
Sometimes it isn’t enough to look through mainstream furniture magazines or walk through the dining ware section of department stores. Instead, with so many interior designers and stylists now providing their advice through the blogsphere, we have different unique perspectives that provide the inspiration we need to spice up our homes and closets at our fingertips. For ideas on investing in beautifully decorated homes, whether vintage or modern-chic, here are a few online destinations to get your brains stirring up a creative storm.

Photo courtesy of Abigail Ahern

Abigail Ahern

Be prepared to see house décor on a completely different level because Abigail Ahern’s blog can only be described as groundbreaking. After years in the home design industry, Ahern has made sure that she is one step ahead of the home décor fads, so if you want a newsfeed of interior design trends no one else knows about, make this a bookmark on your desktop. Along with images of her projects and motifs that give fans a look into her brilliant mind, she also doesn’t hesitate to give tips that she would otherwise give at her design school or to her own clients. Ahern becomes your personal interior designer and will provide anyone with an insight for the dramatic and fabulous as simple as a few mouse clicks.


Tutorial: Veneer Pendant Lights (Photo courtesy of Poppytalk)


If your hands are ever aching for a new DIY project, you will spend hours scouring this site. With inspiration from cities all over the world, writers and designers contribute ideas on how to make what used to be trash or junk into something that everyone else will want in their home. From birch bark nightlights to colorful pom pom rugs, bring your wildest decor dreams alive. Along with fun and crafts, Poppytalk also compiles images of homes and spaces that follow certain trends. With beautiful pictures of other people’s blooming gardens or happy cottage-themed kitchens, fans of the site can find what they can do to imitate these looks.

Photo courtesy of The Style Files

The Style Files

For those who are blown away by wall-to-ceiling windows with oceanfront views or lavishing canopy beds fit for royalty, check out this Netherlands-based site. Owner and blogger Danielle de Lange searches the globe looking for the world’s most beautiful sites and homes to help others gather ideas on new products and designs to transform any living space into the room they have been dreaming of. With one simple image, whether it is a photo of a girl in a radiant yellow dress or a table with dishes full of fruit and juices in vibrant colors, anything can help the creative mind develop plans for their future home décor. 

Happy Styling!

- Meghan Furey

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