FRAUD FLASHBACK: Drug company clinical science papers found to be ghost written by a marketing firm
(NaturalNews) As readers of Natural News are well aware, the medical industry, in collusion with Big Pharma, has been over-prescribing antibiotics for years, resulting in new strains of superbugs that are difficult to kill. In point of fact, it's not at all improper to suggest that at some point in the future, our overuse of antibiotics may result in bacteria evolving to the point where nothing on earth can kill it.Long before today's antibiotics were developed in labs, however, there were foods and herbs that helped us guard against infection and disease on a daily basis. Indeed, many of these natural anti-bacterial defenders are still around today, and are in use by holistic healers around the world.Our ancestors had solutions for healing, utilizing antibiotics from nature which are still as valid now as they were then.Oregano and oil of oregano: If you've ever had Italian food, chances are good that you've had oregano before, and you probably didn't even realize its health benefits. In addition to its antibacterial properties, oregano also aids in digestion and with weight loss. An oil found in oregano, called Carvacrol, has also been found to fight bacteria that can lead to infection.Raw apple cider vinegar: This has far-reaching benefits. Daily intake of apple cider vinegar includes antibiotic and antiseptic benefits, while naturally alkalizing your system. It can also help you manage your weight, lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of developing cancer.Honey: The ancient Romans knew of honey's antibacterial properties, using it to treat wounds and prevent subsequent infections. And today, in countries all around the world, honey is still considered to be one of the best natural antimicrobials, anti-inflammatories and antiseptics, in addition to its antibacterial properties. In fact, Manuka honey, found in New Zealand, has been found to have the highest levels of antioxidants and curative abilities.Turmeric: This brilliantly-colored spice is flavorful, but also has great body protection qualities. In addition, turmeric can be both consumed and applied externally, which makes it a great all-round bacteria fighter. For extra protection, you can mix turmeric with honey and create a paste to apply to skin.Garlic: Again, more than just a wonderful seasoning, the garlic plant has very powerful qualities. It can fight the common cold, keeping germs at bay before they have a chance to infect you. A compound in garlic – allicin – protects against yeast, parasites, bacteria and more.Grapefruit seed extract: According to the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, a study found that grapefruit seed extract is effective against more than 800 known viruses and bacteria, as well as more than 100 strains of fungi and parasites. Besides boosting antibacterial protection, this extract also alkalizes the body and improves gut flora.Echinacea: Many people are not familiar with this product, but it certainly has wonderful antibacterial qualities. Found in kitchens, this herb has been proven to reduce the amount of colds that the average person may experience in a lifetime. Echinacea has also been found to shorten the duration of colds, but is best taken as a preventative measure.Cabbage: A cruciferous vegetable, sulfur compounds found in cabbage are effective battlers of cancer, as are kale and broccoli, two other members of the same family. But cabbage also contains a massive amount of vitamin C, with one cup providing up to 75 percent of your daily recommended allowance.Extra virgin coconut oil: You should be using more coconut oil anyway, because it's much better for you (because it's natural) than chemical-laced vegetable cooking oils, but in addition to that, extra virgin coconut oil has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties, and is packed with antioxidants. Use it to boost your immune system.Fermented foods: Think unpasteurized cabbage, homemade pickles, kefir and probiotic yogurts – all of which renew our intestinal flora, which in turn protects against cancer and gives us greater ability to fight off infections.Colloidal silver: This natural antibiotic is a mixture of silver particles that have been suspended in fluid, and has been used for centuries. However, this treatment should only be used on a short-term basis, because too much silver, a heavy metal, can be toxic as well. It works by disabling the enzyme that single-cell bacteria need in order to
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Antibacterial clay and natural antibiotics offer hope for humanity to halt superbugsFive natural antibiotics that fight illness and promote healthNatural antibiotics to stockpile now: 10 herbs and foods that kill superbugsThe 5 best natural antibiotics and anti-virals that destroy superbugs and just about everything else3 common medical procedures that ruin your long-term healthAntibiotics for UTI infections: Here's what works without resorting to dangerous drugsAmazing uses for garlic - nature's antibiotic
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