
A harrowing tale of addiction and furniture.

Hi, my name is J.P. and I’m an Animal Crossing addict. For three months now I’ve tended my virtual village, building things, planting things, and abusing the local economy via a neighboring island. Through a combination of game-provided objectives and those of my own personal creation I’ve made this town my own, and I see no end in sight.

As I mentioned, I’ve had this game for three months now, since the day it was released here in North America. Over that course of time, I have played the game at least a little bit every day. Even if I was just checking the store (still looking for the last few bits of the Modern Wood set) and digging up a few fossils, I was taking part in this world. Some days I had other things going on and it would have been easy to let it slip, but I always made it there, even if I had to force myself.


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