
This article just happened to appear on WND (they say they’re the world’s largest Christian news network; Joseph Farah, editor)


Some of the comments were particularly interesting.

This one showing a link to what halal labels look like:


This person made a list of companies that are halal:

HCUA • 4 hours ago

I went to the trouble four weeks ago to find out which food will have the halal stamp on it. This is a partial list, and don’t forget, the money goes to ” Any Muslim organization, ” which means ANY one, like Hamas, Al-Queda, you name it. The food company is required to send the money to them if the stamp is put on, or the Muslims will get angry if their rule is not followed—??????????

My list……………..Campbell’s Soups—Prego—Pepperidge Farms—Pace—Saffron Road—Butterball—KFC—Costco—Whole Foods—Subway—McDonald’s—Ben and Jerry—Sun Maid raisins—Nestle—Cadbury—Hershey ( I quit buying ANYTHING Hershey years ago when they moved to Mexico and put 2,000 people out of work, and I live in Arizona, not Penn. )—Pepsi—Mars—Kellogg’s—Planters—Nabisco—Kraft—Heinz ( big-time lefties for a long time )—Smart Balance—Miracle Whip—Jif—Reeses—Smuckers—Skippy—Peter Pan—Del Monte—Hunts—Kroger—Sara Lee—Albertson—Safeway—Lucerne—Borden—Wonder—Bimbo—Land O’ Lakes—Trader Joe’s———————This is not all of them. The halal stamp has about three different looks.

This person compares halal with kosher and also notes a video by Pamela Geller of a camel being slaughtered, though one would have to search for it or maybe go to her homepage:

Diamond_Mair • 3 hours ago

Halal slaughter is known for its cruelty & the pain inflicted on animals (see Ms. Geller’s video on a camel being slaughtered) KOSHER slaughter, on the other hand, goes out of it’s way to preclude ANY unnecessary pain & suffering on the part of the animal. Even though I’m not Jewish, * I * will be purchasing kosher from now on – as a side benefit, at least I’d be supporting a Faith that believes in the same God I do.

Semper Fi’


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