
New from Niagara, Ontario’s Regional Government

(A Brief Note from Niagara At Large publisher Doug Draper – For those who live in Niagara, Ontario and may not know which level of municipal government – the local or regional – is responsible for the disposal and recycling of our household and commercial waste, it is the regional level.

For those who are so much in to a narrow, parochial view of Niagara that says something like; ‘let’s get rid of regional government and/or even if we keep it, let’s continue with this hodge-podge, patchwork of 12 local municipalities, it is instructive to note the following. The transfer of waste management services from local municipalities to the region more than a decade and a half ago, allowed for a collective pooling of municipal tax money that now services all residents in this region – urban and rural – wth one of the best waste disposal and recycling services in Ontario.

And that is not opinion. It is fact and proven in this region’s track record (do the research yourself if you don’t believe me) when it comes to recycling and otherwise diverting our waste from simply being dumped in a hole in the ground.

Now if we could only get beyond the parochial Neanderthals in this region and do the same thing with public transit.)

Niagara, Ontario’s central recycling centre in Niagara Falls has been rated one of best in Ontario

Waste Reduction Week October  20th to  26th

Niagara Region, Oct. 14, 2014 – During Waste Reduction Week, Oct. 20 – 26, Niagara Region will hold public tours, information booths and a contest to educate residents about the importance of waste reduction and provide the opportunity to learn what happens to their recycling and waste once it leaves the curb. See details and dates of activities listed below.

Waste Management Information Booth

When:Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2014, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Where:Fairview Mall, St. Catharines

Niagara Region waste management staff will be available to provide information and answer questions on reducing, reusing and recycling and waste management in Niagara. Play our waste reduction PLINKO game for a chance to win a prize made from recycled materials (while quantities last).

Recycling Centre Tour

When:Wednesday, Oct. 22, 11 – 11:30 a.m.
Where:4935 Kent Ave., Niagara Falls

Join the Niagara Region and Niagara Recycling for a 30 minute guided tour of the Region’s Recycling Centre. Learn first-hand about the machines, processes and people that sort, bale and ship your recyclables. For safety reasons, closed toed shoes with long pants are required. Individuals must be 10 years of age or older and be able to walk a flight of stairs to participate.

Reservations are required to participate in the tour and space is limited. Spaces can be reserved by calling the Region’s Waste Info-Line at 905-356-4141 or 1-800-594-5542 Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or by emailing Cheryl.crawley@niagararegion.ca.

Niagara Road 12 Landfill Site Tour

When:Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014

9:45 a.m. Bus (school bus) leaves Niagara Region headquarters, 2201 St. David’s Rd., Thorold

10:30 a.m. Arrive at Landfill Site, tour commences (those meeting the tour at the site will board the bus for the tour)

11:30 a.m. Tour ends. Travel back to Niagara Region headquarters

Noon – Arrive at Niagara Region headquarters

Discover how modern landfills are planned, engineered and monitored and see first-hand why reducing our waste is so important.

If you will be using your own transportation, you can meet the tour at 7015 Concession 7 Rd., West Lincoln. Let us know if you are providing your own transportation when you register.

Reservations are required to participate in the tour and space is limited. Spaces can be reserved by calling the Region’s Waste Info-Line at 905-356-4141 or 1-800-594-5542 Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or by emailing Cheryl.crawley@niagararegion.ca.

Tours and bus transportation to the landfill site are free of charge.

Sporting Goods Drive

When:Oct. 20 – 23, 2014

Drop-off used sporting goods for donation at Niagara Region headquarters Campbell East and West entrances. All types of useable sporting goods will be accepted. Goods are being collected in support of ProKids and Kidz Can Help programs.

“Reuse Your Goods” Contest Draw

When:Oct. 20 – 25, 2014

During the Waste Reduction Week, Oct. 20 – 25, 2014, Niagara Region in partnership with Goodwill Niagara, encourages residents to reduce their waste through donation of useable goods. Donate a usable item at the Humberstone Reusable Goods Drop-off located at the Humberstone Landfill site in Welland between Oct. 20 – 25 and receive a ballot to enter a draw for a $50 Seaway Mall gift card. Acceptable donations are at the discretion of the attendant.

This contest is not open to employees of Niagara Region.

(NOW IT IS YOUR TURN. Niagara At Large encourages you to share your views on this post. A reminder that we only post comments by individuals who share their first and last name with them.)

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