
Nickelodeon's hit animated series The Legend of Korra ended with its two female leads, the powerful Avatar Korra and the ingenious industrialist Asami, holding hands and walking together through a portal into the Spirit World. After a few years, fans will finally get to see what happens next, thanks to Dark Horse’s new comic sequel, The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars!

The first comic based on Korra, Turf Wars is written by series co-creator Michael Dante DiMartino and illustrated by Irene Koh. It features Korra and Asami, affectionately known as Korrasami by fans, dealing with the chaos caused by the new portal — both in the Spirit World and back home in Republic City.

“Korra has to figure out how to find a new balance in the city with all this stuff that’s gone on,” DiMartino recently told Entertainment Weekly. “It’s gonna take place right after the finale, so it’s focusing on Korra and Asami’s relationship as a new threat emerges. It’s kind of like the aftermath dealing with the new portal in the city, and all the evacuees coming back to find their homes wiped out because of the portal.”

Check out an fantastic preview of the first installment of Turf Wars below. It’s set to hit stores in June 2017!:

More Nick: The best Korra and Asami moments from The Legend of Korra!
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