
Andrew Toth Focus on your spirit with yoga.

How do you be the best you can be? There are many paths to enlightenment, and many stages of spiritual development. It is in fact, a never-ending journey, and one that leads each and every one of us to a place of transformation. No matter where we are, or what stage of our spiritual development we are, at any given time, when you focus on you, you can transform to the next stage of enlightenment.

One thing seems for sure, that most spiritual teachers will agree with, is you need to put the time and effort in to evolve spiritually and be the best you can be, and to do this requires you to spend regular quality time by yourself. For some, it is not so easy to sit with oneself. For many reasons, this can be difficult, for some the pain you have inside of you can be too confronting, and for others, it can be a matter of learning to be still, to learn the art of meditation and thoughtful contemplation.

Meditation can come in many forms, it doesn’t necessarily mean you sit on top of a mountain, crossed legged and chant. It can simply be taking a walk through nature, listening to a spiritual talk, sitting in silence, in prayer, being grateful and making list of the things, people and situations in life you have to be grateful for, thanking and loving those special people in your life who share so much with you. And once you are comfortable with just being with and by yourself, you can then look further and investigate other practices, courses, groups, or centers to become members or visitors of. Not one path is right for everyone; it is up to you what feels right for you and to take one step at a time, knowing that at any time you can change direction if you want.

For New Yorkers, here are a few establishments and suggestions of where to start your journey of investigation to commence your spiritual development.

All Boroughs:

Free ongoing meditation instruction with members of the Sri Chimnoy Center. No religious affiliation. For schedule contact www.nycmeditation.org or call 212-380-8153. They practice “heart center” meditation, and gradually quiet the mind and enter into the spiritual heart.

Upper West Side:

Sunday Spiritual Talks by John Mark Shaw. John is a spiritual teacher & self-actualization coach, an ordained interfaith minister, a certified facilitator of Transforming Cellular Memory™, and a successful businessman and restaurateur. His passionate calling is to inspire people to live spiritually centered lives, guiding them towards self-actualization and the fulfillment of their greatest potential. John gives inspirational weekly talks, workshops and private sessions. His spiritual talks on Sunday mornings at 140 Riverside Blvd. 11.00am are free (donations accepted). http://www.johnmarkshaw.com

The Community Meditation Center (CMC): Ongoing meditation instruction. Buddhist approach, but no religious affiliation necessary. Free (donations accepted), 593 Columbus Ave. (88th St.), 212 787-7272 or email: cmc@cmcnewyork.org.

With a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere the CMC offers classes, Insight Meditation (Vipassana) instruction and practice, daylong retreats, workshops, and social events. Some of the world’s most renowned teachers join with guiding teacher Allan Lokos as we endeavor to develop greater compassion, loving kindness, wisdom, generosity, and equanimity. The CMC exists for all who would seek a more joyful and meaningful life.

Upper East Side & Union Square:

Meditation and Self Power with Yuri Dhara offers classes in meditation and personal development as well as private instruction. No specific religious affiliation. Visit www.Yuridhara.com or call (917) 690 3330.

Upper Manhattan:

Beginning Meditation and Stress Management Classes at the Harlem Wellness Center. 127 W. 127th Street Studio #107, (646) 682-7993, www.harlemwellness.org


Riverdale Community Center Buddhist Meditation Classes

A branch of Chakrasambara Buddhist Center in New York.

660 West 237th Street., www.meditationnewyork.org, (212) 924-6706

Midtown East:

Art of Living NYC Center offer free ongoing meditation classes at 286 Fifth Ave., 5th floor New York, NY 10001. Visit www.artofliving.org/nyc or call (212) 414-8222.

World Famous New York Open Center Offers Ongoing Classes and Workshops Covering The Entire Range of Personal Transformation and Spiritual Development ongoing at the New York Open Center 22 East 30th St. Visit www.opencenter.org or call (212) 219-2527.

Midtown West:

Edgar Cayce Center – Spiritual Development. 241 West 30th Street, 212-691-7690, www.edgarcaycenyc.org.

The center offers a variety of groups and classes, including Spiritual Growth Groups. For more than 80 years, members have gathered in “A Search for God” study groups, to offer Prayers for Healing, to practice meditation and to explore their dreams together, as well as information from the Cayce readings on the Bible and the Book of Revelation. More recently, groups have been formed by volunteers from the center community for mutual support in developing consciousness of abundance and prosperity, to awaken and raise our spiritual consciousness, and to study “A Course in Miracles.”

New York Meta Center offers a variety of ongoing classes and workshops in multiple subjects related to personal transformation and spiritual development. At 214 West 29th St., 16th Floor, between 7th & 8th aves. www.metacenterny.com

Midtown and Lower Manhattan:

Transcendental Meditation. 654 Madison Ave. (212) 779-9933; 26 Beaver Street (646) 450-4654 www.tm.org/transcendental-meditation-new-york-city

Lower Manhattan:

Taoist Arts Center Meditation & breathing instruction 342 East 9th Street (212-477-7055; taoist-arts.com)

Tibet House U.S. Free meditation classes. 22 West 15th Street. 212-807-0563; tibethouse.org

NYC Psychic & Mediumship Group: 40 Exchange Place, 3rd floor, TRS Suites. 917-684-4183 www.developyourintuitionnyc.com


A Brooklyn Community of Mindfulness – Rock Blossom Sangha Inspired by the teachings and practice of Vietnamese Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh Sitting and Walking Meditation Classes Park Slope – Church of Gethsemane 1012 Eighth Avenue http://rockblossom.org/ Vajradhara Center – ongoing instruction in Tibettan Buddhist Meditation Practices 444 Atlantic Ave., and other Brooklyn locations. (917) 403 5227 inf0@brooklynmeditation.org


Dahn Yoga & T’ai Chi offers ongoing classes in different types of Energy Meditation: Some people find it difficult to keep their mind calm while they try to do traditional sitting meditation. In that case, try Energy Meditation methods that Dahn Yoga offers—JiGam, Dahn-Mu and Brain Wave Vibration.” 1805 Williamsbridge Rd. 2 Fl., 718-892-1100, www.dahnyoga.com/pc/bronx. Call for price info.


Astoria: Kadampa Meditation Center

Grace Lutheran Church offer weekly guided meditations and Buddhist teachings in Astoria and are suitable for both beginners and more advanced meditation practitioners. These classes offer meditation techniques and teachings on the fundamentals of Buddhism, with an emphasis on their practical application in everyday life. 31-20 21st Ave, between 31st and 32nd Street. (212) 924-6706 http://meditationinnewyork.org/astoria-meditation-buddhism/

Staten Island:

Zen Community of Staten Island ongoing classes in different styles of Zen Meditation. Wagner College 1 Campus Road , Staten Island www.zencommunitysi.org contact kbyalin@hotmail.com for information about schedule and pricing

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