
On Oct. 13, the district held a town hall meeting to present its work thus far on the grades K-12 building project that will go before voters on Dec. 15. The architectural layout of schools and the traffic impact were discussed, as well as a current estimated cost and tax impact. Below is a summary of what was presented; please note, the summary is still tentative and subject to Board of Education approval on Oct. 24, during its regular monthly meeting at 7:15 p.m. Click here for the full presentation, which includes draft layouts of each of the school buildings.

Referendum (vote) #1: December 15, 2016

$196.4 million

This vote approves two phases of work

Phase 1: (2018-2020)

Shaker Middle School conversion in total:

New, enhanced security at the front entrance and throughout the building

Expanded parking and construction of dedicated bus and parent drop-off loops

Movement of student services and support to the front of the building (guidance, health)

A renovated and expanded cafeteria to accommodate growing enrollment

Renovation of the existing auditorium

Creation of additional technology, music and art classrooms

Construction of a new, fifth hall; all five halls will consist of grades 6-8

Construction of new science classrooms and labs for grades 6-8

Creation of learning commons spaces to allow for collaborative project work and learning

Creation of a library media center with maker spaces, collaboration areas and improved use of technology

Elementary schools:

New, enhanced security at the front entrances and throughout the buildings

Expanded media centers with attached idea labs

Innovation centers for grades 4 & 5

New classrooms at Boght Hills to allow for an additional section for each grade level, thus reducing class size districtwide

Additional music rehearsal, special education, and instructional support space depending on needs of buildings

Shaker High School:

New, secure main entry, moved to the front of the building with administrative and support services

Expanded auditorium to accommodate 1,200-1,300 people, with balcony seating (auditorium currently seats 700)

Renovation and expansion of music and art spaces

J wing classroom additions to accommodate future growth in enrollment

Creation of an expanded drop-off zone to reduce traffic back-up coming into the middle school/high school campus

Widened entry drive with added lane that leads to student parking at SHS

Expanded parking in front of the high school

Controlled flow-through access between SHS and middle school to alleviate traffic congestion

Addition of synthetic surfaces for Walker Field and Lower Maloy Field

Multi-use fields will allow for games and practices for football, boys and girls soccer, boys and girls lacrosse, field hockey, and physical education classes

Walker Field improvements: bleachers, concession stand, and bathroom facilities

Lighting of Lower Maloy Field

Reconstruction of varsity baseball and varsity softball fields


Expansion of parking for staff and buses

Phase 2: (2020-2022)

Shaker High School:

Completion of STEM and Humanities Halls with integration of lab and instruction spaces

Expanded and renovated Career and Technical Education (CTE) spaces

Each 9/10 and 11/12 hallway will have a learning commons created (destruction and re-build of current B wings)

Construction of adaptive physical education space and team rooms

Construction of a fitness center

Referendum (vote) #2: September 2021 (estimated)

Cost to be determined at that time

Work to be completed in 2023-2026

Additional Shaker High School work

Renovation and construction of cafeterias, Media Center and additional CTE spaces

Expansion and renovation of the teacher collaboration area

Goodrich renovation to accommodate Pre-K

Full transportation building renovations

Remaining middle school/high school athletic fields work and site work

Remaining elementary work

Learning commons in the K/1 and 2/3 communities

Tax Impact

The initial tax rate increase would not take effect until the debt payments begin in 2020 at the earliest. Since there will most likely be three bond issues, the tax rate impact will be phased in over time.

The tax rate is currently estimated to increase:

2.5 percent in 2020

An additional 1.5 percent in 2021

An additional 2.0 percent in 2022

A one percent tax rate increase is 25 cents per thousand of assessed value. Therefore, a total six percent increase would be $1.50 per thousand of assessed value. On a median assessed value home in North Colonie, the total impact would be $255 annually until the bond is retired, or approximately $21 a month.

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