

This is a screen cap of WWE Hall of Famer and Four Horsemen member, Tully Blanchard’s “Wrestlers” list. As you can see, the one and only Shawn Michaels is on the list. Cliff Compton aka Super Domino is on the list and…the Shawn Hunter to my Cory Matthews, Reed Bentley is on the list. Tully does follow everyone back on Twitter but he put Bentley in his “wrestlers” list. *POP*

I gave Bentley a best of Tully Blanchard compilation for his birthday last year. To study, to pick apart, to steal all the awesome things Tully did. I also gave him a signed 8x10 of Tully to keep in his trunk. He keeps it next to his gear bag and has to look at it, every single time he gets in and out of his trunk.

Kinda funny how small the world truly is.

Bringing this back, we popped so big.

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