabilities?
Rural Health Network Conference 2013 ‘Challenging Times – One Year On’
Letters to CCGs:
Safer management and use of controlled drugs
About this bulletin
Gateway reference number: 00357
ccg-bulletin-issue-40 FINAL
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Commissioning Assembly News:
Commissioning Assembly members: Have you registered for the 2013 event?
Registration for the Commissioning Assembly event is now live. This is your opportunity to influence the work of the Assembly as a member of the ‘one team’ of commissioning leaders so please do register to be part of the day.
The event will take place on 25 September at Edgbaston Cricket Ground, Birmingham and all Assembly members will now have received a personal email with log-in details and information about online registration.
The programme has been specifically designed by and for Commissioning Assembly members and will bring together NHS commissioning leaders to explore the opportunities and challenges we face to achieve our common purpose of delivering better outcomes for patients.
Networking and programme for the day
By registering you will individually be able to input to the design of the event by providing us with an idea of key issues you would like to discuss on the day and the areas currently of concern that we will seek to provide advice on, or answers to, at the event. The day is our unique, annual opportunity to get together, share experiences and continue to build the common purpose of our ‘one team’.
A number of networking events will also be held on the evening of 24 September in response to your feedback from the event last year. All members will be able to opt to attend via the registration site. Accommodation details are also available through the site.
If you would like further details about any aspect of the Commissioning Assembly, or have any comments or feedback about the upcoming event, please contact
Integrated Care webinar
The Integrated Care Commissioning Assembly Working Group is holding a webinar meeting on 3 and 4 September, 8am – 9am, to bring together CCG leaders to support the development and implementation of the national integrated care work programme. It will also be an opportunity to hear about the Integration Transformation Fund and Pioneers programme from working group co-chairs John Holden, Director of System Policy, NHS England, and Hugh Reeve, Clinical Lead, NHS Cumbria CCG.
NHS England’s Integrated Care programme is developing a programme of work to support commissioners to deliver improved outcomes, better quality and to support efficiencies across the system. A number of work areas have been proposed following conversations with many of you but we need to understand what the priorities are for commissioners and how to work with the system to achieve our joint aims. Through the working group our intention is to support commissioners to lead the programme of work and share learning and promote best practice.
If you are interested in attending the webinar please contact
Strategic issues:
Choosing and buying commissioning support – extension of CSU SLAs
Over the last couple of months, NHS England’s commissioning support strategy team has been engaging with a number of CCGs and other stakeholders to look at ways in which we can support CCGs to choose and buy their commissioning support through simple tendering mechanisms and greater transparency of information, as well as exploring the implications for the timetable going forward and the current SLAs with CSUs.
130821 SLA EXTENSION LETTER FINAL provides some early feedback on the key messages emerging from our discussions on areas like supporting CCG make/share/buy decisions, the development of a set of standards to define excellent commissioning support to feed into a lead provider framework. It suggests how CCGs can get more involved in shaping the development of their CSU and also describes the flexibility we are considering to the timetable and the ability to extend and renegotiate SLAs with CSUs.
A call to action for general practice
This week, NHS England published a ‘call to action’ for General Practice.
Our aim is to enable general practice to play an even stronger role at the heart of more integrated, out-of-hospital services that deliver better health outcomes, more personalised care, excellent patient experience and the most efficient possible use of NHS resources.
This slide pack and analytical evidence pack is designed to stimulate debate in local communities – GP practices, area teams, CCGs, HWBs and other community partners – on how best to develop general practice services.
This local engagement will also help shape decisions about NHS England’s overall strategic framework for commissioning of primary medical care.
We hope these will be useful resources in helping you work with area teams to identify how best to develop and improve services in your area.
NHS services, seven days a week
The NHS Services, Seven Days a Week Forum was established earlier this year by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS England’s National Medical Director. Supporting the NHS in moving towards more routine services being available seven days a week is a key offer in Everyone Counts: Planning for Patients and an important part of stimulating new, innovative approaches to providing services and ensuring every patient gets the care they need.
As a first stage, the Forum is focusing on urgent and emergency care and diagnostics. The Forum is due to report in the autumn.
Find out more about the work of the Forum
Operational issues:
2013/14 CQUIN scheme – clarification of the Friends and Family Test indicator
NHS England has published an FAQ document, providing clarification on the operation of the national CQUIN indicator on the Friends and Family Test.
NICE publishes proposed new CCG Outcomes Indicator Set
NICE has published 15 proposed new indicators to support better quality healthcare being commissioned by clinical commissioning groups. The new indicators could be included in a wider set of benchmarks, known as the Clinical Commissioning Groups Outcomes Indicator Set (CCG OIS). Indicators underpin health improvement such as enhancing quality of life for people with long-term conditions and preventing people from dying prematurely.
NHS England will now consider the indicators for inclusion in its indicator set for 2014/15.
Primary Medical Services – National Webcast
On Thursday 15th August 2013, via webcast, NHS England held a training / familiarisation session on the Primary Medical Services Web Interface which included an expert panel, available to respond to questions from viewers.
We tried to ensure as many GP practices and CCGs where aware of the session but some may have missed it. To help those who were unable to take part, we recorded the event and are currently looking at opportunities to broadcast it online – further details to follow.
In the meantime, you and your member practices may wish to register to use the web interface. It is important to note that once you have submitted your details on the registration page, you will receive a verification email from with a subject title ‘Request to add user to the primary care web tool’. Please look out for this email as you will be required to click the link in this email to complete your registration.
For more information about the web interface or this programme of work, please email or take a look at the ‘Getting_Started on PMS’ guide. – helping the NHS to provide better care and to improve health services, including workshops
NHS England is introducing a modern information service on behalf of the NHS called From late August, over a 4 week period, practices will begin to receive an email containing information about the implementation of and the awareness role practices are required to undertake. The email will include links to a number of resources and materials available on-line and a separate communications pack containing patient information materials. Enquiries from GPs and practice staff should be directed to the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) contact centre on 0845 300 6016 or
Further information for patients and NHS healthcare staff is available from
We are planning four regional events to share information with about the new system and how you can support its implementation over the coming months. These events will offer you the opportunity to hear about our vision for the new system and its benefits to patients, public and health and care professionals. More importantly, it will also provide an opportunity for you to become involved in the process of transforming our data infrastructure and implementing the programme across the NHS.
Wednesday 11 September Leeds
Thursday 19 September Leicester
Monday 23 September Reading
Wednesday 2 October London
For more information please contact Claire Swithenbank (Regional Senior Manager, Patients & Information Directorate) on 0113 305 9436 or
Update Business Case Approvals Process for Capital Investment, Property, Equipment and ICT
The NHS England Business Case Approvals Process for Capital Investment, Property, Equipment and ICT was published on 14th August 2013. This includes useful information for CCGs involved in developing business cases alongside NHS England, NHS Property Services Ltd and Community Health Partnerships.
It can be accessed on the NHS England website.
Other news:
Joint Health and Social Care Learning Disability Self-Assessment Framework
Following development and consultation, the Joint Health and Social Care Learning Disability Self-Assessment Framework (JHSCSAF) has been launched. It is on both the ADASS and Improving Health and Lives websites. This JHSCSAF replaces the Valuing People Now Self-Assessment and the NHS LD Self-Assessment.
Local Authorities lead the process of completing the JHSCSAF but do need to include all commissioners, including CCGs. Expect your local authority colleagues to be in touch. The submission date for this year is 30 November.
Physiotherapists and podiatrists to be able to independently prescribe from 2014
On 20 August new legislation came into force which means that from next year physiotherapists and podiatrists will be able to independently prescribe.
This is a huge step for the physiotherapy and podiatry professions in terms of being able to provide services which offer patients better access, a better experience and improved outcomes. It may also reduce cost.
Physiotherapists and podiatrists are being asked to influence local commissioners in terms of how these new prescribing rights can result in significant service redesign, in particular in order to reduce the demand on GP time. Find out more.
Equality Delivery System for the NHS
The Equality Delivery System (EDS) was rolled out to the NHS in July 2011, and is being implemented by the majority of NHS organisations across England. Embedded within the CCG authorisation process, the EDS is a facilitative tool that helps NHS organisations promote equality and tackle health inequalities.
Based on its independent evaluation and on recent discussions with NHS organisations, it is proposed to refresh the EDS. “EDS2” will include a core set of outcomes and a more streamlined grading system. It will encourage flexibility and the tackling of key local health inequalities. It is anticipated that “EDS2” will be released during early autumn 2013.
For now, NHS organisations should continue using the EDS as it exists; and they should use outputs from it to help them meet the specific duties of the public sector Equality Duty.
Contact Dr Habib Naqvi (Senior Equality Manager, NHS England) for further information:
NHS re-organisation impact on staff that own or send to NHSmail generic/shared mailboxes
From 30 September 2013, 14,000 shared NHSmail mailboxes – including those belonging to GP practices or people previously based in PCTs or SHAs – will be unavailable as part of NHSmail re-structuring work.
This is particularly important for staff that manage email-based processes e.g. sending discharge notifications to GPs.
Please check with your contacts if they are affected and ask for an updated contact email where applicable.
For further information, please email
Events and campaigns:
Vulnerable older people engagement events – a few places left
Places are filling up for the Department of Health’s national engagement exercise looking at how to improve care and support for vulnerable older people. This is a great opportunity for those working in primary care and commissioning to debate the big issues and help shape future care and support of the elderly. The events take place in Manchester on 5 September and London on 11 September.
The department’s ministerial team join eminent speakers from across the care and support spectrum. Delegates are encouraged to participate in discussions feeding directly into the plan’s development. Places are going fast so register now! Email for further information.
BILD Event – What do you need to know about your patients with learning disabilities?
This event (Thursday 5 September, Birmingham) will be helpful to GPs and Clinical Commissioning Groups wanting to improve primary health care services for patients with learning disabilities. Among the subjects the event will cover are:
Mental health and people with learning disabilities
Commissioning guidance
Lessons from the Confidential Inquiry intoPremature Deaths of
People with Learning Disabilities
An example of successful commissioning
To book a place on this event please call Will Nicklin on 0121 415 6970 or email
Rural Health Network Conference 2013 ‘Challenging Times – One Year On’
The Rural Services Network in partnership with Devon County Council is holding a conference in Exeter on 18 October 2013.
The Conference will be chaired by Graham Stuart MP for Beverley & Holderness who is also the Chair of the Rural Services All Party Parliamentary Group and Co-Founder of the Rural Fair Shares Campaign.
The Rural Services Network seeks to maintain and, where possible, improve rural services in England. The Network:
makes representations on issues affecting rural service
forms a network between service providers and across sectors
establishes and broadcasts rural best practice
NHS England has issued the following letters to CCGs since the last bulletin:
Safer management and use of controlled drugs
NHS England has been working through its new responsibilities in relation to The Controlled Drugs (Supervision of management and Use) Regulation 2013. It has been highlighted via the NHS England Controlled Drugs Working Group that clarity is required to ensure that CCGs and NHS England area teams understand their responsibilities as set out in the regulations. Safer management of controlled drugs sets out what is expected from CCGs and NHS England area teams to ensure that Controlled Drugs continue to be managed to ensure public safety.
Further detail will be provided when NHS re-publishes its “Single Operating Model” for Controlled Drugs later this year.
About this bulletin:
Access the bulletin online.
Please do forward this bulletin to colleagues and encourage them to sign up online.
If you have an idea for a future issue, please email the CCG bulletin mailbox.
Future communications to CCGs
We have had feedback from a number of CCGs about preferred methods for communications. We will be putting in place a more systematic methodology to reach all CCGs directly. If you have any comments you would like to make on this, or indeed on the bulletin, please email the CCG bulletin mailbox.
Or complete our online survey about this bulletin. We are reviewing our bulletins to make them more relevant, timely and useful to you. Have your say and complete our short survey to help us improve communications with you.