
Powerful forces threaten Houston film festival to pull VAXXED documentary... 'heavy handed censorship' by government...

(NaturalNews) The benefits of holistic therapies to help maintain good health, reverse certain ailments and even completely heal various conditions are something that Natural News readers are well aware of.Still, such practices remain the center of controversy throughout most of America, with a great divide often existing between conventional practitioners and holistic ones. Specifically, the issue of health insurance is a biggie; will yours cover co-pays to the hospital where you can receive the thimersol-filled flu shot? Of course. Will it cover visits to an acupuncturist? Unlikely.However, over in Switzerland, a natural medicine breakthrough has occurred – and it's something that should be embraced everywhere. There, five holistic therapies – homeopathy, holistic medicine, herbal medicine, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine – are poised to attain the same health insurance status as conventional medicine by May 2017. This means that people will be reimbursed for such treatments, so long as they're administered by certified medical doctors.The decision comes as the result of a six-year trial period that started in 2012 to assess such for their suitability, efficacy and cost-effectiveness. Before then, in 2005, health insurance of holistic therapies was rejected by Switzerland's interior ministry, which cited lack of scientific proof concerning efficacy. Through the years, however, people in the country have thankfully embraced such treatments and therapies; in 2009, two-thirds of the population there expressed the desire for holistic methods to be considered on the constitutional list of paid health services.On the complete flip side, United States residents struggle to make such efforts a reality. While we know that holistic practices yield many benefits over, say, health-harming Big Pharma drugs that are often prescribed at the drop of a dime, the reality is that many of us still get the deer-in-headlights look when declaring our preference of natural health options over conventional ones.Or worse, as was the case with Maryanne Godboldo of Detroit, Michigan.In 2011, her door was broken down – unlawfully – and her 13-year-old daughter was taken away by armed officers. Child Protective Services ordered such actions, prompting a Special Response Team to engage in these behaviors.Why?Godboldo refused to keep her daughter on pharmaceutical treatments prescribed to treat her psychosis and instead, turned to natural remedies. Her daughter was put on psychotropic drugs after she experienced severe reactions upon receiving routine vaccinations in 2009. She was easily irritated and making facial grimaces – actions she wasn't exhibiting prior to getting the vaccinations. After going to the Children's Center, which supposedly had children's best interests at heart, she was given psychotropic drugs which worsened her condition. However, once her mother took her off the drugs and she started using holistic and natural methods – at the recommendation of another physician – the authorities caught wind of this and acted swiftly, engaging in the aforementioned home invasion.Then there's the been the wave of mysterious deaths and disappearances that have stricken alternative health professionals in the United States in recent years. There was the gunshot wound in the chest – a highly unusual occurrence if it were suicide – which killed Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet, a Florida physician involved with autism research who was known to challenge the medical establishment. He was found floating in a North Carolina river, his death thought to be linked to the rash of seven other deaths and disappearances involving health doctors throughout Florida.Oh, it should be pointed out that, three days prior to his death, the U.S. government raided his clinic in an effort to take away his work pertaining to GcMAF, a molecule that may have the potential to cure cancer and improve autism symptoms.What will it take for holistic efforts to be more widely accepted in the United States the way they are in Switzerland? Sadly, greed comes first and our freedoms to do to our health what we see fit is repeatedly squashed. Even though natural treatments that can dramatically improve our health exist, the sick keep getting sicker.Sources for this article include:SwissInfo.chNaturalNews.comNaturalNews.comNaturalNews.comScience.NaturalNews.com

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