IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF BAKER Juvenile Department In the Matter of) ) Case No: 5705J ZANE BISHOP ) Petition No: 5705J01 )SUMMONS A Child) TO: Alicia Shorts Transient Baker City, Oregon 97814 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are directed to appear before the above-entitled Court: X Baker County Circuit Court, Baker County Courthouse, 1995 Third Street, Baker City, Oregon, on the 27th day of January, 2013, at 3:30 o'clock P .M. for a hearing of the above-entitled matter: X this matter has come before the Court and continued to the above-noted date. Pursuant to a hearing held at said time, the Court will make disposition of said child and the circumstances under which (he)(she) resides as appears to the Court appropriate under the circumstances and in conformance with the Court's authority ORS 419B. If you have any questions concerning this matter, you may contact the Juvenile Court at (541) 523-8215. Dated: November 26, 2013 CONSTITUTIONAL AND OTHER RIGHTS: (Please read carefully) 1.The summoned person may have an attorney present at the hearing or during any interviews or conferences with the police, juvenile court counselor or anyone else. 2.If the juvenile, parent or guardian does not have the money to employ an attorney and wants one, the Court will appoint an attorney for the child and may appoint an attorney for the parent or guardian. See the counselor assigned to this case about such an appointment. The counselor cannot say whether there should be an attorney. This must be decided by the juvenile, parent or guardian. 3.The summoned person is not required to tell anything to the police, juvenile court counselor or anyone else about the situation that brings him or her before the Court. If the summoned person does talk about the situation, whatever is said may be repeated to the Judge by anyone except the juvenile's attorney, and the Judge may consider the statement in deciding what to do. 4.The summoned person whose case is being heard is not required to testify or say anything at the hearing and may decide whether to testify. 5.The summoned person will have the opportunity to ask questions of any witness who testifies at the hearing, and may choose anyone to testify in his or her behalf. 6.The juvenile and any parent have the right to attend and witness all proceeding, ask questions of the Judge, and offer statements of fact or opinion. 7.If the person named in the summons fails to appear at the time and place specified herein, the court may take jurisdiction of the child, make such orders and take such action as authorized by law. 8.Any person whose right or duties are adversely affected by a final order of the Court may appeal therefrom. NOTICE Pursuant to ORS 419B.268(1)(a) a parent or other person legally obligated to support a child may be required to pay, at some future date, for all or a portion of the support of the child, including the cost of out-of-home placement, depending upon the ability of the parent to pay support. Legal No. 00033953 Published: November 29, December 6, 13, 2013