Gateway publication number: 00293
6Cs Live! Launch
NHS England has launched a web-based resource, called the 6Cs Live! The communication hub designed to give nurses, midwives and care staff a place to share best practice, experiences and ideas. To find out more and make your 6Cs Live! pledge today, please visit the 6Cs Live! Communication hub
Story of the month
There is still time to contribute your stories of improving patient care for August 2013’s 6Cs Live! Story of the Month in conjunction with Nursing Times. Submit your stories here.
6Cs Implementation Plans Update
The newly established Compassion in Practice 6Cs Delivery Group representing Senior Responsible Officers (SRO) and their teams will meet regularly to review progress of the Compassion in Practice implementation plans for feeding back to the National Federation of Nurse Leaders. We will be approaching stakeholders, individuals, teams and organisations to become actively involved in the delivery of the implementation plans through membership of the various working groups. Please get in touch to get involved.
Health Visitor Plan published
The National Health Visitor Plan: progress to date and implementation 2013 onwards which sets out roles and actions for the Health Visiting Programme from 2013 has now been published. The document, produced jointly by NHS England, Department of Health, Health Education England and Public Health England, details how the organisations will achieve the government’s commitment to increasing the Health Visitor workforce
Preceptorship Charter
The Preceptorship Charter outlines best practice quality markers for newly qualified health visitors entering employment as a new health visitor in England. It will be developed by focus groups, health visitors, managers and the education sector before being piloted, and it will help to improve retention.
Recruitment Drive – Care Makers
Over 300 potential Care Makers will receive an application form in the next two weeks which must be completed by a senior representative from their place of employment or study. Directors of Nursing, should ensure that any student or newly qualified nurses, midwives or health care assistants applying to become a Care Makers are ambassadors of the 6Cs values. This recruitment drive sets us on the road to achieving our ambition of recruiting 1,000 Care Makers by April 2014.
Sir David Nicholson visits New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton
Sir David Nicholson has visited the purpose built Dementia Care Ward at New Cross Hospital to see the 6Cs in action and learn about the department’s Outreach Team who help staff in other clinical areas provide care for dementia sufferers. The ward heralded a new person-centred way of working by focusing on three key issues: the environment of care, nutrition and hydration and the best possible communication. The result has been a remarkable increase in the levels of patient and staff satisfaction as well as other very positive clinical outcomes.
Children’s Take Over Day 22 November 2013
Each year the Children’s Commissioner, Maggie Atkinson, champions a children’s takeover day providing us with an opportunity to focus on what is important to children and young people. Could your Clinical Commissioning Group host a meeting for young people, or your Trust hold a young people’s event? What ideas do the local and regional teams have? Please let us know what you have planned.
National Network for Commissioning Nurse Leaders
In partnership with the Royal College of Nursing, NHS England has developed a National Network for Commissioning Nurse Leaders. The network membership consists of Directors of Nursing at Area Team level, CCG Governing Body Nurses and CSU Directors of Nursing or their equivalent posts. As the only national network for senior nurse commissioners, it aims to support commissioning nurse leaders to fulfil their function within the commissioning system and embed Compassion in Practice. To find out more about this network, please contact Stacey McCann, Commissioning Lead, Nursing Directorate.
Personal Health Budgets (PHB)
NHS England has designed a delivery programme to ensure that everyone eligible for continuing healthcare will be able to ask for a personal health budget (PHB), including a direct payment for healthcare by April 2014. The programme, which sees PHBs delivered by CCGs, builds on best practice and other information developed during the pilot programme and learning from early adopter sites. To take part in the programme which starts in September/October 2013 please register by 16 August 2013.
What PIP means for the health professions
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) has replaced Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for new claims. This applies to people aged 16-64. Some existing DLA claimants will be invited to claim PIP from October 2013, but most will not be affected before October 2015. Details of what PIP means for the health professions along with a one-page quick guide, checklist and information to adapt for your own guidance and communications.
NHS England seeks views on urgent and emergency care services
NHS England is now seeking views from stakeholders on its evidence base for change and emerging principles in urgent and emergency care. This follows Professor Sir Bruce Keogh’s January announcement of plans to review the way the NHS responds to and receives emergency patients.
Friends and Family Test Update
The Friends and Family Test being undertaken in A&E and inpatient departments for three months is already having a positive impact and we want you to let us know about improvements made as a result of the Test. The next step is to implement the test in maternity services during October. Plans to roll the test out across all NHS funded services are currently in development with patient experience representatives contributing through a number of specialist workstreams.
Commissioning services for victims of sexual assault and violence
NHS England has published ‘Securing Excellence in Commissioning Sexual Assault Services’, which outlines new expectations for commissioning arrangements. NHS England have a responsibility to commission health services for people who experience sexual assault, and will work together with police forces and local authorities to provide an integrated service.
Domestic Violence and Abuse Professional Guidance
New guidance has been published to help health professionals recognise factors that may indicate domestic violence and abuse and ensure appropriate support and referral where necessary. The document acknowledges that midwives, health visitors and school nurses are often the first to become aware of domestic violence and abuse issues within families and therefore have a pivotal role to play.
SAFER Communication Guidelines
The guidelines are being re-launched alongside the Preceptorship Charter to support those new to safeguarding responsibilities and communications between health and local authority children’s social care teams. All verbal communications can be carried out using the SAFER process, and it can also be used for ‘no name consultations’. The use of SAFER will ensure a uniform approach to communicating the level of risk a child or children are facing.
Moya Sutton has been appointed as Nursing’s Head of Safeguarding at NHS England. Moya has previously been the only nurse in the country to manage children’s social services and as Alder Hey Children’s Hospital’s Executive Nurse has developed a national safeguarding programme for executive leaders. Moya’s key priorities are to ensure the new Accountability and Assurance Framework is embedded across the new system and provide leadership and advice regarding safeguarding matters.
Participate in Research Relating to Caring Practices
A new study is seeking Directors of Nursing of acute trusts to share their experiences and thoughts on maintaining caring practices. The study, approved by the University of Surrey, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Ethics Committee will require participants to attend a recorded interview lasting up to 1.5 hours, held at a location convenient to them. For more information please contact Chief Investigator Maggie Davies on 07876 401104.
Call for applications: Support for Clinically Based Nurse-led Teams
Patients First is seeking innovative nurses midwives and health visitors to join their development programme supporting locally focused advances to improve patient care. Since 2009 Patients First, a partnership between the Foundation of Nursing Studies and the Burdett Trust for Nursing, have supported 49 teams. To join this latest programme, which will support for a further eleven nurse-led teams starting in November 2013, please contact Debbie Warren and apply by 11 September 2013.
CNO Speaking Events & Visits
There have been a number of CNO visits and conferences attended:
4 June
Visit to University of West England
5/6/7 June
NHS Confederation
14 June
Leeds and York Partnership NHSF Mental Health &Learning Disability conference – Upholding PublicTrust: How Does Your Care Measure Up?
Area Team Directors of Nursing event
17 June
Visit to Great Ormond Street
21 June
Keynote at the Inaugural conference of Phi Mu Chapter Sigma Theta Tau International Conference (England) – Putting People at the heart of nursing care: leading the way (Bournemouth)
The Kings Fund Board Leadership Programme – Compassion in Practice
28 June
Aintree University Hospital NHSFT Care and Compassion Conference
West London Mental Health NHS Trust – The Compassionate Heart of Mental Health Nursing Sixth Annual Nursing Conference, Twickenham
5/6/7 July
Visit to Camp Bastion, Afghanistan
12 July
Dorset Healthcare University NHSFT – Unleashing the Potential: The Pursuit of Compassion, Quality and Safety in Patient Care