
3 tips to create a kinder, gentler recruiting process

If you’ve looked for a job recently, you know it’s stressful.  Some employers’ recruiting processes are downright barbaric. Ok, we’re not talkin’ brutal, cruel, warlike situations but let’s face it, some employers are still in the dark ages. You apply to a job. No response. You land a phone interview. You talk to someone and then never hear another word from the company. Maybe you get invited to an onsite interview. Are you going to the right building? Who will you ask for?  Who are you meeting?  The cycle of silence, the anxiety of the unknown and the reality of rejection make job hunting a nerve-racking experience for many applicants.

Listen, employers don’t have to fight the Huns to improve recruiting processes. With a few adjustments and the right affordable tools, employers can create an efficient, gentler and, frankly, more human experience for job seekers. Here’s how to get started today.

One of the most frustrating things about looking for a job is tossing a resume into a black hole and to never hear from the employer again. It’s 2015. Even the IRS sends automated communications that acknowledge taxpayers. If you have a way for applicants to apply online, then you need a way to let people know that you’ve received their information AND what’s going to happen next.. Write some content that explains your recruiting process. Applicants will be appreciative. Plus appreciative applicants that understand your process are less likely to become “stalker candidates”.

Pro Tip: The new industry standard is to double-acknowledge applicants.  That is, after a completing the online job application process the applicant should be acknowledged instantly on-screen and must receive email with consistent content describing next steps if any.

Silence is for libraries. Applicants want to hear from employers even if it means being told that they won’t be considered for the job. Closing the loop is a high value event for applicants and important to employers’ brands. Think about it. Do you want to do business with or buy something from an employer that didn’t even have the decency to send you an email with a status update about your candidacy? No. It’s common decency people! Employers need a service level agreement that requires every candidate to get a response in some way, shape or form to close the loop on the recruiting process.

Pro Tip: If you don’t have an applicant tracking system that is capable of automatically keeping applicants in the loop with stage specific (the stage specific part is important) emails, get one.

We all know that preparing for an onsite interview is stressful. Applicants have a lot to think about, such as what to wear, who they’ll meet, what they’ll get asked, where to go, who to ask for, etc. By the time the interview comes around, many applicants can be pretty wound up. Employers can take some of the heat off of job seekers by sending them all the information they need to get prepared. The more employers share with applicants, the less anxiety applicants will bring with them to the interview. Plus, employers that consistently provide valuable information during the interview process create a better first impression.

Pro Tip: Choose a modern applicant tracking system that features integrated interview scheduling software that helps you create information rich email templates that you’ll use over and over again.

Tired of fighting recruiting battles with the wrong weapon? Check out Newton, a modern applicant tracking system that helps you hire and will instantly improve your recruiting process.

The post Is Your Recruiting Process Barbaric? appeared first on Newton Software.

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