Small Town Shows Big Cities What Social Media Day is All About
by Carmen Schwartz
The whole event was global – an international day that was put together just to learn more and go over how the world of social media helps one and all. However, the actual Social Media Day was not focused on a great deal…until now.
In the world of 2013, the technology has come far, and the fact that social media marketing is the top method to use for building a company and their brand, it has become quite clear to everyone that social media will not be going away anytime soon.
When it comes to the United States, there is more talk about social media teams and social media/PR companies than ever before. Businesses and owners have learned that they cannot juggle all the proverbial balls in the air while they’re rejuvenating or building their business, and they need help. With all the new platforms and apps out there, there is no way that everyone can become an expert in the field if they also have to worry about their employees, healthcare plans, salaries, taxes, and more.
Social Media Day will take place in twenty cities across the U.S. this time around. And for those who want to include their city into this ever-growing event, fill out a Proclamation Request that can be found at your local City Hall.
Mashable, Inc. is the site behind the launching of Social Media Day. This news site, although also once ignored, has come on seriously strong, offering everything from news to videos to social media blogs. And the benefits that companies have received from Mashable are too many to count. The website’s primary focus is still on social media news and developments in everything that’s necessary to learn about: mobile, entertainment, online video, business, web development, technology, and even the latest gadgets to make social media marketing and PR far easier. With over 50M pageviews per month, Mashable is one of the world’s largest websites.
From the largest to one of the smallest…
Silver City is certainly not the biggest city in the State of New Mexico, but it is now the first city in the country to officially state that June 30th is – from here on out – Social Media Day.
According to the mayor of Silver City, it is because of the area’s small size that Social Media Day needs to happen on an annual basis. This one small town is teaching other far larger cities that this is the best way to connect; to catch up with all the technology that’s out there, and get together in order to find ways to increase business and industry.
In this small town, Social Media Day goes even further for the citizens. Not only can local citizens meet up with the businesses that are trying to get ‘in contact’ with them, but also different groups can connect.
The focus this year in Silver City will be on how to connect the local businesses, non-profits and advocacy groups so that partnerships can develop to help all involved, passing that help along to the citizen and the consumer.
All proceeds will be given to the City’s food shelter, which will appear on Facebook. This will not only spread the word about Silver City, but it will also show other – far bigger – cities across the country that with a little work relationships can be built between everyone so that return on investment can soar.
Another issue that will be taken on is how to link university students with career and volunteer opportunities within the city. In the end, despite the small size of Silver City, creating, building and maintaining connections both online and off shows the world how a very small area can explode across the World Wide Web, and make themselves known.
Source: Baret News Wire