
Set up a Tor hotspot

Do you use Tor to prevent Big Brother from tracking you online? Although it is pretty straightforward to use, it can be quite a hassle to configure Tor on all your Internet-enabled devices.

You can save yourself a lot of hassle by using a Raspberry Pi as an anonymous wireless access point. The Pi will dole out an IP address, and any device that's connected to it will be able to access the Internet via the Tor network.

To get this project up and running, you'll need the following:

A Raspberry Pi along with an SD card with the Raspbian distro. If you haven't done this before, follow our walkthrough to get Raspbian up and running.

You'll also need an Ethernet cable. Hook one end into the Pi's Ethernet port and the other into your wireless router. This is how the Pi will connect to the Internet.

You'll also need a USB Wi-Fi adaptor that's compatible with the Raspberry Pi. If you haven't got one yet, check the list of compatible adapters that are known to work on the Pi.

Access Point Pi

Once you've set up the Pi, you can configure it from a remote machine via SSH. For the rest of the tutorial, we'll assume the IP address of your Pi is Fire up a terminal that's connected to the same router as the Pi and enter

ssh pi@

to connect to it. After authenticating yourself into the Pi, use iwconfig to make sure the wireless adaptor is recognised by the device. Now refresh its package list with

sudo apt-get update

and install the software that will make it act as an access point with:

sudo apt-get install hostapd isc-dhcp-server

When it's installed, it's time to set it up. Begin by editing the /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf file that controls the DHCP and automatically assigns IP addresses to all connected devices. Open it in the nano text editor with

sudo nano /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf

and comment out the following two lines by adding a # in front of them, so that they read:

#option domain-name "example.org";
#option domain-name-servers ns1.example.org, ns2.example.org;

In the same file, scroll down and uncomment the word authoritative; by removing the # in front.

Then scroll down to the end of the file and add the following lines:

subnet netmask {
option broadcast-address;
option routers;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
option domain-name "local";
option domain-name-servers,;

In these lines we define the IP address of our Pi access point (, the range of the IP addresses it'll hand out to connected devices (from to as well as the address of the domain name servers ( and You can change any of these values as per your preference. Save the file (Ctrl+X) once you're done.

Setting up a static IP

We'll now edit the /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server to specify the interfaces that our new DHCP server should listen to. Open the file and scroll down to the line that reads INTERFACES="". Insert wlan0 between the quotes so that it now reads INTERFACES="wlan0", and save the file.

Now we'll set up the wireless adaptor (wlan0) and give it a static IP address. First, deactivate the wireless adaptor with the command sudo ifdown wlan0 and then open the /etc/network/interfaces file. In the file, add # to comment out every existing entry associated with wlan0, such as:

# iface wlan0 inet manual
# wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
# iface default inet dhcp

Then add the following lines below the line that reads allow-hotplug wlan0 to set the static IP address for the new access point:

iface wlan0 inet static

Save the file and activate the interface with

sudo ifconfig wlan0

Make your point

Now that we've defined the wireless access point, it's time to configure it. Create a new file called /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf with the following contents:


We've set up a password-protected network called TorSpot. You can specify a different name for the access point by specifying it in the ssid= string. Also change the wpa_passphrase= string to specify a custom password. You'll need to enter this password to authenticate yourself to the Pi's access point.

Next up, we'll tell the Pi where to find this configuration file by pointing to it in the /etc/default/hostapd file. Open the file, find the commented-out line that reads #DAEMON_CONF="" and uncomment and edit it to read DAEMON_CONF="/etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf".

NAT setup

We now need to set up NAT to allow multiple clients to connect to the Pi's access point and route all their traffic through the single Ethernet IP. Edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file and at the bottom add the following line:


Save the file and then enter

sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"

to activate the forwarding. You'll now have to specify the routing rules that will connect the Ethernet port (eth0) that's connected to the internet and the Wi-Fi access point (wlan0) which is exposed to the devices within your network:

sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o wlan0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT

By default, these rules will be flushed when you restart the Pi. To make them permanent, first run:

sudo sh -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat"

Then edit the /etc/network/interfaces file, scroll down to the very end and add

up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat

What this does is loads the rules when the devices are activated on boot.

Your Pi access point is now all set. To test it, restart the DHCP server with

sudo service isc-dhcp-server restart

and manually enable the access point with our configuration with the following command:

sudo /usr/sbin/hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

If you get an 'unknown driver' error, read our section on 'Your own hostapd'. If everything goes well, the wireless access point (TorSpot) is listed in the list of available Wi-Fi hotspots.

You can connect to it from another computer or a smartphone and authenticate using the password you specified in the hostapd.conf file. When connected, you should be able to browse the Internet normally.

Once you have tested the new access point, let's cement the settings so that they are activated as soon as the Pi boots up. Start the hostapd and DHCP services with the following commands:

sudo service hostapd start
sudo service isc-dhcp-server start

Now update the init scripts with:

sudo update-rc.d hostapd enable
sudo update-rc.d isc-dhcp-server enable

Now restart the Raspberry Pi with the following command:

sudo shutdown -r now

When the Raspberry Pi is back up again, you'll be able to connect to the new access point and browse normally.

Torify access

Your Raspberry Pi is now fully functional as a wireless hotspot. However, the data is still not anonymised. So let's add Tor to the mix. SSH back into the Pi and install Tor with:

sudo apt-get install tor

When it's installed, edit Tor's config file /etc/tor/torrc and add the following at the top:

Log notice file /var/log/tor/notices.log
AutomapHostsSuffixes .onion,.exit
AutomapHostsOnResolve 1
TransPort 9040
DNSPort 53

These settings inform Tor about the IP address of our access point and ask it to anonymise any traffic that flows over it.

Next up, we'll change the routing tables so that connections via the Wi-Fi adaptor (wlan0) are routed through Tor. First, flush the existing redirection and NAT rules with the following commands:

sudo iptables -F
sudo iptables -t nat -F

Since we'll still want to be able to SSH into the Pi, we'll add an exception for SSH's Port 22 with:

sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wlan0 -p tcp --dport 22 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 22

We'll now add two rules. The first is a passthrough rule for DNS lookups and the second directs all TCP traffic to Tor's port 9040:

sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wlan0 -p udp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 53
sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wlan0 -p tcp --syn -j REDIRECT --to-ports 9040

As before, these rules will not be carried on to the next session. To load them on reboot, all you have to do is save them to the NAT save file as before with the following:

sudo sh -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat"

In the previous section, we've already configured the /etc/network/interfaces file to load the contents of this file when the interfaces are activated.

You can now enable the Tor service with

sudo service tor start

and update the relevant boot scripts with

sudo update-rc.d tor enable

That's it. Now restart the Pi. When it's back up again, you'll be able to connect to the Pi hotspot, TorSpot, as before. However, unlike as before, all your traffic will now be routed through the anonymous Tor network.

You can verify that this is happening by heading to check https://torproject.org from any device that's connected to TorSpot. The page will also list your IP address, which will not be that of your ISP. Visit this page from another device connected to TorSpot and it'll show a different address. Congratulations, you can now anonymously browse the web on all your devices!


If you get Locale errors when connected to the Pi remotely, make sure you don't forward your locale by editing /etc/ssh/ssh_config and commenting out the SendEnv LANG LC_* line.

Use the tail -f /var/log/syslog command to keep an eye on all system messages. This might come handy if you are unable to connect to the Pi hotspot.

We've used Google's DNS service in this tutorial, but you can use another service like OpenDNS or your ISP's DNS servers by pointing to them in the /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf file.

Ready-made Tor-in-a-box options

If you find this tutorial too cumbersome or want to set up something for a non-technical friend or relative, there are several ready-made hardware solutions that can anonymise all their web traffic in a similar fashion.

There's the OnionPi Pack from AdaFruit, which includes a Raspberry Pi B+ and a compatible USB Wi-Fi adaptor along with a case for the Raspberry Pi, cables, SD card and everything else you need to set up your Tor-ified Wi-Fi hitspot. The bundle costs $80. However, you'll still have to follow the instructions and set it yourself.

If you'd rather have something more plug-and-play, there's the SafePlug from the guys who bought us PogoPlug. It's a $49 device that plugs into your wireless router and once activated routes all traffic over the Tor network. A neater and smaller alternative is the Anonabox. This is a router that you can directly connect to via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

Another router-based option is Portal, which stands for Personal Onion Router To Assure Liberty. The project produces a pre-built software image for several TP-Link routers. You can simply flash the Portal firmware image onto these routers following the instructions on the project's website.

Your own hostapd

Sometimes even though a wireless adaptor works out of the box on the Raspberry Pi, it might throw errors when it's asked to serve as an access point.

This is especially true of cards that use Realtek chipsets, like the one we've used, MicroNext MN-WD152B, which uses the RTL8192CU chipset. While it works right off the bat for browsing the web, it doesn't work with the hostapd client in Raspbian's repository.

It turns out Realtek has its own version of hostapd client, which you'll have to use in case you are in the same predicament.

To download the file, head to Realtek's download section and select your chipset from the ones listed. This takes you to a page that lists the drivers for your chipsets.

From this page grab the driver for Linux, which will download a compressed zip file with a long-winded name. In our case this was called 'RTL8188C_8192C_USB_linux_v4.0.2_9000.20130911.zip'. We'll just refer to it as 'driver.zip'.

Copy this file to the Raspberry Pi using scp using something like:

scp driver.zip pi@

This copies the file to the Raspberry Pi's home directory. Now extract the file with

unzip driver.zip

and cd into the wpa_supplicant_hostapd directory. It'll list several compressed tarballs. Use the tar zxvf command to extract the file beginning with wpa_supplicant_hostapd. Now cd into the hostapd directory under the extract directory. This directory has a file named Makefile. Open it in a text editor and replace the

CFLAGS = -MMD -O2 -Wall -g

line towards the top of the file with the following:

CFLAGS=-MMD -Os -Wall -g

Save the file and enter make to compile the hostapd client. It'll take quite some time and, when it's complete, it'll replace the hostapd binary in this directory.

Before using this new version, move out the old version with:

sudo mv /usr/sbin/hostapd /usr/sbin/hostapd.orig

Then copy over the newly compiled version with the following:

sudo cp hostapd /usr/sbin/

and give it the right permissions with:

sudo chmod 755 /usr/sbin/hostapd

You should now be able to get your access point online without any issues.

The post How to use a Raspberry Pi to browse anonymously appeared first on Nexttac Technology.

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