
NL-ix celebrates
the fact that the 400th member signed for NL-ixmembership:
Feral Hosting , based at Bristol, United Kingdom.

This new milestone clearly shows that the amount of
companies, ISPs, operators and hosters connecting
to NL-ix is growing exponentially.
Earlier we welcomed member 200 (Breezz) at the end
of 2008 (6 years after start NL-ix), and member 300
(Benesol) came in winter 2012 (3,5 years later).

Now, january 2014, Feral Hosting connects to NL-ix as
member 400 (only 2 years later).
If this trend would go on, NL-ix may envision milestone
member 500 even sooner. For more statistics
on NL-ix members and ports, please have a look at:

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