Cole's music program was last week. The kindergartners sang first and then it was the first graders, and amazingly they had us all in and out of the gym in just over half an hour. It was great! And of course Cole was great too:) Maliya had fun watching because she made a friend - the dad and family of one of Cole's friends who sat right by us. We didn't know them before the program but that didn't stop Maliya from chatting his ear off. Luckily he was very kind and very patient!
I took this last Wednesday night, the night before Nick left us for a boys' trip in in San Diego. The kids were squeezing in as much snuggle time as possible!
Since Nick's been gone, we've been doing lots of fun activities and experiments (we have to distract ourselves from missing him AND balance out all the fun he's having that we're missing, like ziplining and eating out and gaming with family!) One of our projects was a 'mercury' egg. We held an egg over a candle flame and covered it completely in soot, then dropped it into a jar of water. You can't tell in the picture, but as soon as it was in the water, it turned a metallic silver. It was cool! When we took it out it was black again, but then shiny silver once back in the water. Just like magic.
Another project was rainbow paper. We poured a few drops of clear nail polish into a shallow bowl of water and then dipped pieces of black paper in it. After the paper was dry it was covered in rainbows! So simple and very cool.
We've also had to do normal things while Nick has been gone, like lots of grocery shopping. This was how Cole felt after 2 straight hours of shopping.
We also went to Cole's very last basketball game. He did GREAT. I've been trying to teach him about 'stealing' the ball (instead of just kind of floating around the key w/ his arms up, staying away from the ball and the basket so he doesn't get hit). He's been telling me that his coach doesn't like steals, but in his last game he finally got up the nerve to try it out. He almost got multiple steals and would've caused a handful of jump balls if they actually called those (they don't call anything). I was super proud of my stealing boy.
Aah, the medal. Always the best part of any sports season in Cole's eyes!
Madison is an early riser. Often, when she comes into my room to wake me up, I tell her I need to sleep for just two more minutes. I guess I actually do that more than I realize because today, when I woke her up from her nap, she said 'just a minute, I need to sleep a little longer' and then cuddled w/ her bear for about 10 seconds.
She's also turning into such a little teenager (scary!). She has mega mood swings (yelling at me for trying to help her with something one minute and then flipping out because I won't help her the next) and she is constantly giving me the biggest sighs and shoulder shrugs when I ask her to do things (you know, like, oh my gosh mom, I can't believe you're asking me to do that). I actually think it's completely adorable right now (the sighs, not the screams) but I'm not sure how long I'll feel that way!