

Understanding the bible is not an intellectual undertaking. There is so much misinterpretation and deception within religions that fall under the umbrella of Christianity that truth gets lost. There is only one God, according to God. He says Christ was the first born of all his creation. As far as Christ being God spiritually, they make a split into two different entities physically in the end times. That is why I don’t buy the godhead.

Christ does not require us to believe in his deity. Your loyalty is to doctrine and your perception of truth. One little misconception can have a domino affect and totally obscure truth. Example. You say all laws are done away with. Scripture says we were never supposed to stop keeping the Sabbath, New Moons, Holy Days, and keep the law of unclean food (Col 2:16, Isaiah 56:6-7, 66:17, 66:23).

Some people are too emotionally invested to see truth, as in the case of the Jews. People ignore what God says about the Israelites because they want to believe the Jewish are God’s chosen. Deuteronomy 28:68 says they are going back to Egypt (bondage) by ship. Revelation 17:10-11, talks about the kingdoms that rejected God. Five fallen, One is (Rome), one comes and stays awhile (Brits). The 8th is of seven. This is America. Daniel 11:8 says describes America breaking away from the British Empire and coming here with their own gods and the captives (Israel). Not understanding who and where the Israelites are obscure the understanding of the last days. It gives you false doctrine like the rapture. It has you looking in the Middle East when Israel is in America.

1925 Jewish encyclopedia says Edom is in modern Jewry. America was and is modern Jewry. It was the Jews who owned the slave ships and ran the slave trade in the Americas. http://israelect.com/reference/WillieMartin/Modern_Jews.htm

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