
Political correctness is MASS MENTAL ILLNESS... top 10 falsehoods you are demanded to accepted as true

(NaturalNews) As many know, passing kidney stones can be an extremely painful process. One of the most common urinary disorders diagnosed in the United States, kidney stones are formed when excess mineral deposits (usually calcium) clump together inside the kidney to form small pebble-like debris.That debris then travels from the kidney into the ureters, the tubes that carry waste from your kidney to your bladder, and then out of your body through urination.While it can take months, even years, for symptoms associated with kidney stones to surface, that doesn't mean they'll be any less painful when they do. Common symptoms associated with passing kidney stones range from mild swelling and tenderness to excruciating pain and urine back-up.Although the only way to get rid of kidney stones is to pass them, there are numerous natural therapies that can alleviate the pain experienced during the dreadfully long process.Apple cider vinegar has proven to be a highly effective home remedy for a myriad of ailments, and kidney stones are no exception. Apple cider vinegar's high acidity helps break apart existing kidney stones into smaller pieces that will be less painful to pass. Additionally, the citric acid in apple cider vinegar helps prevent the formation of further kidney stones by alkalizing the stone's effect on blood and urine, and by promoting the production of hydrochloric acid.To treat kidney stones, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with four ounces of water, adding a touch of honey or other natural sweetener, and drink the mixture three times a day. Repeat daily until the stone has passed.If apple cider vinegar isn't your cup of tea, Healthy Food Star concocted a super tasty, extra potent "stone-melting syrup" to help those suffering from kidney stones. The recipe combines a myriad of natural supplements used to treat kidney stones, including olive oil, lemon, organic honey, parsley root, and maple syrup.The extreme acidity of lemons helps dissolve kidney stones into smaller clumps, alleviating immediate pain, and making the eventual exiting process significantly less painful. Additionally, the parsley root acts as a natural diuretic to help facilitate the urination process, and speed up the stone's travel time from the bladder out of the body. Lastly, the honey (aside from providing sweetness) acts as a natural antimicrobial agent, inhibiting the growth of further microorganisms.To make the syrup, chop one whole lemon (with rind) into slices or chunks, and place them in a blender. Blend the lemon well, and then add one cup of olive oil, one cup of organic honey, one large bunched parsley root, and one cup of maple syrup. Blend the entire concoction until the lemon rinds are dissolved to your liking, and then pour the mixture into a glass jar, and refrigerate. Take one tablespoon of the mixture in the morning before eating, and repeat each day until the stone exits your body.An all-natural herbal remedy, Chanca Piedra is a widespread tropical plant used most popularly by tribal communities in the Amazon to treat kidney stones. A highly effective form of kidney stone treatment, the English translation of the Spanish named plant literally means "stone breaker." Praised by doctors and scientists worldwide, "[a]ll natural Chanca Piedra has been shown to scientifically crush the kidney stones to dissolve them and allow easy passing of remnant stone materials." The herbal remedy also builds defense systems within the body to reduce the likelihood of developing further kidney stones.To treat a kidney stone, either mix pure Chanca Piedra concentrate with water, or take 400 mg of chanca piedra capsules two times a day until the stone has passed.Sources:http://blogs.naturalnews.com/powerful-syrup-dissolve-kidney-stones/http://www.kidneyatlas.org/dissolve-kidney-stones/http://www.naturallivingideas.com/natural-remedies-for-kidney-stones/http://www.healthyfoodstar.com

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Kidney stones - natural remedies, prevention, and what really causes themDiet soda now promoted as medicine to stop kidney stones (opinion)How to prevent kidney stones with everyday foodsHome remedies from herbal teas and grocery foods dissolve kidney stones and reverse renal failureSports drinks are sometimes better than water, but can also cause kidney stones and osteoporosisHow to keep your kidneys healthy, happy and stone-freeDrink to your kidney health with lemonade to avoid kidney stones

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