
Traffic Contacts: 331

Parking Contacts: 54

Vehicle Inspections: 31

Vehicle Unlocks: 27

Crash Investigations: 14

Public Assists: 148

Assist Other Agency: 92

Crimes Against Persons Report: 8

Crimes Against Property Report: 17

Other Reports: 22

Arrests: 34

Warrants: 4

Alcohol/Narcotics Charges: 13

Crimes Against Persons Charges: 6

Crimes Against Property Charges: 9

Other Charges: 8

Animal Calls: 38

Total Calls for Service: 1,719

Total Calls for Service for the year: 12,061


Officer attended dive training with the Johnson County Dive Team. (8 hours).

Officer attended bomb squad training

Four officers attended a free Officer Involved Shooting seminar in Dubuque. Multiple speakers presented the case facts, evidence collection and prosecution of the subject that killed Officer Jamie Buenting.

The Field Training Program is in operation with the newest officer going through the 3 month field training process.

Public Relations:

Officers instructed violent intruder drills for the Iowa City Community School District at the buildings in North Liberty.

Officers worked August 4th on the National Night Out event. The officers were outside of the patrol vehicles on bikes and on foot in neighborhoods. We had one neighborhood call to register their block party and officers met with residents. We hope to increase promotion of this yearly event.

Two officers attended the Collins Community Child Safety Day on August 15th. The Department presented on seat belts, child safety restraints, and conducted a demonstration with a device called “Rollee”. The Rollee was provided by the Iowa Crime Prevention Association and is used to demonstrate what happens during a roll over crash. We are members of the association.

An officer attended the Child Safety Fair at the North Liberty Community Library.

Officers demonstrated the Rollee at the North Liberty Fire Department’s Salute to Summer event.

Attended the final thank you celebration for the Summer Lunch Program, to thank the volunteers for contributing to the program.

Officers assisted with two 5K running events in North Liberty by providing traffic control.

Officers attended the Penn Landing Celebration/Block Party for the opening of HWY 965.

The department donated two kid themed baskets to the Courage Ride silent auction. The ride was held August 22nd and proceeds from the ride benefit the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center. Our department baskets raised $110 for this great cause.

Promotional items were ordered that include the NLPD logo and dispatch contact information to handout at public events. This includes, key chains, tattoos, stickers, pencils, wristbands and brochures.


The department purchased a simulation suit that can safely be used for taser training to protect the role players. This will be utilized next month during taser recertification training.

The final replacement vehicle from the July 1st budge cycle was put into service. It took approximately 45 days to get the vehicle operational.

A settlement was reached with the insurance company for the totaled patrol car that was struck on the interstate. A new vehicle was ordered and we were advised there is an 8-12 week delay for the vehicle to be built.


We have divided the schools, so officers are assigned to each one if not on an emergency call for the first few weeks of school. If we are short an officer we will utilize the speed trailer in the area to help slow down vehicles.

Officers have followed school busses around during the morning and afternoon pick up to ensure that drivers are not passing the school bus.

The Drug Task officer was subpoenaed to testify in Colorado on a federal firearms and drug case involving an investigation from Johnson County. The defendants were found guilty.

Department Admin:

Completing the application process to register Chaplain Boyd Kuester with the International Association of Chaplains program.

For the year, we have inspected and issued seven (7) Golf Cart permits for the city. This is down two permits from years past.

Assessment of the Collateral Assignments within the department and specific training needs were prioritized, and reviewed.

All staff asked about budgetary needs for the FY 2016-2017. Items suggested will assist officers in preforming their jobs more effectively.

All training manuals for former and current employees were scanned and discs were created that will be stored in the employees personnel file. These binders will reduce the amount of paperwork that is stored. The items scanned include training documents and all reports the officer completes during their three month field training program.

Coordinating and planning was completed for NLPD officers to work at the University of Iowa home football games. The officers sign up for these shifts when they are not scheduled to work for the City.

Researching scheduling software and package deals to save time with scheduling of personnel for patrol, off-duty, GTSB overtime, special events, training, and approved time off.

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