
Images are the best part of every blog, website and projects. And to style thee featured image in the form of slider, slideshow or carousal is one of the best way to get the user attention to specif topic. There are lots of Jquery and HTML5 plugins are available to download for free and premium to do this even easier and safe for the web designers and developers to easily make their own slideshow by using the third party plugin. In this article we come with the same top and listed all the new available free Jquery plugins for image slideshow. You can fully customize the look and feel or add some new elements as per your requirements as you want. Although the major CMS such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, blogger and more offers even the huge verity of such widgets but if someone running the website on Dreamwever or other HTML editor then he must look for the plugin to manually install.
Also in the modern theme and templates development the designer integrate the slideshow of blog featured images or you can set this slider as you wish. Sometime it becomes more important to show the featured articles, products or whatsoever in slideshow so that the user can easily engage with them and click for the full story. It also looks decent on the homepage of blog and attract the lots of users. So. Here you will browse the best top rated and more featured Jquery slider plugins that are absolutely fee to download and use.

Nivo Slider
The Nivo Slider is world renowned as the most beautiful and easy to use image slider on the market. There is literally no better way to make your website look totally stunning.

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Camera slideshow for free
Camera slideshow (as Diapo) is tested on new browsers, but I tried to make it compatible with the old versions of Internet Explorer too (8 and 7).

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Compatible with Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 2+, Safari 2+, Google Chrome 3+, Opera 9+
Free to use under MIT licenceCompatible with Android and iPhoneUnique transition effectsValid markupFlexible configurationAuto slideNavigation boxLightweight (8kb only)Linking imagesFully customizable using CSS.

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Hi slider Free jQuery SlideShow Plugin
Hi Slider is an excellent Slide Maker to create free jQuery slider plugin for sliding responsive contents such as images and video. On one hand, Free jQuery SlideShow Plugin can be inserted on web site to make it looks great and impressive; on the other hand, the jQuery Slider Plugin can be optimized for HTML5.

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SlidesJS 3.0
SlidesJS is a responsive slideshow plug-in for jQuery (1.7.1+) with features like touch and CSS3 transitions. Give it a try above and check out the examples to help you get started adding SlidesJS to your project.

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Unslider jQuery slider
Cross-browser happy
Unslider’s been tested in all the latest browsers, and it falls back magnificently for the not-so-latest ones.
Keyboard support
If you want to, you can add keyboard arrow support. Try it: hit left and right arrow keys.
Adjusts for height
Not all slides are created equal, and Unslider knows it. It’ll stylishly transition heights with no extra code.
Yep, it’s responsive
You’ll be hard pressed to find a site that’s not responsive these days. Unslider’s got your back.

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Bx Slider The Responsive jQuery Content Slider
Fully responsive - will adapt to any device
Horizontal, vertical, and fade modes
Slides can contain images, video, or HTML content
Advanced touch / swipe support built-in
Uses CSS transitions for slide animation (native hardware acceleration!)
Full callback API and public methods
Small file size, fully themed, simple to implement
Browser support: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, iOS, Android, IE7+

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Jssor Slider
Jssor Slider is touch swipe image slider with 390+ caption slide effects. When touch Jssor Slider, it will freeze and then move to the direction that finger swipes to. It comes with easy to use generation tool and full javascript source code.

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Orbit: A Slick jQuery Image Slider Plugin
Greetings! We here at ZURB love Orbit so much, that we have included it in our (Awesome) rapid prototyping framework Foundation. We will no longer release updates, or provide support for this version. Thanks for understanding!

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FractionSlider is a jQuery plugin for image/text-sliders.
It allows you to animate multiple elements per slide. You can set different animation methods like fade or transitions from a certain direction. Also there are options to specify delays and easing for each element. You have full layout and design control through html and css (every html-element can be animated).

This Plugin is published under the MIT license.

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Basic jQuery Slider
There are a lot of jQuery content sliders out there. Most of them are loaded with cool features and skins, which are great if it is exactly what you are looking for, but more often than not you need to customise it for your own needs and it can be difficult cutting through the bloat of a full featured slider.

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How to Create a Responsive Image Slider in jQuery and CSS3
This is the complete description of how you can build your own Image slider by following the steps in designmodo tutorial.

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FlexSlider 2
How to Create a Responsive Image Slider in jQuery and CSS3An awesome, fully responsive jQuery slider toolkit.
Simple, semantic markup
Supported in all major browsers
Horizontal/vertical slide and fade animations
Multiple slider support, Callback API, and more
Hardware accelerated touch swipe support
Custom navigation options
Compatible with the latest version of jQuery

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A combination of an image slider and an accordion, the Slidorion displays beautiful images along with a variable length description. With slides linked to each tab, and accompanied by a large array of effects, the Slidorion is a great alternative to the traditional jQuery slider.

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Jcover Flip
This is flip cover effect made with Jquery and CSS3.

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Sudo Slider
It's cool slider using the CSS animation and responsive in design. Also it offers the lots of useful features such as cross browser compatibility and
Can contain ANY HTML
Place navigation anywhere
Lots of animations
Can load AJAX content
Supports IE6+, Chrome, Firefox etc.
A pack of demos to get started

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Sequence Responsive Slider with Advanced CSS3 Transitions
Sequence.js is a refreshing and modern take on website sliders. Using just HTML and CSS, Sequence allows you to create your own responsive slider with unique transitional styles. No instance of Sequence need ever be the same. There are no limitations and no in-built themes. Supported in modern desktop browsers, mobile browsers and even in old versions of Internet Explorer via a traditional fallback theme.

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Slippry is written with the future in mind, not the past. We wrote it to work on the latest jQuery functions, CSS3 tricks and HTML5 elements. We support death with dignity for technology.
But don't worry, it still downgrades gracefully.

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Royal Slider
Script architecture allows you to create your own version of the script using online tool and include in build only features that you need.

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Minimus slider (mini muslider)
Minimus Slider (mini muslider) is the compact brother of the jQuery content slider μslider (to be read "muslider") by musings.it.
It's responsive (resize your browser to see it in action)
It comes with only a few essential parameters that can be set (see below)
Like its bigger brother, it can contain anything (images, HTML5 videos, HTML5 audio, iframes, text, ...) but it was born to be used mostly with images.

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JQuery lightSlider
JQuery lightSlider is a lightweight responsive Content slider with carousel thumbnails navigation ( 5KB minified ).

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PgwSlider - Responsive slider for jQuery / Zepto
Pgwslider is minimal best all browsers compatible slider.
Less than 3 KB (minified and gzipped)
All browsers supported (desktop and mobile devices)
SEO compliant.

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Wallop Slider
Mobile first
Progressive enhancement
Transitions/Animations are all in CSS
Minimal JavaScript
Flexible & Scalable
Custom events and API available
3KB minified
Dependency free - That's right, no jQuery

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A responsive, css3, compatible (works fine even with IE7), customizable, easy to install, multi-instance, fullscreen, powerful slideshow plug-in for jQuery.
Now with more animations and more mobile settings!

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WOW Slider
An image slider is an image slider and they’re all about the same, right? Not so fast. What are the main requirements for choosing any kind of web component? Compatibility, easy setup, high performance, and nice look and feel. With WOW Slider we've tried to create the perfect image slider that covers all these needs and even more..

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Swiper Mobile touch slider
Swiper - is the free and ultra lightweight mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions (where supported) and amazing native behavior. It is intended to use in mobile websites, mobile web apps, and mobile native apps. Designed mostly for iOS, but also works great on Android, Windows Phone 8 and modern Desktop browsers.

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Liquid Slider
The code is free, but it's not necessarily cheap. I put in a lot of hours making this the best code I can. Support it by buying a theme or making a donation. Much appreciated!

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jQuery Slider Shock
Complete Documentation
jQuery SliderShock has a very complete documentation into which you can find from how to set it up to more advance usage.

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Pikachoosa Image Slider
Designed and developed by Jeremy Fry version 4 of the PikaChoose jQuery Image Gallery is now available! Pikachoose is a lightweight jQuery slideshow plugin, with tons of great features! jCarousel integrates smoothly with PikaChoose to give your gallery simple and effective carousel. PikaChoose now has API hooks for integrating lightboxes and other things. Check out this howto on integrating Fancybox with PikaChoose.

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Elastic Content Slider
A fluid content slider that will adjust in width and height depending on the size of its parent.

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μslider is the jQuery content slider by musings.it.

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More slider Plugins
A cool jQuery plugin that lets you flick through content.
A super flexible and light-weight jQuery plugin that generates a simple, feature-rich & mobile ready slider, which can be easily customized and styled using regular CSS.
Extremly versatile and flexible slider. Strong support for fluid / responsive designs, mobile browsers and touch devices. Has nearly every feature that you can find in other sliders on the web.
A simple, powerful, responsive and customizable jQuery sliding plugin. Powered by HTML5 and CSS3.
Full-Screen Responsive jQuery Banner Slider
the idea is to slice open the current slide when navigating to the next or previous one. Using jQuery and CSS animations we can create unique slide transitions for the content elements.
jQuery RefineSlide v0.3
RefineSlide is a 3D transform/CSS transition-enabled jQuery plugin for displaying responsive, image-based content.
A 3D Turntable jQuery Plugin.
OWL Carousel
Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive carousel slider.
jQuery Liquid Carousel plugin
Liquid carousel is a jQuery plugin intended for liquid designs. Every time the container of the carousel gets resized, the number of items in the list change to fit the new width.
jQuery Image Scale Carousel
It auto scales the images you put into it to the appropriate height and width keeping their aspect ratio in place.
Rotating Image Slideshow w/ CSS3 and jQuery
we are going to use jQuery and CSS3 rotations, along with the jQuery rotate plugin, to create a beautiful slideshow. You can use it to spice up your web sites, product pages and other projects with some CSS3 magic.
A very simple 100% width slider that scales down to mobile.
This jQuery plugin can be used to swiftly navigate content items. The effect will make the items fly away like a deck of cards caught in a tiny storm.
Simple Controls Gallery v1.4
Adds ability to show image gallery only after all images within gallery has been loaded. Requires jQuery 1.5+.
Flux Slider
Hardware accelerated image transitions using CSS3.
Simple Multi-Item Slider
A tutorial on how to create a simple category slider with a minimal design using CSS animations and jQuery. The idea is to slide the items sequentially depending on the slide direction.
A tutorial on how to create a fullscreen slideshow with a twist: the idea is to slice open the current slide when navigating to the next or previous one. Using jQuery and CSS animations we can create unique slide transitions for the content elements.
Its a full screen responsive image and content slider powered by the fantastic javascript library jQuery.

Hopefully, you enjoyed the above listing of best HTML5 and Jquery Slider plugins. If you think we are missing the important one then you can comment or let us know. We always try to collect the best web design and development resources for our readers. 

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