
Week ending February 8

T3CON15 Asia (Phnom Penh, August 20-21)

After the success of the first ever TYPO3 conference in Asia (T3CON12 ASIA), the TYPO3 conference will be returning to Asia in 2015!

T3CON12 ASIA provided an exotic backdrop for TYPO3 enthusiasts from  Australia, Cambodia, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, USA, and Vietnam-- wow! Participants enjoyed the quality of the talks, the intimacy of the TYPO3 community, and the uniqueness of experiencing Cambodia through TYPO3. The conference was inaugurated by the creator of TYPO3, Kasper Skårhøj.

T3CON15 Asia will build on this great experience and feature Technical and Business tracks. We will bring together renowned speakers from the TYPO3 community presenting challenging & thought-provoking sessions. We will also provide the opportunity for additional workshops and TYPO3 & SCRUM certifications. Plan for a great escape and great learning!

TYPO3 CMS now available for Microsoft Azure

The cloud simplifies the fast and easy building of TYPO3 websites and flexibly absorbs peak loads during operation

The open source content management system TYPO3 CMS is available for Microsoft Azure effective immediately. Azure customers access TYPO3 CMS on the Azure Web App Gallery for building, managing or quickly adapting complex websites to changing system requirements through autoscaling in next to now time.

“Microsoft is increasingly embracing open source applications for the company‘s platforms and solutions. This is because we do not attach priority to technologies, but to people who wish to be productive across platforms  and devices”, comments Peter Jaeger, Senior Director Developer Experience & Evangelism (DX), and Member of the Management Board of Microsoft Germany. “In recent months, we have made several development tools  like .NET open source, thereby intensifying our collaboration with the open source community. Deployments of  TYPO3 on our Microsoft cloud platform Windows Azure are another step towards the community: not only do  we address developers, but also many thousands of web designers and website administrators who benefit  from Azure as a high-­‐performance, secure and easily scalable platform.”

dkd Internet Service GmbH takes TYPO3 CMS to the cloud

dkd Internet Service GmbH, a digital agency based in Frankfurt am Main and member of the TYPO3 community,  has assumed patronage for the integration of TYPO3 into Microsoft Azure. Olivier Dobberkau, the agency’s  managing director, says: “We have deployed TYPO3 to Microsoft Azure to endorse the broad use of CMS and look at the bigger picture. In doing so, we always act in the interest of the community.” There has previously been support for TYPO3 for Windows operating systems to ensure customers work flexibly with TYPO3. “The openness of Microsoft Azure enables us to substantially expand the potential of the solution and continue to develop TYPO3 into a cloud service.”

TYPO3 CMS 7.x on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

There is no doubt that cloud technologies are on the rise. In 2014, we have seen hundreds of companies and organisations – big and small – moving their IT infrastructure and software into a cloud environment. Last year was the year of cloud solutions and this trend will continue in 2015.

TYPO3 CMS and TYPO3 Neos are no way behind: beside other companies who offer cloud solutions, ready­ to­ use machine images (virtual servers) with TYPO3 pre installed and configured are available at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Michael Schams built the first TYPO3 ­on ­AWS machine more than a year ago and made it public in late December 2013. He released several versions in 2014 and kept the TYPO3 CMS and Neos instances up­to­date.

Based on the experience over the last 12 months and with the first TYPO3 CMS 7.x "Sprint Release", we are very happy to usher in a new era and announce a new generation of machine image with TYPO3 CMS 7.0 at the AWS Marketplace [2] today:

The new TYPO3-­on-­AWS virtual server is based on the 64­bit architecture of Debian GNU/Linux 8.0 (codename "Jessie"), which is the latest distribution of Debian. It comes with the Apache 2.4.10, MySQL 5.5.40, PHP 5.6.4 and ImageMagick 6.8.9 initially – the perfect setup for TYPO3 CMS 7.x. In addition to the software components, the new EC2 image type is a Hardware Virtual Machine (HVM), which means, it offers hardware­-assisted virtualization and therefore ensures, system administrators can use the most highly demanded, efficient and powerful instance types offered at AWS now and in the future. As the default, the server is SSD-­enabled for an incredible performance boost.

But keeping with the motto "only the best" does not mean, you have to spend a fortune: only 100% open source packages without any license fees are used and running the software is offered free of charge. AWS usage fees may occur (pay­as­you­go on an hourly basis), depending on which instance type you choose.

Bottom line: it does not matter, if you just want to test TYPO3 CMS 7.x for a few hours or if you want to launch a TYPO3-­optimised server as a foundation for the development of a new project. The TYPO3­-on-AWS machine images with TYPO3 CMS 7.x offer system administrators unrestricted access to the server (full "root" access) and to the backend of TYPO3 CMS (full administrator account). This new generation of TYPO3-­on-­AWS machine images features the best performance ever, is scalable and ready-­to-­use for a professional TYPO3 CMS site in a cloud environment.

To get started, go to the AWS Marketplace, choose your preferred TYPO3 CMS or TYPO3 Neos version and follow the instructions (a valid AWS account is required of course).

Internal TYPO3 project communication through Slack

The CMS team has built a form page in Forger to easily request access to Slack, the TYPO3 project's internal communication platform. The access is for everyone that participates and contributes to the TYPO3 project.

Besides the Core Development Teams of TYPO3 CMS, TYPO3 Flow and TYPO3 Neos you will find 50+ channels devoted to many different topics.

A big thanks goes out to Slack for providing us with the full slack experience.

Fluid and Extbase cheatsheets

Besides the 'What's New Slides' for TYPO3 CMS, Patrick Lobacher of +Pluswerk has also updated the Fluid and Extbase cheatsheet.  lobacher.de provides the latest Fluid and Extbase cheatsheet (3.0.2).

Win a ticket for the Inspiring Conference 2015

The organisation of the Inspiring Conference allows 'This Week in TYPO3' to give away two tickets for the upcoming Inspiring Conference (March 27-28)!

Inspiring Conference is the leading and international TYPO3 Flow and TYPO3 Neos event if the year! Beside inspiring talks and interesting workshops there are a lot of surprises waiting for you.

So what do you do to win a ticket to Inspiring?:

Post your enthusiasm about the Inspiring Conference to Twitter!

Your tweet must be public!

Your tweet or post must include the URL www.inspiring-conference.com and the hashtag #inspiringcon. The rest of your tweet or post is up to you!

Post the contents of your tweet and the public link as a comment to This Week in TYPO3.

The winners will be hand picked by an impartial jury. There is only one link allowed per person. Deadline for any comments is February 25. The winner will be drawn on February 23 and informed via Twitter.

Neos documentation improvements

Thomas Hempels initiated a meeting on Neos documentation improvements. Lowering the barriers for participation in documentation is important and vital to the team to allow participation outside of coding.

More info can be found in a thread on the TYPO3 Neos forum, which also contains a link to a Google Doc, where you can add comments.

This might be an excellent opportunity to participate in the Neos project without you being a coder.

Free Neos workshop (Cologne, Febr 24)

Patrick Lobacher will do a free workshop on Neos in Cologne. The workshop will be in German.

You can find the link (and background info) here: http://www.gfu.net/semicoaktuell.html

TYPO3camp Venlo (April 17-18)

After last years success TYPO3Camp Venlo will be held again on April 17 and 18, again at . This years weekend will be packed with interesting talks and international visitors with various backgrounds in the TYPO3 world.

The dates this year have shifted to a day earlier, meaning that the event is on friday and saturday. Of course the thursday evening will have the warm-up party. No worries about that. The organisation decided to do this in order to attract more Dutch participants. The Friday will be a community day filled with sessions that you submit in advance. More info on that next week. In the meantime you can already apply for sponsoring and submit your ideas for talks on the TYPO3camp Venlo website.

The organisation calls on dutch companies to contribute to the event, especially by letting employees participate in this unique event.

You can find an impression on typo3.org of the previous TYPO3camps in Venlo:



Extension documentation and Sphinx

Xavier Perseguers has written the Sphinx Python Documentation Generator and Viewer extension (available on TER). The whole documentation process has gone through a lot of changes over time from docbook to open document to, currently, reST (reStructuredText).

Xavier lets us know that not many extension authors are aware yet of the new official format for extension manuals.

In order to get a best-looking extension manual rendered on the central documentation platform docs.typo3.org, extension authors should stop using OpenOffice (manual.sxw) and switch to Sphinx.

Manuals should now use Sphinx (which is a “glue” for aggregating separate reStructuredText - that is, pure text - files into a single unified manual). The easiest way to start with Sphinx and to convert your existing OpenOffice manual into a Sphinx project is to install the extension “sphinx” available in TER and to learn basics of Sphinx and reStructuredText with the documentation you can find on docs.typo3.org.

As a bonus, Sphinx will let you automatically get a professional-looking PDF rendered when you upload your extension to TER. A few extension authors even started to provide their extension manual in other language, in addition to English.

And remember: the terrific code and software you are writing deserves proper documentation that is usable by others. By writing good documentation, you too, in turn, inspire people to share!

Google Summer of Code 2015

Google has announced Google Summer of Code 2015. Of course the TYPO3 project is applying again this year, possibly making it the sixth time we participate.

This year's organisation is calling out for mentors and ideas for Google Summer of Code 2015.

This Week in TYPO3 is brought to you by Maxserv.

Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: http://typo3.org/events/. Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.

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