
Its been an amazing evening, I love this country: US President elect Donald Trump concludes

After months upon months of campaigning and planning, it’s time for results for the US Presidential Election 2016 and Donald Trump has emerged winner, set to become the 45th President of United States.

Trump gave an official adddress at the New York headquarters after his landmark win, here are the highlights:

Got a call from Hillary, she congratulated me and I congratulated her on a very very hard fought campaign: Donald Trump

Ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement made up of hard working men and women: Donald Trump

Working together we will fulfil our desired dreams, we have tremendous potential and we will achieve everything: US President Donald Trump

I will be the president for all Americans: US President Elect Donald Trump

We’ve a great plan, we will double our economy and will strengthen our relations with every country who is willing to be our friend: Trump

I have learnt so much from my parents, want to thank my sisters: President elect Donald Trump

People call it a historic event, but we still have to prove it by doing a historic job: US President Donald Trump

Its been an amazing evening, I love this country: US President elect Donald Trump concludes

Final Vote:

Hillary Clinton (Democrat): 218 Seats

Donald Trump (Republican): 276 Seats

Other Winners:

Indian American Kamala Harris is elected California’s new U.S. senator

Indian American Raja Krishnamoorthi Wins Election To US House Of Representatives From Illinois

Republicans retain control of the Senate with a victory in Pennsylvania

Either candidate needs to secure 270 Electoral College seats to be declared as a majority. Since a larger number of states are Democratic as compared to Republican, Clinton can win the election by winning even a few battleground states, while Trump would need to win multiple battleground states to pull in a majority.

ALSO READ: US Presidential Election 2016: Click Here To Know The Process

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