
Photo courtesy of Mejron Photo/Adobe Stock

By Danielle Kent

You may not be able to get out and enjoy your morning run during the winter, but there are plenty of ways to stay fit indoors.


Playing tennis lowers your risk of heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. It also improves your muscle development, motor skills and brain development.

The Four Seasons Tennis Club
3010 Williams Drive, Fairfax

Known for its 10 well-lit indoor courts and four outdoor hard courts that are enclosed in a heated bubble during the winter, The Four Seasons Tennis Club allows players to stay warm and fit.


Jumping on a trampoline gives you all the benefits of running while taking stress off your weight-bearing limbs. It stimulates your metabolism, improves your sense of balance and improves the circulation of lymph through the lymph glands.

Flight Trampoline Park
7200 Fullerton Road, Springfield

Your little ones are probably tired of sitting around the house all day, so take them to Flight Trampoline Park for a day of indoor fun that they will never forget.


Running combines all the benefits of different physical exercises into one. It builds muscle and endurance while promoting cardiovascular health.

Potomac Valley Track Club

The Potomac Valley Track Club will host three upcoming indoor track meets (Jan. 15 & 29 and Feb. 5) for those age 14 and up. Costs $3-$14 to enter.


Swimming helps maintain a healthy weight, heart and lungs by building up endurance and strength and toning muscle.

Life Time Swim
Multiple NoVA locations

For those who love the water, Life Time Fitness in Fairfax offers free open swim time and free aquatic exercises in their indoor pool for those who want to enjoy a relaxing swim and stay in shape this winter.

Rock Climbing

Rock climbing builds up a lot of muscle, especially in your abs and biceps, and your flexibility will also increase. Climbing also increases levels of norepinephrine, which is a neurotransmitter that aids in stress-relief.

Sport Rock
Multiple NoVA locations

Winter is probably not the best time to go outside to climb rocks, but for those who love the sport, Sport Rock offers a fun indoor alternative to keep you in shape until spring arrives.

(January 2017 Make the Most of Winter)

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