
 This year we actually splurged a little and bought big fireworks from a local firework stand. We hauled them with us to San Diego and were SO excited to use them on the 4th.  You can imagine our disappointment when we learned of California's 'no fireworks or you get a multiple-hundred-dollar fine' law.  Nooooooo!  We were so sad.  We talked Grandpa and Grandma G into letting us set off some small fireworks in their backyard, which was fun, but we had to haul our awesome big ones all the way back home.

We got home from Cali on a Monday, exactly one week after the 4th. We didn't want to let our fireworks go to waste and decided to take advantage of the fact that things are run a little differently out here in hick country. For FHE we took all of our giant fireworks into our backyard and had ourselves a belated, completely awesome 4th of July celebration.  It so much fun!  The fireworks were actually really cool (you never know what you're gonna get from those stands!) and we had fun extending the holiday a bit.

We have spent a ton of time outside this summer.

Multiple times a week, sometimes multiple times a day, the kids have donned their swimsuits and spent hours (okay maybe not hours but lots of time) going back and forth between the pool/slide and their bikes.  The sandbox, rope swing, and 'taa-puh-peen' (Madison's adorable version of trampoline) have also been favorites. I'm grateful we've had, for the most part, nice weather that has allowed all of this outdoor time!

Aren't these great? He was being a spy.

(He and Maliya have played 'spy kids' almost every single day this summer. I'm pretty sure they're convinced that they're actually spies.)

I always check on the kids before I go to bed and often find Cole still awake and in the middle of some awesome creation (writing his own book, drawing something, etc etc etc).  I think his creative juices for some reason go crazy at night and am always pretty impressed by the things he comes up with.  This time {below}, though hard to tell in the picture, he created a really cool race track on his bed for all of his animals.

Madison talk:
1. ssi-sin (chicken)
2. aah-sin (Madison - she says the a like the a in cat)
3. aah-poh-sauce (applesauce, her favorite food)
4. dih-tiiiiiie! (dinner time)
5. beh-wees (berries - she loves picking them from the garden and usually eats half before we get back to the house. Her favorites are strawberries and blackberries.)
6. go-bar (granola bar, another preferred snack)
7. ee hewp! (need help)
8. I help oo (I help you - she loves to help in the kitchen)
9. ee chage die-puhr (need to change my diaper)
10. buhsh a teef! (brush my teeth, which she loves to do *with me* after meals)

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