ALBANY, NY (NEWS10) — Hundreds of thousands are preparing to rally one week from Saturday at the Women’s March on Washington and at sister marches across the country.
Next Saturday, hundreds will participate in what they’re calling an Inaugurate Resistance here at West Capitol Park, but thousands from our area will also travel to Washington D.C. for the Women’s March on Washington.
“This election more than any has just kind of stirred something in me,” said Lori McCaffrey, bus coordinator for the Women’s March on Washington in Albany.
Never having been very political, Lori McCaffrey wanted to do something bigger than herself.
“[Such as] Have my voice be heard,” said McCaffrey.
She decided to go to the Women’s March on Washington, even becoming a bus coordinator for the Albany area. 600 people will take 11 buses from Albany. She knows of 300 more traveling from Saratoga Springs.
Their goal isn’t to protest Trump, but to shed light on women’s rights along with the rights of other marginalized groups in society.
“Anybody that feels that their voice is going to be lost in the next few years,” said McCaffrey.
While McCaffrey’s in Washington D.C., hundreds of others will take part in a sister march in Albany called Inaugurate Resistance.
“There are lots of people going to Washington D.C. but most of those people are not going to be the impacted individuals that are dealing with some of the harshest situations right now,” said Jamaica Miles, Citizen Action of New York District Organizer.
Miles says they’ll start with workshops then march to West Capitol at 4 p.m.
“We’re going to stand against a Trump agenda that we’re going to make sure that every single person rights are protected,” said Miles.
Whether in Albany or Washington, by making their voices heard, all participants hope to hold elected officials accountable.
“It is about the power of a people,” said Miles.
“It’s kind of a way to show up in such great numbers they can’t ignore us and to say we’re here, we see you,” said McCaffrey.
The event being held at West Capitol Park won’t just be a one day event. The organizer says it’s a start to 100 days of resistance, calling on officials to stand with them.