
How to Unblock School Internet ? The Mystery unsolved!

So you are at school, sit down at a computer in the library during your lunch hours and you want to check your Facebook account because you are expecting a message, but when you try to log on the computer completely blocks you from it. When you find your Facebook account doesn’t work, you might try another social media account, but it doesn’t work either. Alright, so you still have 30 minutes left of lunch and you need to find something to do with your time. All of your school work is all done or the book you need is at home, and you don’t really want to just sit around for the time. You might as well catch up on your favorite television show, right? So you head over to your streaming service, only to find that these sites are blocked as well. Basically every kind of website you are looking for has been blocked from you and everyone else in the school. Of course, this block probably isn’t just for you and the other students, but many of the teachers have to deal with this as well. The school’s network just has a firewall set up over specific websites. It is possible to Unblock School Internet. You just need to know how to unblock it.

First, you need to understand how the blocking actually works. When there is a firewall in place that blocks your computer’s access from these particular websites, it is because the firewall knows your IP address. Every computer system has an IP address that is specific to the computer. When the computer you are sitting at sends out a request to reach a particular website, it first has to travel through the firewall. When the firewall recognizes your IP address, it is immediately going to block you from gaining access to these websites. Essentially, you need to block your IP address and make sure the network’s firewall is unable to see it. When the network is not able to see your IP address, it opens up the entire Internet to you.

Of course, how do you block your own IP address? After all, it is specific to your computer and you can’t just reach inside of the computer and remove this programming. However, it is possible to hide your IP address from the network through the aid of something known as a proxy. A proxy basically hides all of your computer’s information from websites, networks and other services from seeing. It is rather amazing the kind of information that is tagged to your computer. When you visit a website, the hosting website can see everything from your IP address to your location, the kind of operating system you are using, the Internet browser, Internet service provider and other content details that are specific to your computer. Basically, everything that your computer might have detailed about an Internet connection, a host website is able to see this. This is how visiting websites are able to know when you are returning back to the site. Chances are, you have been on a website that automatically knows who you are when you log on. This is because it recognizes your IP address and other content associated with the address. In order to prevent this from happening through, including your school system’s network firewall, you need to block this particular access through the proxy.

A proxy is a service that allows you to visit a website without directly connecting to it. The term proxy is used in all sorts of different ways. When someone hires a proxy, the proxy is the individual who attends a business meeting (for example), for them while they are away. The proxy represents them, even though they are not actually in person. This is exactly how a proxy works with an Internet connection. The proxy stands in for your IP address when you visit a website, so while the proxy looks completely different from you, you still receive all of the necessary information you need. Best of all, you don’t need to purchase a proxy. There are thousands of proxy servers available online for free.

One thing you need to know is your computer’s network is also familiar with proxy’s. Due to this, the network is going to block some of these websites from loading as well. However, there are just far too many proxies out there for the network to block all of them, so you shouldn’t have a problem. You might just need to search around until you find a proxy that is actually able to load onto the screen. In order to locate a proxy, simply type in “Proxy Server” into your favorite search engine. This is going to bring up a list of all sorts of different proxies. There are some websites that are going to be listed towards the top of the search results that provide a list of proxy servers. This is an excellent website to check out. It is going to have dozens, if not hundreds of proxy websites available. Simply click on one of these websites and wait for it to load. If you receive the same blocked screen that you do with your other blocked sites, than you know it is not going to work for you. However, as long as you continue down the list, eventually one is going to load up onto the computer screen.

When the proxy website loads, it is going to look similar to a search engine. It is going to have an open search bar and a “Connect” (or titled in a similar manor) button next to it. This is where you type the URL of the website you want to visit. Make sure to include the full website, which means typing in the “http://www….” aspect of the website name. You probably haven’t typed the full URL in ages, but with a proxy server it is important. When you type in the URL and click the connect button, your desired website is going to load inside of a window on the proxy website. This signals that you are still inside of the proxy while you visit your desired website. It might take a second longer for the content to load, simply because it has to go through an extra server and your school’s network might scan over this information an extra time before allowing it to pass. Once you are at your desired website you can perform many of the same functions that you would have back at home. However, depending on the website you are using and the sever you are using, some of the functions might not work. If there is a feature through the website that requires a pop-up window, such as a live-chat function of a website, this is not going to work. This is because if you select the pop-up window, it is not able to open in the proxy, as the proxy is already occupied by the actual website. Due to this, there is nowhere for it to go or to load, to you are out of luck. However, as long as there are no pop-ups you need to open, you should be fine.

If you have multiple websites you want to visit, you have to make sure you type in the new website URL into the proxy’s URL bar and not into the search bar of your Internet browser. If you do use the search bar on your Internet browser, it is going to instantly close you out of the proxy and you won’t be able to access (it is an easy mistake to make, simply because you are so use to typing in content into this bar). As long as you type the information into the search URL bar of the proxy server, you should be fine.

The next day or a few days later, there is a good chance that you are no longer able to use the same proxy that you did previously. Eventually, the school’s network administrator is going to discover what proxy server was used and they are most likely going to place it on the banned website list (although all of this depends on how active the administrator is on the network). They may not be able to see who accessed the network, but they will be able to see it was accessed. This basically places you back to square one again – and the process to unblock the internet starts again.

If you are wondering how to unblock school Internet, you don’t need to worry too much. With the help of a proxy server, you can block out your computer’s IP address and access these websites you are looking for. While you might think about how to unblock school Internet, this method works for other locations as well, such as if your boss at work has blocked certain websites or if other computers do not allow you to reach specific sites. As mentioned the downside is that once spotted, your proxy will be blocked. Also it takes a lot of time to constantly go through to try and find a proxy that will work on the school site. While there are a lot of free proxy’s available – sadly, the standard of them is not so great – often many people are trying to use them at the same time, hence they are unreliable. Lastly – and most importantly, the school will have blocked the internet for a reason, and it is very likely that it is within its code of conduct, accessing the internet is not permitted. So if you did find this page through search and are trying to unlock the school or any other locations internet, you need to take into account you are breaking the school rules and this may get you into trouble if discovered. While it is fun, interesting and cool to understand technology – it is very important that it used in the right way, trying to unlock this internet might not be the best way to use your skills. Our advice would be to check out “free programming lessons” or “learn how to make an app” in Google search – channel your energy and time into skills like this which will be much more impressive – someone who can actually program or has built their own game, even built their own MP3 player! Your decision…so what will it be?

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