
Notices: (Place holder)


Everyone wants to be the hot shot, but most times only one ever gets to claim the title.  So you're the new kid on the block, just got a job and now you have to get your hands dirty.  What's it going to take to get the job done around here?  Well that's really up to you now isn't it.

We all know that this city is getting worse.  Crime is around every corner.  It's up to you to figure out who the criminals are and to bring them in.  Not a job you can do all on your own though.  You'll need some help, but who can you trust?

As you walk into the building to claim your new position, you see plastered on one of the doors a name plate.

Sergeant Gates

Suddenly busting through the door comes someone very unexpected.  With her stature at around 5'6" her long blond hair falls across her face as she whisks it back.  Brushing only the right side behind her ear.  You have her pegged right off as a either a client or one being brought in for charges.  Judging by her tightly fit shirt and the fact that her bust was hanging out just a bit.  However, when she speaks she has the voice of an angle.

"Look sharp there boys and girls.  I've got a job for you!" She stated with authority and yet she smiled at them.

Could this be my new boss? Seriously???? You blink to get a second look as she turned around going back into the office briefly.  Coming back out she hands you a file.

"Well if you're going to be working here, you best get started at some point." She then pats one of the desks that was in the middle of the room.  "Make yourself at home."  Once again her smile fills the open space with what would seem a radiant light.  Hey you just might enjoy working here after all...

Getting Started:

What you just read was a bit of an opener for this RP.  If you can't tell it is based off the Ace Attorney games, however there is a bit of a difference.  Think of it kind of like Law and Order as well.  For in this RP you'll have to take care of cases, but you can't do them on your own.  Before you get started, you'll have to pick a role that your character will play.  I'll be taking the role of Sergeant and doing my best to keep this RP running.

With that said here are the roles you get to choose from:

Detective- You'll be the ones to investigate the crimes.  It will be your job to get all the clues and give them to the prosecutor for the case.  You'll work closely with the prosecutor and of course you'll co-operate with the defense as well when needed.  Remember you might also be called to the stand as a witness.

Attorney (We'll need defense and prosecutors) - Both types will need to find answers to some questions, but most of the uncovering is done by the detectives.  For the attorney's your job is mainly to try the cases in court.  You'll have to present the facts, question witnesses, and show your evidence.

Character - You can create your own direction in the story.  Meaning you can be a criminal, a victim, or anything you can think of to help the story a long.  Base your actions off the case file given, and create a story as you go.  If you decide to play a character and want to help in key parts of the story, you can also PM me your ideas or from time to time I might PM you a particular role to play.
Additional Info:

Doesn't seem like a lot of roles I know, but that's because I'll be helping the story move forward by playing a few different parts myself.  However, this is going to be largely your part as well.  I'll give a case file that you'll have to work on.  I'll give just a small amount of information, and then you'll have to write up the rest.  Meaning you'll be creating the case as you go.  You can create more then one character so that you can fill in the blanks.  You will be making up the evidence and how the events work.

I'll either except or reject the evidence before it goes to court, and as the judge I'll decide who presents the best case to see who the winner is and whether the case was closed or not.  Since I've never done an RP like this, I'm not sure exactly how it's going to work.  So lets play it by ear and see how it goes.

Q: How do we find evidence or clues?

A: Each case file will have pictures of key locations for finding clues.  I've edited these pictures to include things, so as you are RPing in the investigation, look at the photo to get an idea of your surroundings.  It's up to your characters to find the clues and fit them into the puzzle.

Q: How will we know what's already been done?

A: As each person discovers things, it's up to them to report back to Gates.  If no one reports back the case file doesn't get updated.  Hence it's really important that you RP calls into Gates, or show back up at the station.  If one character is investigation one spot and doesn't RP that they showed the evidence then the other characters can't use it unless they were with you upon discovery.

Q: Can the case file only be viewed or updated at the station?

A: No, each person can RP that they have a PDA.  By having a standard issue PDA, case files can been viewed and updated electronically.  So other then talking to Gates or going to the station, if you RP that you have updated the file yourself, I'll edit that into the report as "findings".

Q:  Can findings be used in the trial stage of the RP?

A: No, findings are just that.  Before you take a case to trial you'll have to review the case file and sort through the information.  It will be up to the DA and the Defense to organize the case file in a way that they plan to present it to the court.

If you have any other questions you can PM them to me.  Also suggestions are welcome as well.
How to Join:

Name: (Character name not user name)
Job: (One of the 3 listed)
History: (If there is any)


There really isn't any big rules for this.  We will just be creating the story as we go and as cases get done I'll make up more.  You can hang out in the station which will act as a home base for the RP.  Or you can go out and do some investigating.  Just remember that you have to build on what others already are doing so make sure to read the posts carefully.  If there are any differences, it could effect how the case runs in court mind you.

You may not control a main character or any character who is currently being controlled by someone if a name is placed next to that character.  Other characters are free for grabs.

Always check this first post for updates and details.  It's easy to miss something so it's best to keep up.  You can always ask questions in RP format as well, but try not to do to much OOC as it distracts from the story.


CASE 002

Victim: Professor Oak
Age: Unknown

Facts: The professor was out gathering information on some generation 5 pokemon. He worked in field study and helping new students.  He has a grandson Gary other wise little is known about him at this time.  While out in the field he was mewled but by a wild pokemon or a trained one is left to question.  Fact remains that the good professor is no longer with us and the investigation of his death is now open.

Past cases:
CASE 001


A report was just filed with the Sargent that someone in downtown had been murdered.

Victim: Margret Jackson
Age: 49

Facts: Margret was coming home from work, she is a clerk for a financial bank in downtown.  She doesn't make a whole lot of money, but for some reason she always had the best cloths.  Rumor has it that there is something suspicious about where she worked.  As of right now there is no suspect in custody and no means for a motive.  She only has 1 close friend and no known relatives.  She lived a pretty quite life with just her 1 cat in a single room apartment close to where she worked.  Most nights she would order dinner and other then the delivery man no one has been seen going in and out of her apartment.


Investigator: Detective Icas Diulf
1. A black cap with hair inside was found in the next alley over. Sent to crime lab for DNA check.
2. Blood splattered on wall behind garbage dumpster; crime scene was therefore tampered with.
3. Purse with victim's ID found in garbage dumpster; valuable items left inside.
1. Someone tampered with the crime scene after the actual murder. It can be assumed that the victim was shot while backed up against the wall. Requiring autopsy to confirm this.
2. Standard theft is unlikely, as valuables were still inside victim's purse. Further inspection of the bag and its contents will be done at a later date. Requiring confirmation: Was there anything of importance on the victim's body, and was she wearing jewelry when she was murdered?
Possible motive: The murderer was searching for something that the victim may have had prior to the murder. Item missing from purse: cellphone. May have been taken if not on the victim's body.
Possible Leads: Zheng Fa bills were found in victim's wallet. Due to the victim's circumstances prior to the murder, a forensic analysis of the bills will be conducted personally. Uncertain relevance to the incident.

Entry to PDA system: Gates
Autopsy Report

Hospital Autopsy Report
Victim: Margret Jackson Age: 34 Height: 5' 4"
Home Address: 257 Jacketed Ln Occupation: Banker
Cause of Death: Poison (Murder)

Body showed signs of a struggle.  There was an abrasion to the frontal left lob from a blunt object.  Shows that person was forced into the object rather then the object forced to the head.  Hence head was slammed against a larger object.  Perhaps a wall.  There was signs of brick dust in the wound. Brushes shown in the stomach area suggests punching.

Toxic screen showed traces of Belladonna a poisonous plant substance.  Along with alcohol.   Alcohol level was 1.4 showing a sign of being some place and drinking at least 2-3 drinks.  Time of death noted to be 10:30pm Toxic was slow acting and enclosed in a capsule that would slowly dissolve.

Doctors notes:

Punching may have caused the capsule to burst making the toxic take effect fast.  Victim shows signs of a small concussion from the head trauma but cause of death was the toxin not the bodily harm.  Lose of blood insignificant.

-End report-


Investigator: Detective Icas Diulf
1. A large palmprint (probably a male's) was found on the doorknob to the victim's apartment. No fingerprints included.
2. Laptop found left on. Sent to the station for file check and fingerprint analysis. There were bank documents open, particularly those regarding money transfer. One of these was directed to the victim. It is possible that they did not belong to the victim.
3. Zheng Fa bills confirmed as counterfeit; ink confirmed to be Babahl ink. Dates on bills are from after the events of KG-0. Result papers will be obtained tomorrow for the case report.
1. A male entered the victim's apartment without struggle, and then used the victim's computer to search up bank information. Since she worked for the bank, it is possible that they were someone else's documents that she had access to for her job.
2. Extremely strong chance that the bank is connected with the smuggling ring from cases KG-8, KG-9, KG-0, etc. All of these cases occurred over 7 years ago, suggesting either a rise in smuggling activity or the discovery of a smuggling ring remnant. However, since the bills are dated after the KG-0 incident, and all counterfeit bills were eliminated from general circulation, the former is more probable. The ring's former source of funding and political protection, the Amano Group, is still under close watch; it is likely that the bank is a more recent correspondent. Bank needs to be checked for printing machines, Babahl ink, and bill templates. Will obtain past case files tomorrow.


Detective Nicholas Peridot

1. Bloody footprints revealed by luminol test led to to a line of apartment buildings. The door to Apartment 202's elevator had a small spot of dried blood on it.
2. Possable suspect left the apartment at 2100 hours with a suitcase, caught on film and varified through facial recognition software as Steven Queen (No, I don't mean the writer).
3. Mysterious E-mail found on laptop. this E-mail was sent to The victem at 0400 hours on the day before her murder. this information lines up with the autopsy report. E-mail traced to the Coffee-shop on the corner of Fifth and Maine, unfortunatly, all E-mails recieved from this person come from this location, and none have been sent since the murder.

Possible Suspects:
1. Steven Queen - Sean heading east after leaving, Possable Destinations include: Salon's (Warehouse), The Docks, Construction site. All locations would be ideal hiding places.
2. "Kittyland387" - Location Unknown

Update 004

Coroner: Tina McCloud


Second death related to case 001 confirmed. ID from wallet indicates that he is Jack Nicolas, president of the bank. He was found in the ocean. T.O.D. is roughly 18 hours ago, 11PM last night. Possible homicide. Need to confirm C.O.D.


Coroner: Tina McCloud

1: C.O.D. of Mr. Nicolas was drowning. Bruising on body indicates a struggle pre-mortem. Possible homicide.

2. Sent possessions to lab, running a tox on his blood.




Crime Scene:

Margret Jackson's apartment:

Jack Nicolas Office:

Case resolution - Unsolved

Main Characters:

Here is a list of important characters that remain consistent in this RP.  Please PM me to add you to this section. (All past characters deleted due to starting over)

Sergeant Gates
Played by: SkullCandy
Age: 29
History: She started out young in the force, and quickly rose to make it up to Sergeant.  She is very blunt and straight to the point with people.  She doesn't take crap from anyone and can come across very stern.  She is use to men hitting on her all the time, so perhaps that's where the attitude problem comes in.  She had to make herself seem very tough just to be taken seriously.  Other then that, she doesn't get personal with people so not much else is known about her.

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