
Everyone’s been telling you where your business needs to be. Your business has to be on Facebook. Your business has to be on Twitter. You’ve got to get some videos on YouTube. You need to start blogging…the list goes on and on.

You’ve read the stats and they look promising, but you just can’t get yourself to start being social online. There are a few things you can do instead. You can have your business succeed on social media…without having to fully commit to it yourself!

Don’t want to blog but know it’ll help your business?

Hire a copywriter. These folks do this for a living.

Write about what you know. Certain things may seem like a no brainer to you, but it might be rocket science to your readers.

Look to your employees, find a rock star, and give them the blogging reigns.

Don’t want to be on Facebook, but know it’ll do wonders for your organization?

Join, but create an alias personal page. Then, create your business page.

Use Networked Blogs and stream your blogposts directly to your Facebook page without lifting a finger.

Remember your blogging rock star? Ask them to take over your Facebook page as well.

Twitter a little too much, but know that’s where your audience is?

Create your account and start by feeding it via Facebook.

Do searches as you have time on some of your keywords or hashtags that apply to your business.

Use that rockstar again and put them in charge of your Twitter account.’

YouTube seems neat, but you’re no videographer?

If you own a smart phone and can find decent lighting, you don’t have to be a professional videographer.

Like the copywriter, you can certainly hire a professional videographer who will give you a top notch piece.

Again, use that rock star! Maybe they like editing and shooting videos, why not use them?

You don’t have to love social media to make it work for your business. But you should buy into social media so that it can help your business grow!

Photo credit: smemon

The post How to Become More Social Online (Without Having to Fully Commit) appeared first on red vine web studio.

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