


BREAKING: AG Loretta Lynch Just Got HORRIBLE News… Hillary Camp FRANTIC

Loretta Lynch SUED for details over secret tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton…


The United States Attorney General, Loretta Lynch is being sued.  It seems that there has been a stunning role-reversal for the nation’s top lawyer.

Lynch has been slapped with a federal lawsuit filed by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) filed against the Department of Justice as of Wednesday, November 2, 2016.

The ACLJ is demanding to know the details of top-secret airport tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton. That meeting took place just DAYS prior to the FBI making the decision not to recommend an indictment against Bill’s wife, Hillary at the conclusion of the original FBI investigation into Hillary’s private email server scandal. ACLJ states that the public has a right to know what exactly happened during Lynch’s meeting.


Lynch has been widely and loudly criticized for meeting with Bill Clinton for more than 30 minutes on the tarmac of an Arizona airport on June 27, 2016. There have been accusations of a compromised investigation as well as allegations of flat out corruption due to the suspicious timing of the meeting. That meeting has cast a rather damning shadow on Lynch and her professionalism.

Some have even called for her disbarment for her unethical and unprofessional behavior as it calls into question her potential bias towards the Clintons in the investigation, especially in light of the subsequent reopening of the FBI case.  It potentially compromised an entire investigation. As Attorney General, it was Lynch’s job to decide whether Hillary should be and would be indicted for her mishandling classified information when she chose to use a private, unsecured email server to conduct State Department business against clear protocol.

Both Lynch and Bill insist that the conversation was completely innocent with discussions about gold and grandchildren. “Our conversation was a great deal about grandchildren, it was primarily social about our travels and he mentioned golf he played in Phoenix,” Lynch said at the time.

Critics from all sides have lambasted the poor choices made in having the meeting in the first place.  Less than a week later, FBI Director James Comey announced the FBI would not recommend an indictment against Hillary. Conveniently, Loretta Lynch is James Comey’s boss. Given the decision not to pursue charges AFTER  Comey clearly laid out WHY what Hillary had done was wrong and what laws were broken as well as the suspicious timing of the meeting, their story is doubtful at best.  Even more doubtful after the Congressional hearings concluded with Trey Gowdy presiding in attendance.  The laws Hillary broke so numerous that Gowdy cited many off the top of his head.

Chief Counsel of the ACLJ Jay Sekulow has been loudly vocal about Lynch and the Obama Regime slamming their“arrogance and inappropriate actions.” Sekulow stated – “This Administration has gone out of its way to hide information from the American public – information that is extremely troubling. The stakes are high. The American people deserve a Justice Department with integrity.”

On October 30, 2016. conservative government watchdog group Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the FBI related to its investigation of Hillary’s secret email server. In its FOIA request, Judicial Watch is seeking “all records related to the meeting between Attorney General Lynch and former President Bill Clinton on June 27, 2016.”

Last Friday, the FBI reopened its criminal probe into Hillary’s email server after the discovery of additional emails in the investigation against Anthony Wiener. Wiener is being investigated as a result of his inappropriate online relationship with a 15-year-old girl.  The original warrant was for child pornography which is what led to the confiscation of the laptop that was shared by Wiener and his estranged wife, Huma Abedin. Huma is Hillary’s aide and closest confidante.

It seems I am in complete agreement with former DOJ attorney and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani when he says the evidence that Hillary willfully and intentionally broke the law is simply overwhelming. One would have to be willfully ignorant and dangerously stupid to not see it.

h/t – BizPacReview

God Bless.



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