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== Further information ==

== Further information ==

The Pterophyllum altum, or Altum Angelfish, as they are also known, grow larger than how they are represented in the game, in fact reaching over 50 cm in the wild (the size of a small barred knifejaw). It originates from South America, in the river basins of the Amazon River, Orinoco River, and Essequibo Rivers. They are ambush predators, meaning they hide behind roots and attack on small fish when they least suspect it. Their small bodies and striped coloration makes it easy for them to hide. They are monogamous, which means they only have one partner throughout their lifetime with which they lay eggs. It likes weak acidic water, with a pH of about 4.5 to 6.

The Pterophyllum altum, or Altum Angelfish, as they are also known, grow larger than how they are represented in the game, in fact reaching over 50 cm in the wild (the size of a small barred knifejaw). It originates from South America, in the river basins of the Amazon River, Orinoco River, and Essequibo Rivers. They are ambush predators, meaning they hide behind roots and attack on small fish when they least suspect it. Their small bodies and striped coloration makes it easy for them to hide. They are monogamous, which means they only have one partner throughout their lifetime with which they lay eggs. It likes weak acidic water, with a pH of about 4.5 to 6.



{{See Wikipedia|Pterophyllum}}

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