
VACCINE QUACKERY BOMBSHELL: Key studies "proving" vaccine safety found to have gross conflicts of interest

(NaturalNews) It doesn't matter if alcohol is packaged as a can of beer, a bottle of wine or a shot of whiskey; it's essentially a fungus to the human body, encouraging chronic disease.It doesn't matter if a person consumes alcohol in moderation. With each sip, the body gets a dose of yeast and sugars that encourage the growth of disease-promoting Candida albicans in the gut. Alcoholic beverages feed these disease-promoting bacteria, giving them the food they need to reproduce and multiply. It doesn't matter if one binges occasionally or drinks a little each day. Alcohol fuels the very bacteria that promote disease.Compelling evidence shows that when Candida albicans are flourishing in the gut several health problems are more likely to take hold of the body. Among these are various forms of cancer. New studies show that alcohol consumption is tied directly to at least 12,800 new cancer cases in the UK alone. In the study, alcohol was linked to seven types of cancer in different areas of the body. The most prevalent were bowel cancer and breast cancer. For example, 3,200 cases of breast cancer have been linked to regular alcohol use in the UK each year.As Doug Kaufmann emphasizes in his program, Know the Cause, alcohol is a poisonous carcinogen by nature – a mycotoxin of the Saccharomyces yeast-brewer's yeast. A mycotoxin such as alcohol is a toxic, secondary metabolite produced by fungi and molds. Once consumed, alcohol basically creates the internal environment for fungal infections to take hold, allowing inflammation to set in, and illness to take hold.The comprehensive research covered 10 years of data pooled by the World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the Global Burden of Disease Alcohol Group and other bodies. In 2012, alcohol consumption played a strong role in nearly 500,000 cancer deaths. Lead researcher Jennie Connor of the University of Otago in New Zealand also noted that when alcohol consumption was reduced, incidences of cancer reduced correspondingly.The study found that regular consumption of a pint of premium lager (or a large glass of wine) drastically increases a person's risk of having bowel, esophageal, mouth, throat and breast cancer. Alcohol causes cells to release highly reactive molecules called Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), which cause DNA damage. Alcohol molecules ultimately break down into a toxin called acetaldehyde, which inhibits the body cells' natural ability to repair. This leads to further DNA damage, negatively changing the nature of a person on the cellular level. This breakdown process of alcohol also taxes the liver, leading to painful, debilitating cirrhosis over time.Alcohol also does damage on the hormonal level, increasing estrogen levels. This influx of estrogen changes the messages coursing through the body, confusing cellular communication, and distorting when cells should and should not divide. This is most likely the reason why alcohol consumption increases breast cancer risk; increased estrogen levels are indicative of breast cancer because the cells are dividing abnormally.Alcohol increases the risk for mouth and throat cancers, especially when a person routinely drinks and smokes. The alcohol acts as an easy transport for the cigarette chemicals to enter the blood, assisting toxins to be absorbed into the bloodstream via the mouth and throat areas.This study gives new insight into the DNA-damaging, fungus feeding, cancer-causing and painful end of life effects that alcohol consumption can cause.Sources include:CNet.comKnowTheCause.comCancerResearchUK.orgScience.NaturalNews.com

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