
For years I toyed with the idea of creating premium content, and back in October, 2014 I dipped my toes in the water by creating my Patreon Campaign.

It’s been a lot of fun creating exclusive content that I know people enjoy and see the value in it (and hopefully are learning something too!) But at the same time, I have been wrestling with some concerns of my own that I’m creating content solely to create something.

Unfortunately, there are times when this takes all the fun out of the process and the result is a project or video that isn’t at the level of production or quality I think someone would find worth paying for.

So rather than denying my Patrons something worth their generous contributions, I’ve decided to stop the Patreon campaign all together and look at creating something different.

The way I see it, a campaign like what I was running is better suited for a large project. Something where you plan out several episodes and can bring the audience and supporters along for something that makes them feel like they got their monies worth.

In the case of the Tall Dresser Build this worked, but for smaller one-off projects, it’s very hit and miss. And like I said, I no longer want to make content purely because I have to, instead I want to make it because I’m inspired and I want the audience to feel it with me.

So for current Patrons of Matt’s Basement Workshop who have donated at levels which receive bonus content aside from sneak peeks, I will have a private page setup for you so that you can still access and download the bonus content.

In the mean time, if you would still like to continue supporting the show on a regular basis, please visit the support page at by clicking on the “How to Support the Show” tab at the top of the page or just by Clicking Here.

By purchasing items through our affiliate links you can help support the show, or you can support the show through a monetary contribution via Paypal.

Either a suggested recurring donation of either $2/month, $5/month, or a very generous $10/month. Or a One-time Donation of an amount of your choosing.

Thank you for all of your support if you were a Patron of the show or if you’ve ever used our affiliate links or donation buttons.

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