
You may be irritated from sneezing, but it is actually a protective mechanism. It helps to expel allergens, irritants and other polluted dust out of our body. When we go out in polluted area, some dust enters in our body through mouth and nose. Sneezing expel all the pollutants out of the body.


- When we go out in cold weather, some cold air enters in our body. In order to expel cold air out of the body, it makes us sneeze.

- When there is change in climate and outside temperature.

- It is common in rainy season.

- Due to smelling of strong smells.

- Food allergy also results in sneezing.

- Allergies, smoke, mold, dust, wood dust, pollen are the common causes of sneezing.

We have some natural home remedies to relief from sneezing. It is not a serious problem, but if it is growing day by day, you should consult your doctor.

Home remedies to get rid of sneezing.

1. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is the best agent to get rid of sneezing. Its antibacterial properties gives you relief from sneezing and stuffy nose.

How to use:

- Take water in container and boil it.

- Add 5-6 drops of peppermint oil in the boiled water.

- Now cover your head with a towel and breathe in the steam of boiled water.

This home treatment will clear your nasal passage. This will give you best result.

2. Black Pepper

Black pepper is best agent agent to get relief from sneezing. It also gives you relief from running nose and phlegm.

How to use:

- Take one or half tablespoon of pepper powder.

- Mix it in lukewarm water.

- Drink it to get best result.

Use this treatment 2 or 3 times a day to get desired result.
Another best tips to use black pepper to get rid of sneezing are:
- Gargling with warm water
Mix warm water and pepper powder. Gargling with this mixture gives you best results.
- Always take black pepper powder with healthy vegetable soups and salads.

3. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is another best agent which has excellent properties to get instant relief from sneezing and phlegm. We can use hot cup of chamomile tea to get instant relief from sneezing as it has excellent antihistamine properties.

How to use:

- Take one teaspoon of dried chamomile tea and boil it in a cup of water for few minutes.
- Add some honey in it to make taste ( honey is best for our lungs ).
- Drink hot chamomile tea.
For better results, drink chamomile tea two times a day.

4. Ginger

Ginger act as ayurvedic medicine from ancient times. It is very effective ayurvedic medicine to get rid of sneezing. It is also used in treatment of different viral and nasal problems.

How to use:

- Take 1 or 2 teaspoons of ginger extract
- Add same amount of honey in it.
- Take this mixture twice a day to get best result instantly.
Another best option: Cut ginger root into small pieces and boil them in a cup of water. Add honey and drink it everyday before going to bed.

5. Garlic

Garlic is another best ayurvedic medicine used for the treatment of many diseases from ancient times. Due to its antibiotic and antiviral properties, it fights against respiratory infections.

How to use:

- Take 4-5 garlic cloves and crush them to make a fine paste.

- Inhale its strong fragrance as it will helps to clear the nasal passages.

- Another best tip is to add garlic in your diet such as soups, salads and many other dishes.

Use this treatment 1-2 times everyday to get better results.

6. Vitamin C

Production of excess histamine in our body results in sneezing. Vitamin C can help lower the production of histamine in our body. Vitamin C is also beneficial in skin problems.

How to use:

- You can drink a glass of lemonade or orange juice. Vitamin C present in orange juice help to lower the production of histamine in our body and hence stops sneezing.
- Eat vegetables that contains bioflavonoids because it works as the same way as vitamin C. ( its antioxidant properties controls the production of histamine and hence reduces sneezing.
Use this treatment as a habit. Make your habit to take Vitamin C rich diet to get desired results.

7. Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd is another best agent to get rid of sneezing. It has medicinal properties and is used in treating sneezing to a great extent.

How to use:

- Take 5-6 gourd leaves and soak them into water for some time.
- Take out the gourds from the water an squeeze them.
- Add a little bit of warm water to make juice ( You can also add honey for taste ).
Drink this regularly to get rid of sneezing induced by colds and seasonal allergies.

All of the above home remedies are beneficial to get rid of sneezing and also good for your health.
Further you should take care of your health, take some measures to prevent polluted environment.

This was just for additional information. Further you should consult your doctor.

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