
THERE are photographs on nearly every surface in Diane Belshaw’s house.

By: Jane Clinton

Published: Sun, October 27, 2013


Andrew Cairns killed his son and ex-partner before committing suicide [STUART MASON]

“Many are of my late husband David,” she says. “There are lots of my brother Andrew too.” Those last words hang in the air. On June 2, 2010, Andrew Cairns went to the home of his ex-partner Rachael Slack, 38, and their son Auden, 23 months, in Holbrook, Derbyshire. He killed her, their son and then himself. He was 44. Rachael was pregnant by her new partner. 

Andrew had been suffering from deteriorating mental health and was known to the psychiatric services. He was on antidepressants and had, in the past, been treated for periods of mental breakdown.

It was a tragic case and one that Diane, 51, who lives in Wigan with her 21-year-old daughter, Jessica, is adamant could have been prevented.

“I believe this awful situation should not have happened,” she says. “We were let down by the mental health services. The system is in chaos, it is broken. They need to start all over again from the top to the bottom.”

Towards the end of his life Andrew’s mental health had been rapidly deteriorating but, according to Diane, time and time again she felt let down and abandoned by the mental health services.

In the inquest into Andrew’s, Rachael’s and Auden’s deaths (which concluded last week) it was found that the mental health trust failed to verify background information with family members. As the coroner pointed out, this is common practice in psychiatric medicine.

“They never came to find out whether there had been a history in the family,” says Diane, adding that their mother had been treated for mental health issues. “We were ignored.”

Andrew, a pro golfer and businessman, had enjoyed a happy childhood and seemed content when he moved to Los Angeles with his wife after years of travelling. He set up a golf club and worked hard. Then, as the couple were moving to Spain, Andrew had a serious collapse. His car with all his belongings was impounded at Rotterdam.

“He was in complete meltdown. He just couldn’t cope,” explains Diane. Andrew was taken into a secure unit by police and David, Diane’s husband, had to bring him back to Wigan to help sort things out.

Rachel Slack, who was pregnant when she was killed, and son Auden [STUART MASON]

There was ample opportunity that day to help my brother, which could well have prevented this terrible tragedy

Diane Belshaw

Andrew returned to Spain and set up an art gallery in Ronda. When his mother died suddenly, however, he went into a terrible decline. “It affected him hugely,” says Diane. “I know now he never recovered from mum’s death.”

His marriage broke up and Andrew eventually started a relationship with Rachael Slack, an artist he had known for some time, and they moved back to the UK. In 2007, Rachael found she was expecting and Diane says Andrew was “made up”. The impending birth troubled Andrew though and in summer 2008 he was admitted to a psychiatric unit where his medication was reviewed.

Unfortunately, within six months of their son Auden’s birth, Andrew and Rachael had split up. At Auden’s christening in November 2008 Diane saw a radical change in her brother.

“He just didn’t look right. He was unkempt and distant,” she remembers. “I cried as he just didn’t look like my brother.”

Despite the split Rachael was still in his life. “Rachael was lovely, full of fun and kind. She was always making sure Andrew was OK.” Andrew moved into a bungalow in April 2009 but repeatedly said he wanted to end his life.

On one occasion, when Diane and Rachael visited, he wouldn’t open the door but they could see he was dishevelled and living under a duvet in his living room. They rang for help and the crisis team arrived with senior clinical psychologist Dr Andrew Raynor, who was involved with Andrew’s care.

“I asked if we could call the police to break in and help Andrew but Dr Raynor told me that it was ‘against his human rights’. They said he was up and moving and all right but he clearly wasn’t.

“It was freezing cold. Rachael and I were on the path and they just got in their car and drove away. I have never felt so alone and it haunts me to this day. We had turned to professionals for help and were just left to cope on our own.

Diane Belshaw believes her brother, as well as Rachel and Auden, could have been saved [STUART MASON]

“There was ample opportunity that day to help my brother, which could well have prevented this terrible tragedy.”

After a sleepless night she called Dr Raynor and left a message. He did not return her call. She made a further six calls to him. They were not answered either.

“I was told he was either busy or in a meeting. It was just not good enough.”

The next time she would have contact with Dr Raynor was at the inquest into the deaths of Andrew, Rachael and Auden. He apologised to her in the coroner’s court but she did not accept his apology.

When Rachael told Andrew she had a new partner and was pregnant Diane says her brother seemed happy for her but on May 26 Rachael was concerned about his behaviour and he was arrested and held by the police under the Mental Health Act. Professionals assessed him and he was released.

On May 27 he was arrested for threatening to kill Rachael. He denied the threat and was released again on bail the next day but was not allowed to approach Rachael or Auden.

He panicked. Diane spoke to him and found his voice “completely and utterly monotone”.

“There was no emotion. He said: ‘This is making me more poorly. All I want is to see my little boy.’ That is the last thing he said to me. The next day Andrew, Rachael and Auden were dead.”

Samaritans offer support for anyone feeling depressed or struggling to cope [EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS]

At the inquest it was agreed there were police failings as they had not properly impressed upon Rachael the danger she and Auden faced. (Rachael’s family is suing Derbyshire police, mental health services and social services.)

Derbyshire Healthcare said a “lessons learnt” memo had been sent to all staff. Diane is not satisfied. She wants the failings of the mental health services to be highlighted in Westminster and is meeting with her MP.

“This mental health service is not fit for purpose,” she says. “They failed to keep proper records to co-ordinate Andrew’s care. Police and mental health professionals need to share information and this is something that the coroner is writing to the Home Secretary about. ”

Diane looks at a photograph of Andrew when he was 18. “I have lost a brother, a nephew and a dear friend,” she says.

“I have to speak out in the hope that it never happens again.”

Samaritans provides confidential support to anyone feeling depressed or struggling to cope. For 24-hour support call 08457 90 90 90, email jo@samaritans.org or visit samaritans.org to find your local branch.


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