
If you know me, you should know by now that I'm not much of a festival kind of girl. I don't know why, but maybe that personality of mine is about to change.

I've blindly attended #OhhSOME Fest organised by Hotlink without any knowledge or expectation of what's going on. All I knew was that David Choi and Wong Fu will be there. So, if they are going to be there, it's probably going to be rather hipster. AND I WAS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!

#Fact 1: Did you know that #OhhSOME Fest is short for Ohh Social Media Festival?
Don't lie, I'm sure most of us didn't know this and lantak only attend the festival cause all the cool people will be there! And you might be thinking, maybe OhhSOME sounds a lot like Awesome, thus that must be the reason behind the festival name OhhSOME. Correct or not?!

It kinda make sense to me now that I know this is meant to be a festival celebrating the glory of social media in Malaysia. This is the first ever social media festival in Malaysia that were curated by social media community leaders, each representing the community of their strength. Thus, they had a line up of Talks to educate people on using digital and social media tools in an inspiring manner, Apps and Bazaar to support local young vendors and tech scene, and of course a huge Stage to celebrate and bring together amazing international and Malaysian YouTube acts.

Support #KendyLife ! (Facebook page)

Support The Artsy Craftsy Blog!

When I got there, the first thing I did was to visit the bazaar because I know the amount of effort and time they had to put in just to set up and be there. Sitting at one place waiting for customers is not exactly a fun job.

I was pretty excited to finally meet Kendrick, father of #KendyLife doodles, for the very first time! We were Facebook friends and I knew his existence cause of his great artwork and my name also vaguely sounded familiar to him but we've never actually met. So, it was pretty cool being able to support him at his booth while getting to know him better in real life. Ohh, Ernest, author of Bro, don't like that la, bro, was also there chit-chatting with us. Two amazing Malaysian comic artists talking to me, I couldn't have asked for more, what a great way to start my festival! :D

Then, Shia Lynn, founder of The Artsy Craftsy Blog, and Senri, a blogger friend, both shouted my name at the same time! The moment was hilarious! Shia Lynn is such a crafty person and I was totally amazed by her beautiful work. Bought myself a little roughed-pleather notebook to jot down a few of my favourite scriptures and motivational words to keep my hectic life a little sane. Catching up with Senri was also a peach, watching her grow from her internship period till now, finally, a full time working young adult. I was glad to be able to wish her all the best in person for her new career path.

Moving up, I had no idea Avenue K had a rooftop. Lols. So this is where all the cool kids hangout. Young adults making adult-sized bubbles. Taking selfies to the next level by having the camera far up in the sky, they call them #skyfie! And omgosh, probably the coolest things on earth, was to watch people got thrown into the air, BACKWARDS! It was super funny when they screamed in fear. The sight was totally worth it every single time.

Young adults making multiple adult-sized bubbles. Okay, it's quite pretty actually :D

Kids, this is how you take a #Skyfie.

First, you need a strong man to help you lift your camera up, up into the sky while you lay comfortably on a Mario-looking board.

You can do all sorts of things. Is super easy, even toddlers can do it! :D #SoCute #Twins

Put your hands together and get ready...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Yup, that's totally how you should pose on air. Supermodels will always kang-kang (open their legs) like a crab when they have the chance to defy gravity.

After playing those fun game, it's time to meet these good looking people for a key. Not to their hearts but to unlock one of these doors and stand a chance to win awesome prizes!

Skyward (TheMingThing)

DASH - Darren Ashley

While I was there, I was pretty blessed to be able to listen to two of my favourite Malaysian music artist and YouTuber, Ming and Darren, while catch up and hang out with a couple of my long lost friends that I was totally surprised to see them again!

Faces from #OhhSOME Fest 2014

#HighSchoolMates What a lovely surprise to bump into them!

For me, at the end of the day, #OhhSOME Fest 2014 was a place where I meet new people, meet people that I know on social media but have never met before, hang out with my present friends, and catch up with long lost friends that I've not met in years but only kept updated through their social sites!

Thinking about it, I actually am thankful for the existence of social media because I realised that when I talked to some of my old friends, I wasn't completely oblivious about their current life. :D Truly, social media rawks if you know how to use it wisely. And oh, I ended up didn't stayed for David Choi and Wong Fu appearance. Lols.

Thank you #OhhSOME Fest 2014 for the lovely evening and ultimately, bringing people together!

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