MTV Roadies, one of the most popular reality shows on Indian TV, will now be titled ‘Renault MTV Roadies X4′ as Renault Duster has been brought in as the title partner for the show.
For 12 seasons, the show was associated with Hero as the title sponsor.
India’s fastest selling SUV, Renault Duster has zoomed in to become the title partner for the iconic show. The show is also taking a massive format leap in the new season this year. For the first time ever in the history of Roadies, gangs and gang leaders will be seen blazing trails in Renault Duster SUVs.
The show, which grew by 50% in viewership over the previous season last year and generated 60 million online video views with close to 10 million engaged fans on social media, Roadies has always reflected the aspirations of the Indian youth.
Speaking about this association Aditya Swamy, EVP and Business Head, MTV said, “It’s a brand new season and yet it feels like the first. It’s an absolute pleasure to start a new era in the Roadies journey with Renault Duster as our title partner.
“To have the most successful SUV of India, Renault Duster, become a part of the most iconic youth entertainment platform is a perfect partnership and a matter of pride. I believe this change reflects the growing aspirations and power of young India perfectly and this is going to energize the show and bring in a whole new level of participation and viewership’.”
Joining the Roadies franchise for the first time ever, Rafael Treguer, Vice-President, Sales and Marketing, Renault India, said, “Renault Duster is a cult brand in the automotive space, like MTV Roadies is, in the realm of reality television, and is equated with exploration, adventure and unmatched passion. We are young in India and Renault Duster has firmly established the Renault brand here.
“When we launched Renault Duster in India, we created an all-new segment in the Indian automotive industry. As a forward-looking company, we have kept Renault Duster fresh and contemporary, and it continues to be India’s preferred SUV. This association will be a thrilling journey for fans of Renault Duster and MTV Roadies, and will take the excitement to an all new high.”