Exciting news for fans of tiny cars and hectic multiplayer gaming; Micro Machines is on its way back to consoles.
Presumably spurred on by the pretenders and imitators that have cropped up, Codemasters have resurrected the beloved franchise in Micro Machines World Series, for release on 21st April on all the usual systems. Y’know, PS4, XBoxOne, Windows. All of that.
You probably won’t be able to plug controllers into the game cartridge like in those glory MegaDrive days, because…. because you can’t plug things into Blu-Ray discs. But nevertheless, they’ll be updating the classic game modes with additions such as Capture the Flag and King of the Hill, and new licences for Nerf, GI Joe and more to flesh out the cartoony environments.
Add to that 12 players, online modes and mad customisation options and this is one reboot we’re pretty revved up for. Check out the trailer here.
The post Micro Machines Back For The Podium appeared first on Next-Gen Gaming Blog.